Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Black Sapphire | War of the Blue Diamond Catharian Hegomany Dommion of Empty Hex Near Nothmir

The Techno Muun
Black Sapphire | War of the Blue Diamond

It was a deadly game of Hide and Seek. The warfleets of the Catherian Hegomany and the Chiss Ascendency were locked in continuous conflict since the Hegomany's Conquest of Bogo-Rai. The march to Cssila was one of blood.

The Ascendency found themselves with could footing as the fleets of the Hegomany contained to pursue them deeper and deeper into their own territory. As many would claim, the game was afoot. The pursue had lead both fleets into relatively uncharted space. There, on the surface of a rouge planet, a gruesome battle was taking place.

Far above the planet, the fleets of the two nations duked it out, with hundreds of turbolasers batteries exchanging fire with each other. It was a battle to control an important piece of real estate, for whoever controlled the Rouge Planet, would control hyperplanes vital to the development of the two nations militaries.

The onslaught was horrific. Thousands dead, hundreds dying. The casualties on the ground were contuning to sky rocket. And yet the battle had yet to truly begin.

Attn: Xzaien Xzaien Mag Mag The Chiss Ascendency, Third Parties Are Welcome!

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