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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated RCDC-01 Repeating Class-D Disruptor Cannon

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Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated
  • Intent: To create a vehicle-grade repeating Class-D disruptor cannon for Breshig War Forge Consolidated, Strill Securities, Mandalorians and select others.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Primary Source: Class-D Disintegration.
  • Classification: Class-D Disruptor Cannon.
  • Size: Very Large.
  • Weight: Very Heavy.
  • Ammunition Type: Power input, gas supply.
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average.
  • Effective Range: Long Range.
  • Rate of Fire: High.
  • Stopping Power: Extreme.
  • Recoil: Average.
  • Cooling Systems: In order to prevent the large amounts of heat generated by the weapon from melting it, the RCDC-01 has an integrated cooling system that will shut the weapon down in the event of it overheating in order to perform a coolant flush and to allow the weapon to cool down. Most mounting platforms can carry enough coolant for five coolant flushes.
  • Class-D Disruptor: Class-D disruptors can cause the atomic deletion of their target, potentially breaking down the chemical bonds. Each shot is capable of doing immense amounts of damage on target, and has little regard for armor.
  • Long Range: The cannon's powerful bolts are capable of traveling great distances before they lose coherency.
  • High Velocity: Each bolt/pulse can travel the distance between weapon and target at a remarkable speed, fast enough even to make the most ardent Verpine Shatter Rifle fan look on impressed or in envy.
  • Accurate: The RCDC-01 is an accurate weapon out to its last range increment, making it suited for attacking subcomponents and hardpoints on enemy vehicles.
  • Resilient Frame: The weapon's armored frame allows it to take quite a beating. With a combat de-ionizer and reinforced duraplast reinforcements, the weapon is resistant to EMP/Ion damage to an extent.
  • Large and Heavy: The weapon is large and heavy, which puts extra strain on the mount and means that it is harder to track small fast targets like infantry.
  • Illegal: Disruptors are illegal on many worlds, but Class-D disruptors take that to a whole new level. It is unlikely that a Class-D disruptor would be viewed as a sign of someone not looking to start trouble even in space where it is legal. Which could lead to more than a few problems.
  • Immoral: The weapon is extremely immoral, given what it does to a target. Using this weapon will likely garner the wrong sort of attention. Perhaps even sign one's own death warrant.
  • Overheating: When confronted with extreme periods of sustained firing, the weapon's safety mechanisms will kick in and lock down the weapon to prevent permanent damage. Naturally, this is also dependant on atmospheric conditions.
  • EMP/Ion: When faced with a powerful enough EMP/Ion surge, it is possible that the weapon's defenses against aforementioned damage will be overwhelmed and the weapon's more sensitive components will be fried, preventing it from firing.
Designed during while the Mandalorian civil war raged, the RCDC-01 Repeating Class-D Disruptor Cannon was designed to even the odds if the larger Mandalorian Empire decided to take offense at the Breshig system clans' insistence on neutrality. Thankfully, it never came to that, but unwilling to give up an extremely potent weapon, Breshig War Forge Consolidated continued with full production of the weapon.

Class-D disruptors can cause the atomic deletion of their target, potentially breaking down the chemical bonds. Each shot is capable of doing immense amounts of damage on target, and has little regard for armor. The cannon's powerful bolts are capable of traveling great distances before they lose coherency. Each bolt/pulse can travel the distance between weapon and target at a remarkable speed, fast enough even to give a skilled force user pause or to make the most ardent Verpine Shatter Rifle fan look on impressed or in envy. The RCDC-01 is an accurate weapon out to its last range increment, making it well suited for attacking subcomponents and hardpoints on enemy vehicles. This combined with a high fire rate makes it an extremely deadly weapon. The weapon's armored frame allows it to take quite a beating. With a combat de-ionizer and reinforced duraplast reinforcements, the weapon is resistant to EMP/Ion damage to an extent.

That said, the weapon is large and heavy, which puts extra strain on the mount and means that it is harder to track small fast targets like infantry. Disruptors are illegal on many worlds, but Class-D disruptors take that to a whole new level. It is unlikely that a Class-D disruptor would be viewed as a sign of someone not looking to start trouble even in space where it is legal. Which could lead to more than a few problems. The weapon is extremely immoral, given what it does to a target. Using this weapon will likely garner the wrong sort of attention. Perhaps even sign one's own death warrant. When confronted with extreme periods of sustained firing, the weapon's safety mechanisms will kick in and lock down the weapon to prevent permanent damage. Naturally, this is also dependant on atmospheric conditions. Finally, if exposed to a powerful enough EMP/Ion surge, it is possible that the weapon's defenses against aforementioned damage will be overwhelmed and the weapon's more sensitive components will be fried, preventing it from firing.
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