Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Braxton Creewile



NAME: Braxton Creewile

FACTION: The Sith Order

RANK: Sith Knight


AGE: 24

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5' 11''

WEIGHT: 202 lbs.

EYES: Green


SKIN: Caucasian



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Braxton's main strengths are his physical strength, which he uses in absence of acrobatics to overpower opponents, his charismatic nature, which he uses in order to build relationships and get better information from people, and his developed, flashy lightsaber form that gives him the upper hand in many duels.

His main weaknesses are a lack of skill with firearms, the lack of "booksmarts" in situations where they could be useful, and his undiagnosed moderate nearsightedness.


Braxton is a 5' 11'', 202 pound. Caucasian human male. He has medium length red hair, pale skin dotted with freckles, and green eyes. He has a slightly muscular build, with more muscle in his legs than arms but apparent build in both, and slightly visible abs. He maintains a clean shaven face.


Braxton Creewile was born in 851 ABY on Raxus Prime, to a factory manager father and his mother, who died when he was just 1 after being shot by a Rodian just outside their designated housing unit. Raxus Prime had been a toxic, polluted, industrial planet since the Clone Wars, and hundreds of years later independent weapons manufacturers had rehabilitated some of the industrial factory complexes for their use, as well as rebuilt the sprawling sterile housing units. Braxton's father, Jahan, was a manager on one of the factory floors of Raxus Intergalactic, an ammunition company. They lived in a small space, although large in comparison to the average on the planet.

As he grew up under the care of his widower father, he spent most of his time in his room as the outside was highly polluted with smog and waste and was infested with gangs of Rodians. Sometimes, his father, who he developed a strong bond with, would bring him a junk piece of machinery from the factory to play around with, and over time Braxton gained a considerable knowledge of machine mechanics, although he cared little for academic knowledge, scoffing at his lesson with a private tutor whenever he was forced to listen to them, and despite knowing much about the insides and outs of firearms, could never use them effectively, likely due to undiagnosed nearsightedness.

Another interest of Braxton's was the history of the Force, which he learned exclusively from two books his father brought one day when Braxton was 4, one an academic textbook on the workings of the Force that had been used for Jedi younglings, and a historical fiction about the Jedi of the Clone Wars.

When Braxton was 9, he accidentally discovered his force sensitivity when he pushed a chair across his living room without touching it. His dad was astounded but didn't know how it had happened, unlike Braxton, who knew it was the Force. Incidents similar to this occurred more and more commonly over the next two years, until one day his father did not return at night from the factory. He didn't return for two more nights, so finally Braxton decided to make the risky decision to exit the housing unit and go to the factory. Shortly after leaving, however, he was intercepted by a group of Rodians, who threatened him at gunpoint to empty his pockets, but he was carrying nothing at the time, so one of the Rodians knocked him out with their rifle and deposited him in a trash pile a significant distance away from both his house and the factory.

Lost and distressed, he wandered for a while before stumbling upon a group of Jawas, who showed no objection to him hitchhiking on their speeder, looking for any familiar sites. Eventually, a Rodian slaver group saw the child on the speeder and shot it down before kidnapping the reluctant Braxton and loading him on the slave ship Hexus. After a day in holding, the ship took off and was attacked quickly after leaving the atmosphere by pirates. Upon boarding, the pirates found him in his cage and took him with them to their home base on Kaller.

He was very resilient to the pirates at first, who wanted to bring him into their order eventually. After a while, he realized it was in his best interest to ally with them. Due to his inability to learn how to use a firearm, they instead trained him to use a vibrosword, which he was very proficient with quickly. The Human armorer of the pirate group, Zac Xavbin, taught Braxton to wield the sword in a form nearly identical to Form V Lightsaber Combat.

For three years Braxton helped the pirates wherever he could and made himself useful. When he was 15, they officially made him part of the main crew and he went on several pirating operations with them, the last of which brought them to the planet Terminus where they attempted to raid a frigate leaving port but were arrested by planetary police. The pirate captain sold essentially all of his assets to buy all of their freedom, except for Braxton, who was abandoned in prison. Eventually he was sentenced to two years servitude to the port authority moving cargo. He was supplied board and food by the port authority, and at night when he was off he would study the Force further with books rented from a local library.

Six months into his sentence, the port was attacked by a different pirate group, who were actually successful, so Braxton used the majority of his money earned from side jobs to purchase a shuttle off-world to the planet of Naboo in an attempt to start a new life. There, he worked at a restaurant for almost a year, progressing from a busboy to a waiter by the end of his tenure. During his time there, he felt an ache, and he read it as he wasn't fulfilling his life's true purpose. So, he spent most of his savings on a year of tuition to an esteemed academic institution on Naboo and studied historical sciences, where he filled in the gaps on his knowledge of the Jedi, the Sith, and the Force. It was also there he met a woman around his age by the name of Hialapa.

Hialapa and Braxton started as friends bur quickly grew to be in a loving relationship. Braxton finally felt as if the hole in him was filled by her, and by pooling their money they purchased a small home near the school.

Hialapa was an orphan as well, both of her parents being killed by pirates. She was also delightfully fascinated by Braxton's Force sensitivity. She gave him a shell of a lightsaber that had been in her family for generations, there was no crystal and the casing was cracked, but Braxton still loved it and hoped to restore it one day. Hialapa also had a ship, so Braxton was able to enjoy independence he had never known before.

By Braxton's 18th birthday, they had both graduated from the institution and had jobs in their fields, Braxton a historical sciences intern at the school, and Hialapa a mathematician at an architectural firm. Everything seemed to be working perfectly. That night, they went to a cantina on Naboo and became intoxicated as the night went on. While they were drinking, a group of criminals barged into the bar and robbed it of its alcohol and credits. Braxton and Hialapa were in another room than the robbery, playing a gambling card game with some others. Hialapa announced she had to use the restroom, walked into the main room, and was instantly shot and killed by a jumpy robber.

Even being drunk, Braxton felt a pain in himself he had never known when she was shot. He just felt something was wrong, it was a sensation that had never occurred before. He jumped to the main rook only to see the murder seen, with the murderer still there.

A Rodian.

Braxton stared at his lovers body, then her murderer, and something inside him broke. He ducked under the Rodians first shot and pushed his hands out, throwing the Rodian against the wall with the Force and killing him. His accomplices quickly cleared out, but Braxton pursued and dragged them back to him with his newfound abilities, and proceeded to cut them all down with a blaster pistol.

The next few weeks he was a recluse, hermiting in his home, not stepping outside. He felt a constant rage inside him now, like the hole had been emptied again and torn even larger. He felt a further need for vengeance, despite having killed his love's murderer. He took her former, now his ship to Ilum, where he used a book he had purchased from the school he used to attend to locate an ancient Jedi cave that was told to contain "laser sword cores" in writings of legend..

At first, he saw nothing but ice, and in rage he pulled a fleet of icicles down and nearly collapsed the whole cave on himself. Suddenly, a voice called to him, coming from a bright spot on the other side of the cave. It was a grating, terrible voice, and it beckoned him to approach.

When he did, he saw a clear crystal, frozen in ice. He pulled it out with the Force and the voice abruptly stopped. He took the crystal back to his ship, where he used his tools to carefully place the crystal in the lightsaber hilt. He closed it, and attempted to ignite it. A blue blade pulsed out.

He then traveled to Raxus Prime. He couldn't remember exactly where his housing unit had been, but somehow something inside of him lead him in the right direction, and he found himself upon it. He went inside to find it disheveled and looted. Blood was splattered on a wall, it appeared to have been caked there for years. The kitchen was where he found it.

The skeleton. It wore a very familiar set of clothing. His father's.

A series of emotions soared through Braxton's head. Why did he leave that housing unit all those years ago? Maybe his life could've been "normal".

He left Raxus Prime enraged. That night, he made a promise to the universe, to whoever or whatever was listening. He promised he would make his father proud, and he promised he would never be broken again like he had been two times before.

Braxton is now a power-hungry mercenary/Sith, who joined The Sith Order and has now been a member for 6 years, looking to gain power so he can never have his heart and mind violated like it had ever again and to make his mark on the galaxy.


Braxton's ship, the Riptide, is a Kuat RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor. It is gray with a yellow stripe down the middle of entire chassis, and is equipped with two laser cannons on each wing as well as a hyperdrive.


  • Blue lightsaber
  • Laser pistol
  • Comlink







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