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Private Bloody Murder

Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Missing Person reports were not an uncommon occurrence in the galaxy, people get kidnapped all the time, and even 4 in the same area would most likely get overlooked… but when one of those missing people are a jedi, now things can get interesting.

A jedi padawan on vacation to the planet of Weyland had disappeared into thin air, and it was Dexar Randor Dexar Randor who was tasked to find them. His journey should take start where the boy was last seen: A small village in a less developed area that acted like a small village, where it even had a sheriff! The sheriff would introduce himself as Marque Vislan, clad in clothing more akin to a farmer than a man of the law, it was fairly obvious policing was his part time job. He spoke to Dexar in a somber tone about the missing townsfolk

"I’m glad to see the big people at the temple care at least a little bit about the folks who put food on their tables, I just hope you can find them before anything bad happens to them, Sir. You’re gonna wanna be looking for three men and a lady, one of them the very boy you’re looking for. His momma was so proud to know he was able to make it into the Jedi… we’ve heard so much yet so little about them, it’s practically like seeing a living legend, if y’don’t mind my excitement, our only suspect at the moment was a strange Xeno visitor we had a couple months ago, didn’t even arrive in a starship, just walked right into town. Other than that, didn’t do anything out the ordinary, but our folks went missing right around the time they left, so we’re inclined to believe it took them. Please, for the sake of the affected families, find them soon…"

Something to get the investigation started, Mr. Vislan obviously didn’t have the resources nor the knowledge to continue such an investigation, and was happy to put it in Dexar’s hands
Missing Person reports were not an uncommon occurrence in the galaxy, people get kidnapped all the time, and even 4 in the same area would most likely get overlooked… but when one of those missing people are a jedi, now that's when the council decides to finally take notice. Of course, since he's never told anything, Dexar came here under the assumption that it was only a padawan that had gone missing.

But, when he heard that 3 other people had gone missing alongside the padawan, yeah now he was going to be serious about this. After talking to Mr. Vislan, he started in the direction he was told the "visitor" left in. He didn't even know why he was sent here. He was a librarian, someone who organised the books and helped others find knowledge for themselves, not someone who goes out tracking missing people. But, c'est la vie. Anyway, he went out looking for any sign of the missing people, eventually finding footprints that lead to a small hut on the outskirts of the village.

Well, he knew exactly where he was going next.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
At the small hut on the edge of the village, Dexar Randor Dexar Randor would find it completely abandoned, but with evidence of a massive struggle taking place. Overturned furniture and spilled food scattered across the simple hut. A force echo could be felt, and if he tapped into it, he could feel intense emotions of hatred, fear, and hopelessness. A scene began to play before his very eyes.

Jalen Slugaurd was having dinner with his mother when an explosion rocked their house, quickly turning it into a battlefield despite no blaster burns being found anywhere on the scene. With the padawan panicking to protect his own mother.. she appeared. A being shroud in darkness that sent waves of fear and power pulsing over Jalen before instantly dispatching him, an abrupt end to the force echo which could either mean he was knocked unconscious, or was brutally killed here. Since it looks like the traces of the force echo also lead outside, it was most likely the former.

If Dexar chose to follow the small path set out for him, which took him through the wilderness, deep into the jungle. About seven miles away, a sense of dread would begin to plague the area, as if something were watching him, or death lingered in a spot for far too long. Something sinister had taken root here, and it was his job to wipe it out. If he kept following this sense of dread, it'd grow and grow into something more powerful, more imposing as he neared the entrance of a cave. His suspect must be waiting inside, hopefully with the townsfolk too.
Dexar felt the force echo and as soon as it ended, he shot up in shock. He was not a Jedi who can sense force echoes, Not once has he done it before, which means something left a rather big impact for him to feel it now. Dexar didn't hesitate to leave the hut and set out on the path in a much more urgent manner than he was in before.

As he got further down the path, he sped up more and more. He felt the sense of dread in the area, but he continued to ignore it as he finally found the entrance to a cave. He entered the cave cautiously, pulling out and activating his green lightsaber to light the area up. He made his way through the cave and as he went further in, he had to go down different paths. It made him wonder just how far this cave went, but he didn't have to worry about getting lost since he followed the sense of dread which seemed to grow stronger the further he got.

Eventually, he came across a large area of the cave. He could feel something watching him, but for some reason, his senses felt dulled. He could make out something was here, but he couldn't tell how far away, or where it actually was. So, he figured he'd try another way to see who's there...

"Hello? I can tell you're there. Mind sharing who you are?"

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
"I think the man barging into my home should explain himself first."

A feminine voice said, yet with it fear and anger rode atop massive steeds which commanded his obedience and dared him to flee. With her voice the lights suddenly came on, a decently sized cavern glowing with floating blue orbs which gave an ethereal glow to the room. Seems this person was all about presentation, if they could even be called human. Standing in the middle of the room with the four missing persons lying face down around her, Draco stood clad in her armor. A dark blue visor covered the face of the Sith, and heavily protected her. Seems she was prepared for combat, and he was the only combatant around.
The cave suddenly illuminated from the blue orbs, causing Dexar to recoil upon the sudden light from the darkness. As his eyes adjusted to the cave's brightness, he turned and looked towards the woman who's voice he heard. He genuinely couldn't tell what she was, but upon seeing the four missing people in front of her, he didn't really care. He moved his blade in front of him, pointing it at her, ready for any sudden move.

"I am Jedi Knight Dexar Randor. I came here because of those four you have in front of you. Now, I'll ask again: Who are you?"

Dexar didn't know what to expect, but he remained on guard. He saw the woman's armour, she was ready for battle. So, he made sure he was ready as well.
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
The woman standing before him at 6'11" may not even be a woman at all, the thick blue and gold hardpoints of the armor protecting vital parts of her while providing some very decent mobility. She stood upon digigrade legs as a thick crocodilian tail swayed behind her. She exuded power and definitely wasn't afraid to demonstrate it. In a perfect demonstration as to how merciless the Sith were, the body of the padawan began to get up, eyes very much wide with fear and evident that he was not moving on his own accord. Jalen saw the familiar green lightsaber of the Jedi and had some hope, a semblance of light at the end of this accursed tunnel that everything would be alright now that his savior was here!

"P-Please, save me from the witch!"

He could only plead out while his body moved on its own, his stance adjusting as he grabbed the lightsaber which was hidden behind Draco, attached to her hip, and ignited it. Jalen couldn't even move his head, but his eyes focused on the twin red bladed weapon with a newfound fear. Trapped in his own body, forced to fight his own comrade

"W-Wait, wait! It's not me! She's controlling me!!!"

He pleaded while she laughed, a hearty chuckle as if she were in the audience of a comedy club, taking a kind of sadistic pleasure in the fright of the padawan and the absolute helplessness he must've felt with Draco in control of his body. She monologued as her warrior advanced on the attack, a slow walk as she focused most of her power on his arms for swift yet powerful strikes. Dexar Randor Dexar Randor was rather polite though... so she'd oblige his requests.

"I am Draco Miles, apprentice to Countess Arianna Belasko of House IO. These four are mine, I will give you the option to either leave, or die, this is not up for debate"
Dexar's eyes widened in shock, this... thing, was using the force to control a padawan, just to warn him off? Oh no, that was not going to fly by him. His shocked expression became a steeled gaze as he spoke.

"Apologies, miss " Draco Miles Draco Miles ", but I'm going to have to take a third option: one way or another, take the four of your victims, and take them back to the village. Whether you remain around or not, that will be up to if you survive this."

He moved his stance to assume his primary form, Form VI, as he prepared for what was to come. He knew he may have to fight the padawan to reach her, but Dexar was more than confident he could do so without endangering the young one.

"So, I'm going to ask you nicely before things begin to get a little out of hand: Release the other three, release your hold on the padawan, and surrender peacefully"
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Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Ugh, stupid Jedi and these 'morals' they have. She was stronger, she should do as she pleased with them! The padawan assumed a form VII stance, one not befitting of a learning jedi, before lunging forward. Bashing left and right with either side of the dual blade and pressing an attack against Dexar Randor Dexar Randor almost unnatural for his supposed build, and was especially noticeable with the fact that he began screaming in pain. What Draco was doing was a form of blood manipulation, in which she had put a small amount of her blood into the Padawan and used it to control him. With this though, it was imperfected, painful, it'd tear through arteries and veins as she commanded his muscles to flex and move, bones reaching their snapping point as she pushed him with exertion not meant for a growing boy's body. It was monstrous, and most definitely a horrible form of torture

"You do not have any right to command me, Knight. If you will not surrender, you will die a death much more painful than this welp!"
Dexar's eyes widened as the padawan was forced to charge at him and strike with fierce blows, clearly using force his body couldn't naturally gather. This Draco Miles Draco Miles was pushing the padawan's body to points in which he shouldn't be experiencing. Despite this, Dexar countered every swing with precision, showing experience with a blade, while avoiding harming the padawan. Throughout the fight, he could sense the young boy's intense pain, and sought to make it stop. So, using his skill in telekinesis, he lifted a rock and a boulder. He sped the rock at the padawan which knocked the lightsaber from his hand, and sent the boulder at the true opponent, seeking to break her concentration.

"I won't repeat myself again: Let them all go and come quietly."

Despite retaining his calm voice, the anger coming from his words was clear as a sunny day. He was not going to entertain this for any longer. He pulled the padawan behind him and raised his blade, ready for any more trick's aimed his way.
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Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Tch. She needed more testing. The Jedi Knight was so easily able to overpower the padawan like it was nothing despite the enhancements from Draco. As the rock flung her weapon out of his hands and it clattered across the floor, she was practically ablaze with fury. This man intruded in on HER residence, Interrupted HER experimentations, and damaged HER weapon?! This simply could not be allowed. As she ducked down onto one knee to dodge the flung rock, her spell seemed to actually break, and the padawan stayed behind him, clutching onto Dexar's back as Draco snarled under her helmet.

"You may have the rest, but not him"

She said before the true nature of her blood manipulation and exposing her techniques to him, when the blood of the padawan ruptured from his chest in a spike, searching to impale Dexar Randor Dexar Randor through the shoulder and take him out of the fight as she recalled her lightsaber back to her hip, and crossed her arms

"Do we have a deal, knight? Or shall another be lost in your plight of righteousness?
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Dexar's eyes widened as he felt a sharp pain go through his left shoulder. As it left arm fell to his side, hardly usable like this, he turned his head around to see the padawan's chest burst open, with the object that went through his shoulder being his sharpened blood. He quickly deactivated his lightsaber, clipped it his belt, and caught the padawan with his right arm before he hit the ground. He had been studying force healing, but was currently unable to heal large wounds, let alone this.

He set the padawan down as the light dimmed from the boy's eyes. He closed the eyes of the now-deceased padawan. Dexar then stood up straight and faced his opponent. His calm face now gone, replaced with the anger that was previously only in his voice. He stood up straight once more, his left arm still limp at his side with the blood from his shoulder trickling down it. He turned to face Draco Miles Draco Miles , activating his lightsaber once more, and directing it at her.

"Hand over the other three, or I promise I won't need my left hand to strike you down."
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
She watched with growing interest at the delicate manner and care with which Dexar Randor Dexar Randor handled his slain comrade. He was dead, so why gently bring him to the ground? So many things Draco wanted to pick his brain on, but sadly Sith and Jedi simply cannot mix, the only solution was to fight, and often times it resulted in death in one party if the other is not overwhelmingly more powerful. Did she want to test this? Not really, she wasn’t even supposed to be here. Her master would probably chew her out just for killing the padawan, so her losses should probably be cut now… but Dexar’s determination just looked so tempting to crush! She could easily take down a one armed Jedi, it shouldn’t even be that hard to do… but this was most likely not what countess Belasko wanted. wanton destruction and carnage was not the way of House IO… which meant she probably shouldn’t have said her name or where she was from in the first place! So many missteps since the first day she got here, she’d feel better if she could just turn back time and not have come here in the first place.

When his threat came though, her entire train of thoughts was derailed and she stiffened up… was this man really threatening her? With one arm?! She was shocked, to say the least, and would insult him

”Oh, oh, Oh Sca*ry*! oh oh oh, oh, Shiver me Timbers! Shut up, man!!!”

She said, throwing her hands in the air at the absolute absurdity of him thinking a fight was still viable. The three remaining, unconscious, victims floated up while the two men actually began getting a nose bleed, a fair bit of blood, almost a pint, leaving their body and making its way inside her armor before she set them at his feet and sighed heavily

”I’ll be getting off this hunk of junk too, I need better specimens if I’m going to even think of refining the technique you just saw… You never saw me, nor heard about me. Unless you’d rather be buried here?
Dexar was not happy. He knew he couldn't perform as well as usual due to the "dead weight" of his left arm, and he had to fight someone clearly physically stronger than him. Though, much to his surprise and slight gratitude, Draco Miles Draco Miles had decided to leave, not before taking some pints of blood from the other missing people. Now, while this still wasn't ideal, Dexar was prepared to let her go, if it meant he could get the bodies back to the village. With a sigh of acceptance, he deactivates his lightsaber and clips it to his belt. He used the force to help him take the bodies back to the village while leaving the woman in the cave. Before he left, however, he turned back to the sith.

"I will leave you be. But, should we meet again: fight me with your own skills and use of a blade, not using others as puppets."

He then left without a word, taking the missing people of the village back, and departed for Corusant with the padawan's body. Dexar's just a librarian for the Jedi Order, but he promised he would bring that sith down, even if it takes to his final days.

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