Cryax Bane
Red-eyed Snake

The office interior was way too clean and shiny for Cryax Bane’s tastes, but Bane Innovation on Antecedent was his brand new company and the Chiss slicer was going to be karked if he worked in some trendy industrial space like so many other rival slicers-turned-CEOs. The President of the Red Ravens Criminal Syndicate was branching out into the role of Software Developer, and today was a huge day for the company bearing his name. Cryax had worked tirelessly on getting the code for the first release of his slicing software just right. The code that made up Bluebird, the software's working title, seemed to be fail safe to his knowledge, but there was no way to tell until the software was actually tested on real world networks.
In order to ensure the final version would run flawlessly, Cryax had amassed a team of his best hackers and computer experts, like his teenage Twi'lek slicing prodigy, Acid to perform extensive QA testing as they unleashed the malware into unsuspecting networks all over the galaxy. With him today to help oversee and troubleshoot was Cryax’s boyfriend Jalek Sathora, who was one of the best slicers he knew.
Cafs were brewing, Melanese takeout had been ordered, and bonuses had been dangled. Champagne was also in the fridge, just waiting for that triumphant moment when their software was deemed a success. While the slicers got ready to put Bluebird to the test, Cryax smiled proudly at his boyfriend as he gave him a tour of the new offices. The Chiss had put a great deal of work into the office decor. As he looked at the Morellian slicer expectantly, his hope was that Jalek wouldn't cut down his entire effort with one smart-assed comment, but let’s face it, he would probably do just that.
“What do you think, Red? It’s a far cry from those slicer bars on Taris, eh?”
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