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Approved Tech Bond's Long-Handled Lightsaber

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(Basically as shown, except made of semi-crystalline stuff and the pommel is a spike)

Image Source: Star Wars EU (Through Wookieepedia)

Intent: A somewhat special lightsaber for Bond (Darth Raijin)

Development Thread:
(If that's not enough, tell me and then scrap this. I'll figure out something else later.)

Manufacturer: [member='Darth Praelior'], Darth Raijin
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Bond/Darth Raijin
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Wintrium, Lightsaber Components, a dead Shard body
Classification: Lightsaber
Size: Hand-and-a-half/Two hands
Length: 1 meter handle, 1.5 meter blade
Weight: 5kg

Special Features:
- Wintrium is resistant to lightsabers, allowing Bond to block attacks with the hilt as well as the actual blade
- The spiked pommel allows him to stab with the other end of the weapon if pressed, or if trying to inflict a less dangerous wound than a lightsaber would.
- Multi-setting system can increase the lightsaber's blade to 1.75 meters, and can put the weapon on a non-lethal 'training' setting to allow Bond to teach with his primary weapon.
- Far longer reach than a normal lightsaber takes advantage of Bond's height, and of his MagnaGuard brain's former training in two-handed weaponry.

When Bond first joined the Sith Order, he was apprenticed to Darth Praelior for a few months, alongside Sabrina Kotass (Formerly Darth Banshee). As a gift to him for assisting in the procurement of a deposit of wintrium, the Sith Lady shaped the unusual hilt of his lightsaber for him out of the material.

He later placed the dead body of one of his ancestors in the weapon, and built the rest of the internal circuitry using the ancient designs of Darth Nihl's lightsaber. Aside from the wintrium hilt, which can resist lightsaber energy, the lightsaber is mostly notable for having an almost extreme amount of reach compared to that of most other melee weapons.
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