Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blue Phoenix Rising

It seemed that one little Holopic of a scantily clad abdominal wonder had caused the entire war room to erupt into chaos. The slicers were smoking cigarettes despite numerous "no smoking" signs posted around the office, Razer was sprawled on the floor, and there was a ropo roaming around free. At least Jalek wasn't angry about the airing of Cryax's embarrassing dirty laundry, however, and that was all the Chiss could really ask for. Thankfully, the Morellian slicer took it all in stride which was his modus operandi. Someone needed to stay level-headed out of the two of them, and it sure wasn't going to be Cryax. He smiled at his boyfriend so sweetly that some of the teenage slicers made vomiting gestures.

Cryax turned towards Tmoxin who had checked in as requested. The newly minted Red Ravens Sergeant at Arms was going to be just a part of this operation as Bane himself, so she needed to be briefed on the software's progress. He thanked her for the goodies, which were being gobbled up by the slicer kids, and then gave her a proud grin. "Good to see you Tmoxin," he greeted. "Bluebird is passing with flying colors." He sprinted over to the computer which displayed the bug logs, gesturing excitedly. "Only 1,430 bugs so far, and 890 have been fixed. For software this complex, that's a minor miracle."

In his peripheral vision, the Chiss crime boss saw Dakita hopping around like a glitterstim junkie, calling out for him. With an exasperated sigh, he followed Tmoxin over to her computer, fearing the worst. What had she sliced into this time? His Fraigslist bids on those rare skyhopper toys he collected? His Holonet search history? "What is it now, Dak?"

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Razer Sin"] [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Jalek Sathora"]
"I have an idea", said Jarven. "Let's hack the Desilijic Kajidic and plant falsified data in many obvious places that ruins them in the eyes of The Hutt Council!"

[member="Cryax Bane"]

OOC: Yeah, I'm too tired to write a lengthy intro. Just wanted to throw the idea out there.
There were a number of questions and comments being thrown around the room, but seeing as none pertained directly to him, Jalek ignored the general noise and instead turned his attention to the bug log, reading over and reviewing the coding for those that had been patched. For a group comprised of teenagers they weren't all that bad, but he still edited a few lines of code here and there, not taking any chances with the new software. It was rare for him to take things seriously, sure, but once he did that was the beginning and end of it all. And with the complexity and efficiency of Bluebird, it was certainly only the start of fine-tuning the remote slicing process.

When Razer asked if it was possible to hack into droids, he looked up with mild interest. Not only did he know how to, he'd done so a time or two when he still worked with the Renegades on Taris. They were simple jobs in comparison to what he'd been working on in the Ravens since his arrival, but he entertained the idea of a challenge. "It's possible, yeah. All you have to do is slice into the droid brain and rewrite a line or two of coding. It works the same with cameras, but that process is a bit more complicated. Did you have something in mind?" It wasn't a bad idea, really, to test Bluebird against technology that essentially ran itself, similar to how droids functioned. Maybe he'd have to look into that.

Cutting his gaze over to the man who suggested they try something involving the Hutts, he raised an eyebrow. The last he'd known the Ravens didn't have much to worry about when it came to the various clans. If anything, he was under the impression that they were friendly with the Hutts, seeing how they were often the biggest proprietors when it came to illegal business. That spoke of a personal vendetta, which served to intrigue him. "We could try to crack it, at least. What do you think, ch'eo ch'acah?"

While waiting for a response from either of the men he returned to looking over the minor issues with the software, toying with a few of them himself, managing to fix two or three. Of course, they were minor ones. The larger projects would have to wait until they were able to collaborate together, running ideas back and forth as they coded. This was turning out to be quite the job already.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"], [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Dakita Calfur"], [member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Razer Sin"]
Tmoxin cut Dak off with a wave of her hand. "Unfortunately I can somewhat explain what we are looking at, although I do not know why," she huffed. Her face was not the normal illustration of poise and control. In fact, an angry blush spread along her cheeks and her mouth tightened into a frown. She bent over the monitor and squinted at the chat they all now gathered around.

"Armand Temi is my brother. He has a medical clinic on Hapes. Dak, why did you execute Blue Phoenix onto my brother's network?" she asked furious at the Zeltron.

When Dak sputtered out an explanation that it was Mistress Malkite's hard-drive to which she hacked in, Tmoxin appeared even more flustered. "I don't understand," she said, pulling up a chair besides the blonde-haired Zeltron and typing in a few more commands to read through the whole chat from beginning to end. "It is very unlike my brother to dabble in the black-market and for an aging-reversal treatment no less. He tends to stray away from the moral grey. It doesn't make sense..." she trailed off, glancing over at Cryax.

"Is that something you're remotely interested in?" she asked the Chiss President, an edge still in her voice. Txmoin then looked over at Bane's Morellian boyfriend who would surely outlive him and thought that he just might be.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Jalek Sathora"] [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Razer Sin"]
At the suggestion that they slice into Hutt networks, Cryax shook his head. "I like your moxy, Jarven," he said. "We could definitely test Bluebird on some Nal Hutta networks, but I'm not sure we need to pit Hutts against one another. Those scheming slugs do that quite well enough on their own." He let out a chuckle and then turned towards Tmoxin and Dakita before they started a catfight.

The data on the Zeltron's screen had the rapt attention of both women. "What do we have here, ladies?" he asked. "Anti-aging, huh?" As glowing red eyes scanned the screen, Cryax's interest was piqued. Blessed with the long lifespan of his Morellian species' Cryax's boyfriend would likely watch the him grow old and die, while Jalek himself continued to look youthful. The notion of his boyfriend outliving him was depressing. Plus this type of technology could make the Red Ravens rich, especially with all of those wrinkly Sith lords out there with their younger proteges.

The crime boss nodded at Tmoxin and gave her a simple command. "I'm very interested in this indeed. Make sure we get our fingers in this pie."

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Jalek Sathora"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Razer Sin"]

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