Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blast From the Past (pm to join)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Hawk Solo"]

"Morning already? wonderful. Well I hope that there is plenty of tea."

She yawned and then shook her head, tapping her cheeks in a bid to wake herself up. "Maybe we shouldn't of had such a big sandwich."

Oh but maybe, just maybe, the energy of Maddie's joy will help wake her up more.
[member="Lady Kay"]

"Don't worry. There will be plenty of tea and hugs." Secretly he agreed with Kay, they shouldn't have such a big snack. Hawk smiles lopsided at the sight of his 5 years daughter running toward his ship with his mom not far behind them.

"Come on. Let's go." Hawk quickly walks to the ramp door and opens it. "DADDY!" Maddie cries out. Hawk runs down the ramp and hugs her tight. He had missed her so much. "Hi Princess. I missed you."

Sabrina, Hawk's mom, watched the happy reunion. Waiting for her turn to hug her youngest son.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Tea and hugs. Perfect combination. As they exited the ramp, Kay smiled and bowed her head to his mother. She wasn't sure if she'd ever met her before. But then she couldn't remember a lot from back then. It felt like ages ago, like another life.

She kept her distance and just held onto the strap of her satchel that was always with her.
[member="Lady Kay"]

"Daddy who is that?" Says Maddie spotting Kay behind Hawk. "That's Kay." He tells her. Maddie eyes widen. "Auntie Kay!" She goes over to her and hugs her tight. "Daddy told me all about you."

Freed from Maddie, Hawk goes and hugs his mom, Sabrina embraces him, "How bad was it?" She asked him about Bakura. "Bad." He comments.

"Is she your new girl?" Sabrina asked Hawk. Hawk laughs "no. She is more like a little sister."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Kay was practically balled over in the tackle-hug that she was given, but she embraced Maddie all the same. "Hi Maddie. I've heard lots about you too. And I hope you don't mind, but I borrowed your bed for a little nap." She yawned. "It was very comfortable." The resemblance between Hawk and Maddie was there. There was no doubt as to who her daddy was. "Do you like tea?"
[member="Lady Kay"]

"Yes. I love tea. We must have a tea party." Maddie chirps at Kay. "We can wear tiara and pretend that we are princesses. Daddy can be the prince." She was excited to have another woman around.

Sabrina arches an eyebrow at Hawk's comment. "That is too bad." Sabrina goes to introduce herself to Kay. "Hello Kay. I'm Sabrina, Hawk's mother. It good to meet you finally. Hawk told me about you and your adventures. I am so sorry for your lost."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Kay smiled and nodded to Maddie. "Well you can be the Princess and I can be a Lady in your Court. We can make your Daddy be our butler." She grinned and winked at her before looking to Hawk's mother. She bowed her head to her. "Thank you. I just take it one day at a time. Pleasure to meet you."
[member="Lady Kay"]

Maddie loved the idea of Daddy being the butler. She giggled. Hawk rolled his eyes at the suggestion of being the butler. Hawk takes Maddie's hand and leads her away allowing Sabrina and Kay to talk.

"It a pleasure to meet you as well. It alway nice to meet my son's friends. You must be tired and hungry from your trip. It was all over the holo net what happen on Bakura. Must been so scary."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Hawk Solo"]

She watched Hawk and Maddie. Fatherhood suited him. He was always a bit goofy and kids love that.

Kay nodded to Sabrina as they walked. "Hungry? No. But I am quite tired, yes." She frowned slightly as the news about Bakura had been spreading. "We saw reporters snatching pictures of us. No doubt they were spinning it into a story about Hawk and I being a couple?"
[member="Lady Kay"]

"Yes, they did make it seem like you two were an item." Sabrina admit as they follow Hawk and Maddie back home. Hawk had quarters in the Silver Jedi Temple. "I know that not true. It's too bad." Sabrina and Maddie hadn't met Hawk girlfriend. "You seem like nice girl."

Maddie glances back and waves at the two women following them.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Hawk Solo"]

"Hawk has a girlfriend and I hope that the reporters don't get him into trouble with that."

She smiled and waved back to Maddie before looking to Sabrina as they walked. "Besides, I'm fine just being a widow. It keeps others safe. This way my enemies would have no leverage to use against me. I can't afford to lose anyone else."
[member="Lady Kay"]

Hawk walks up the steps to the Silver Jedi Temple. It wasn't as ornate and fancy as Jedi Order temple. It was more simple in design. It blended with the nature around it. Hawk puts Maddie on his back as they gallop to his room playing tauntaun.

"That a lonely way to live." Sabrina says softly. She said understood what Kay meant. After her divorce from Nate, she had done the same thing. Shut herself off from getting hurt.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Kay slowed her steps as she looked at the Temple. It felt like forever since she had been in one and half expected to be barred entry. But nevertheless she approached anyways, continuing to speak with Sabrina. "It's not lonely. It's wise. And besides, I am hardly ever by myself as I have many friends and allies that watch over me."
[member="Lady Kay"]

Sabrina wasn't talking about that kind of loneliness. She was referring to male companionship...the feeling of being intimate with another being. "Not the same." She said letting it drop

Hawk sets Maddie on the ground before opening their room. Maddie ran in. "Kay can stay in my room. Kay..we are going to have a slumber party." Hawk laughs, Poor Kay.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Of course it wasn't the same. Kay knew exactly what she was referring to, but she wasn't interested. Her answer was still the same. She could not allow anyone to be used against her. Not when she had powerful enemies.

As Maddie interrupted, she smiled, glad to be out of an uncomfortable subject. "That sounds like fun. But could I have a nap first so that I can be awake for this evening? I'd hate to fall asleep on you during storytime."
[member="Lady Kay"]

"A nap? It only 9am? Too early." Says Maddie. A nap sounded wonderful to Hawk as well, "Sweetie, why don't we just have cuddle time for a few hours." Says Hawk.

Maddie makes a face. They weren't going to fool her. Cuddle time in the morning meant nap. She wasn't a baby. "Noooo..daddy." Hawk looks to his mom for help. She shakes her head. He was the parent not her. He had to handle it.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Hawk Solo"]

She saw the exchange of looks from both Hawk and Sabrina. Ever the diplomat, Kay came up with a compromise.

"Hey Maddie. How about if we nap after lunch? It might be morning for you here, but we travelled a long distance to get here and haven't slept much." She stepped towards her and whispered in her ear, "...And besides, your Daddy gets cranky when he doesn't get enough sleep, and cranky butlers are no fun."
[member="Lady Kay"]

Maddie giggles as she listens to Kay's whisper. "Ok." She smiles brightly. She takes Kay's hand and drags her into the house. "Come on. I,want to show you my real room. It very pretty."

Hawk mouths the words thank you to Kay. His mom pretends to slap him on the back of his head. "You are making a mistake letting that girl go." Hawk rolls his eyes. "Bye guys see a later." Sabrina says as she leaves for her own place. It would be good to get back to her own life for awhile.

"Bye mom. Thanks again." He walks into the house. L


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Kay breathed a little sigh of relief as she was indeed going to get a much needed nap in before being a lady of the court to her Majesty, Maddie. She followed the little girl towards her room, not resisting in any way, for that would get her nowhere. She smirked to Sabrina and Hawk as she passed them. Ha. Ha. Ha. What a show that woman was putting on. But Kay was firm in her stance on how her life will be led. As Maddie led her to her room, she closed her eyes so that she could be surprised when she saw it. "Tell me when to open them...."
[member="Lady Kay"]

With Maddie current obsession with royalty, Hawk transformed her into a fairy tale castle. In the center of the room was her bed with a crown on her headboard. The bed was draped with purple. Her tea set was in the corner by the window. It was a real Tea set made with the finest china. She had two closets. One for her normal clothes and the other with her play costumes. Her daddy and sister had been dancers so,she had a lot of,their old costumes.

"Open your eyes." She tells Kay.

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