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Approved Tech Bloodstripe Hand Cannon

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Image Source: Here
Intent: A short-range multi-barreled shotgun compatible with a wide variety of existing nonstandard ammunition; used in limited numbers by the Underground; a replacement for Jorus' Mandalorian shell gun.
Development Thread: No
Manufacturer: The Underground, via the limited manufacturing facilities of Rebellion Actual Galactic Alliance
Model: QQ-P-43110-R Bloodstripe Hand Cannon
Affiliation: The Underground / Galactic Alliance
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Durasteel

Classification: Scattergun
Size: Handheld (suitable for large/strong species/individuals)
Length: 45cm
Weight: 2kg
Ammunition Type: Most 8-gauge shells, including existing shells used by Jorus and his associates (list included here to get it all in one place).

  • Buckshot
  • Slug
  • Ionite slug
  • Low-yield concussion shell
  • Incendiary shell
  • Nonlethal riot control shell (rubber pellets)
  • Anti-blaster shell (ablative ceramic razorflakes with dampener aerosol)
  • Piezoelectric EMP shell
  • Bafforr pollen shell
  • Cortosis dust shell
  • CryoBan shell
  • Lix Round
  • Pulse shell
  • Xenoboric acid/transparisteel splinter shell
Note: Many of these specialty shells are expensive and never used in serious numbers. Some are dangerous to carry. Carrying all of them would be really dumb.
Further note: Creation of new kinds of shells would require new factory submissions.

Ammunition Capacity: 3. As with the Bloodstripe's predecessor, Jorus' Mandalorian shell gun, this bulky break-action weapon takes some time to reload.
Effective Range: Personal. For most ammunition types, equivalent to a standard shotgun, or less (shorter barrel, no stock for stabilization). Some ammunition types have different behaviors, as discussed in the above links.

Rate of Fire: Hammer single action. Each chamber must be cocked individually. One barrel at a time -- cannot fire two- or three-barrel blasts. Fanning is possible but may result in wrist damage.
Special Features: Top rail compatible with, for example, a small laser sight.

Description: The Bloodstripe Hand Cannon is a weapon which sees use among the larger and stronger members of the Underground, such as Wookiees (including Jorus' longtime copilot Beyyr). As the Underground is somewhat loose-knit, the Bloodstripe occasionally pops up in various smuggler and fringer communities throughout the Outer Rim. Fundamentally, it's nothing more than a triple-barreled sawed-off shotgun made of durasteel. It's designed to be compatible with a wide variety of pre-existing Rebel Alliance and Silk Holdings ammunition, as well as rounds from captured Lords of the Fringe Viscera scatterguns, which Jorus has used for some time. The only new things on the ammunition list are basic short-ranged shells packed with Bafforr pollen (not hard to come by, considering Jorus' primary Levantine affiliation), basic ionite-tipped slugs for extra punch against energy fields, and the substitution of ablative ceramic razorflakes for ablative ceramic flechettes, sacrificing range for better anti-blaster effectiveness.

As with the Mandalorian shell gun, the major weakness of using the Bloodstripe for non-standard ammunition is the challenge of guessing which shells to load (a time-consuming process) for which situation. In theory, the weapon is well-suited to precogs (none of whom work for the Underground as of now) and to combat engagements against previously encountered opponents or well-quantified situations. Even so, as with Jorus' years of shell gun experience, the users of the Bloodstripe will sometimes find that the ammunition they've just loaded doesn't fit the demands of the moment. Above all, using the Bloodstripe with non-standard ammunition requires good judgment, sound knowledge of one's opponent, and excellent situational awareness. The wrong choice of shell -- EMP, incendiary, or CryoBan especially -- can spell absolute disaster for the Bloodstripe's owner, as can forgetting the respective barrels in which the three chosen shells were loaded.

Primary Source: None.
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