Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breaking Doctors (Isley Verd)

The Sith Hydra killed on Torolis had been a highlight of Ahani's time awake. Oh, in the commotion of [member="Isley Verd"]'s near entombment one Sith didn't make the difference and as Ahani lingered in the den, she came away with a healthy slice of hide and one of the hydra's eggs. Oh how she'd cooed, how she'd embraced it as she lifted off in the Isdahar and how she'd raged when [member="Manu Xextos"] tried to take it from her.

Now Ahani had stilled. She'd slept and been tended to by her Handmaidens and the newly minted Weapon Master went to track down the origin of her most recent joy. Isley Verd was still in hospital and it seemed a waste. Why not have Manu wave his hand and set things right? So, wearing her Echani battle attire and swinging a cloth bag in her hand, Ahani stomped into Isley's hospital room and pushed a Nurse out the door. "Busy. Later." She shoved an IV pole in the latch of the door, and tapped a few buttons on a wall mounted keypad. The room locked down and she removed the pole with a telekinetic shove. It landed on the ceiling.

"You! Wastrel! Why are you taking up time and patience? They're valuable, patience. You should be healed. Lazy." Another wave of her hand had a chair veer from its place, screeching across the floor till Ahani plunked down in it, throwing both her booted feet up on Isley's bed. "Manu's nearby. One flick of his fingers and you're bumping uglies with that… horrible smelling wife of yours. She smells like changes. I don't like her smell. The hydra smelled like death and protectiveness. I like that smell better. Irli?"

Another wave of her hand and an irli fruit flew from the bag to her waiting palm.

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