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Approved Tech BOS-1 Firefly

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Intent: Taking his experiments to the next level, Daxton is developing the next generation Bio Organic Substitute (BOS) a droid capable of mimicing a living creature. In this case, BOS-1 is designed as infiltration/sabotage droid designed to look like harmless fireflies, allowing them to approach the target undetected before triggering their payloads.

Manufacturer: Daxton Bane

Model: BOS-1 prototype

Affiliation: The Sith Empire. Initially exclusively used by Daxton Bane and his apprentices
Modularity: No

Production: Initial Run is limited to 20,000 units. Eventually aimed at mass production.

Material: Durasteel

Description: In essence BOS-01 Firefly is a flying bomb, designed to look and fly like harmless fireflies, while carrying a charge equivalent to a half the equivalent charge of a concussion grenade. Stored in canisters of 100 units each, their light would activate upon priming signalling that they are active and looking for hostile targets. Upon landing, they will have a dormancy of up to 20 seconds before triggering their explosive charge.

Each individual unit has a flight time of up to two hours. In case, their trigger is not to be activated they can lie dormant and wait for the trigger command to be send again. While dormant, it uses solar cells to recharge their batteries should the need for them to take flight again occurs.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Just wondering: Could this be outfitted with other forms of explosive, such as plasma, sonic, poison, cryo and hallucinogens? If so, you've got a deadly weapon on your hands. If this gets approved, I'll never trust a firefly again. :eek:
since when is running away a weapon? hahaha.

In its current incarnation no. It isn't modular. The creatures are too small to contain modular charges to make it worth the effort. Remember these are about the size of an actual firefly. The main trigger component for the concussion grenade effect is basically they overheat their motors which in turn triggers catastrophic overload. Because of the small size, the blast radius is about the same a a grenade with the same effect.

Morna - if you notice, Daxton doesn't completely rely on the Force alone. He has a big bag of tricks and dirty tactics. He used a repeating carbine in a duel against Jedi Ben Watts. He mined an area that he knew he would be dueling in just to get an advantage. He is not your typical Sith (actually more along the lines of Emperor's Hand when you think about it.) I still have to figure out where I am putting my net launcher and shoulder mounted flame projector. hahaha kidding or am I? :)
thats more so a tactic Bane. In all of the role plays that you have. some of them consist of you running away from some one. to get to "higher ground" and thats where you have the advantage. you always have something hidden from everyone else. and sometimes including your own team mates(Im meaning the Sith ingeneral) I know he doesnt use the force alone. lol thats not his style of fighting. he uses his envrionemt to beat people. and he uses the force moderalty. sometimes depening on the situation you will use the object and the force to bea them. making a mix of them to out monover your opponents.

And no you are kidding right now. later on you may have a use for them.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Flamethrowers? Sign me the **** up! Oh wait, you're a Sith. :( We should focus on the Republic! Work as an alliance! But is seems you're pretty bent on working alone, you Sith.
Each BOS-1 has enough explosive charge equivalent to about half a standard concussion grenade blast. Individually weak but in mass numbers lethal in crowded and packed situations.
Sun Tzu's Art of War states always control the higher ground and never let your opponent dictate the field of combat. Even Obi Wan knew this when he warned Anakin before he was cut down.
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