Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Borrowed Without Permission

Venku watched Adi'ka leave, and continued to stare until the sound of her armor feet faded from his ears. “I'll talk to her later, see if I can cool her off a bit.” he nodded at the sound of Shai’s words. “That would be appreciated. I would have split it with her if she’d just asked.” He would have even given it to her. There wasn’t much anyway and he wasn’t so crushed for money that he’d start a fight over a few credits.

Shai continued to speak, explaining her reason for disliking killing and giving directions to his ship. Nodding, Venku made his way to the door. “See you in a few.”


The fine volcanic ash flew through the air, sliding off his plates only to stick to the armorweave below. Had he been home, the fine breeze could have signaled an oncoming sand storm. Here however, it was simply a result of the volcanic activity and the fluctuation of the hot and cold air. Still, as he made his way to Xan’s ship he couldn’t help but remember those days, where he’d hunt insects in the cold desert nights and play games with his brothers throughout the tunnels beneath their home. The duraplast and armorweave pack slid along his shoulders, Within it was a partial forensics kit, including only the basic essentials for DNA and fingerprinting along with firearm equipment, for both the gun and the projectile, be it a slug or a bolt. Along with the partial kit was something he usually didn’t carry. It was a chest sized piece of equipment, a compact database for criminal records and the ability to check DNA and fingerprints as those were the most likely to get a match. The downside was that it made the normally light pack heavy and bulky on his back. Venku adjusted the straps as he approached Shai’s ship. It really was a wreck, with fading and chipping paint and obvious wear and tear around the cargo doors and- were those blaster scars?

A droid stood at the bottom of the cargo hold, looking out into the crowd of people. As Venku approached, the droid waved him over, beeping as it did so. “I'm coming, I’m coming!” Not a moment later he was striding up the cargo hold, the droid rolling at his side. “Hey Shai!” he called as the door closed with a whoosh. “Where are you?” He glanced around the hold. It was largely empty, with a few crates here and there.


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