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Approved Tech BlackGuard Coating

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Intent: To create a compound for future submissions and role-playing.
Image Source: N/A
Primary Source(s):

Name: BlackGuard Coating
Manufacturer: Visanj T’shkali / Segroth Materials Corporation
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Production: Unique
Modularity: No
Material(s): Segroth PGA Coating, Malreaux Reactive Lacquer, Reflec-based Shadowskin, Absorbital, NeuroCoat ‘Everlast’, Vantablack, Norris Root


Classification: Compound
Weight: Very Light
  • Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Very High
  • Kinetic: None
  • Lightsabers: Very High
  • Other, Sonic: None
  • Other, EMP/Ion: Very High
  • Other, Radiation: High
  • Other, Electrical: High
  • Other, Elemental: Average
  • Other, Acid (And other corrosive substances): Very High
  • Other, Force Abilities: None
Color: Matte Black

  • Provides excellent protection against blasters and similar weapons, lightsabers, EMP/Ion, radiation, acid and other corrosive materials, and electrical damage.
  • Can confound general and low-grade scanners and sensors.
  • Offers self-repairing qualities to surfaces on which it has been applied, enabling them to ‘self-heal’ from casual damage and normal wear and tear, thus extending the life of the coated material in serviceable, working condition far longer than materials which have not been coated in this material.
  • Provides excellent protection against blasters and lightsabers (and similar weapons), as well as electrical, EMP/Ion, radiation, or corrosive substances.
  • Provides limited self-repair qualities to items to which it has been applied, enabling them to repair normal wear and tear.
  • Absorbital and other materials included in the manufacture of this paint allows items to be able to take a lot of punishment, extending the self-repair capabilities barring truly significant or prolonged damage.
  • Able to frustrate general scanners and sensors, including long-range laser sensor detection such as LIDAR, etc.
  • The self-repairing qualities of the ‘Everlast’ are limited to gradual repair of items to which this paint has been applied, but cannot rapidly repair damage meaning that significant or prolonged damage or intensive wear and tear will require more traditional methods to make repairs, making the BlackGuard useless beyond normal levels of wear and tear.
  • Offers no protection against kinetic damage.
  • Offers no protection against sonic damage.
  • Offers no protection against Force Abilities, including Forcesabers.
  • This is - at the end of the day - still merely paint. While it is highly durable, it is still only applied in thin layers and therefore will be eventually worn down and its protective capabilities diminished through constant wear and tear or by heavy or prolonged exposure to attacks. Meaning, that while this can greatly improve the effectiveness and durability to items on which it's applied, that effect is not without limit and does not make the item - say simple durasteel armor - invulnerable or indefinitely able to withstand serious punishment and one degraded, the simple durasteel remains just that.

Given the success of its StealthGuard paint, Segroth Materials Corporation sought to recreate a similar substance, but more stealthy, drawing upon the benefits of Vantablack paint and Reflec-based Shadowskin instead of programmable paint. The material successfully passed all testing and was brought to the market as one of the galaxy’s stealthiest substances. Highly resistant to various kinds of damage, and able to extend the lifespan of items to which it has been applied, BlackGuard is also exceedingly stealthy. Due to the light-absorbing qualities of Vantablack, it is even able to avoid laser sensor detection.

[OOC - 9/16/2019, production value lowered to unique per Factory Suggestion]
Factory Judge
[member="Visanj T'shkali"],

Looking over this, I enjoy the concept. A paint that can be used on pretty much any armor that will hide it from sensors and aid in the defense of various means. However, here is where the problem lies.

The paint itself is durable. It can withstand quite a bit considering it is just that. Paint. A covering over armor that can be used to color it black for stealth based operations in which the user doesn't have to worry all too much about the paint chipping or being damaged as easily. I am rather hesitant to approve it just on concept alone because I don't want someone who uses this, it apply it to an armor and then proclaim that simple durasteel, now has the durability of some of the most durable metals in the galaxy. As I said before, this is just a paint. A cover upon the materials you wish to use it with.

Within the Weaknesses section, I would like for you to mention that it is just a paint. While it has higher durability than other paint like products, it does not replace the usage of superior metals or fabrics this is used with. It can aid, and reinforce, but cannot be used in substitute of something such as Phrik, Beskar, Songsteel, or the like.

This, as it stands, has a very high chance to be abused. I do not want people to use this, putting it on very simple cloth armor, and then expect it to be able to withstand blow after blow after blow from such of blasters, Lightsabers, EMP, and the like.

If you have any questions about my ruling on this, or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask or bring them forward.

I thoroughly understand this, and appreciate you reviewing this submission as well as bringing the matter to the fore. I have added a significant weakness, noting that while it can offer notable enhancement, its effects are not without limitation and how constant use, serious damage, or prolonged exposure to relentless attacks will erode the paint's ability to offer protection. Does that suit your aim here, or should I adjust / strengthen the language some?

As for widespread misuse, this item is 'closed-market' and 'semi-unique', in part due to the stealth nature of the material and also because I intend to keep its use quite limited. It won't therefore, be found gracing the sides of entire carrier groups of fighters or the armor of legions of shock troops, but maintained within the scope and spirit of 'semi-unique' and permission granted only to a very small clientele if allowed to others at all.

Thanks again, and let me know if there's anything I can do or if the fix I have made will suffice. I appreciate it!
Factory Judge
[member="Visanj T'shkali"], Thank you for the edits you have done.

No I will not need you to change the wording. I believe it suits just fine. And while I do understand it may be Semi-unique, I would rather something like this, with the amount of time you put into your research, as well as writing this up, to not go to waste with someone abusing it. Even if it is only used by one other person than yourself, the chance to be abused is still there.

I am all for really powerful, or cool items or even just really outlandish ideas to be put into the factory. However, the same side of the coin is that typically the more outlandish items will likely be the items most easily abused. I don't want to see this become one of those cases.

Either way, I am comfortable enough with the changes made. This will likely be your only warning on what happens if this is pulled back to be rejudged.

Otherwise, enjoy.
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