Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Bittersweet Home, Emberlene

He repeated her words. Causing her to raise a brow with a smile before nodding to him. He faltered for only a moment. His question causing her to blink again. She was certain she had misheard him.

His wince assured her that she had not in fact heard him wrong. Her mouth opened, closed, repeated the process once more before slowly turning around to properly look at him. Her eyes wandered his face briefly, looking down before moving slowly back up to his eyes. Her chest felt like a drum, her heart unexpectedly racing at his words. Hands slowly winding around his waist as if he would slip away.

"You may." She replied. Her words held the same tart and sassy tone she usually kept about herself, daring him in a false bravado. Even giving permission, she wasn't entirely sure he would actually follow through.
Acaadi thought he did very well not to say 'erm' again. Thinking ahead wasn't on the agenda right now. It wasn't as if he had mapped out what to do next, other than started to construct a series of possible apologies for his question.

He actually saw her hiding behind the tone this time. The value of being more intimately connected to her feelings. Acaadi realised he'd spent an awful lot of time assuming her attitude was just that of someone much more calm, collected and cool than he was. He should have seen through it more clearly when she had started opening up to him.

Acaadi wasn't certain that he was going to follow through either. It suddenly felt very difficult to breathe as he tried to decide.

A slight dip of his head and she didn't take flight. A breath out, his resolve galvanised and he leaned in to kiss her lightly on the lips.
The wait wasn't long. In truth it likely took only a few seconds of real time. But the mind had a wonderful way of betraying reality with its own machinations. The few seconds seemed to stretch out for eternity. The false sense of hours that it took for him to move allowed her mind to race in worry before he dipped down and paused.

A breath was all it took though.

The stasis around them broken as he leaned in and she returned the kiss he gave in kind. Better than the hands around her, better than simply being near him. Delight washed away the rest of her mind, and she wished nothing more than to enjoy it forever. Her fingers softly tugged at his waist, a silent and subtle invitation to stay.
It was another stark reminder that he was his own worst enemy at times. He let people slip through his fingers because he didn't reach out. He spent too much time in his own head and always under the excuse that he was focused on improving himself.

All the steps from leaving the hangar to this moment flitted away. There was just spotting the ship and now this. Pulse racing, stomach flipping over itself.

Acaadi tightened his grip on her waist and savoured the moment. He let it wash over him: the taste of her lips, the smooth fabric shifting beneath his grip.

He paused for breath. Air his lungs burned for.

"Well..." he muttered, eyes slowly opening. At least he didn't say erm.
The invitation was met with his own pull against her. The lead up had taken forever, but the follow through seemed to only last a brief time before he broke the link between them to breath.

Reminding her to do the same as her chest burned from more than the moment they shared. Air scraped across sensitive skin as she filled her lungs, surprised at the feeling. Her head drifted to his chest, savoring what had passed.

She didn't want to remember the feeling, wanted to continue to feel like the world revolved around her and that she was important to at least someone. Her thoughts were interrupted unexpectedly.

He spoke, and she pulled back enough to look and meet his eyes. Sass demanded she speak, while some other feeling sang louder still. The startling sensation of this foreign feeling tripped the connection between thoughts and words as she opened and closed her mouth.

She gave up on words, her hands loosening around his waist before traveling up to his shoulders. The twisting of emotions suddenly contending with a new and intrusive one. Something that demanded an answer before it let yielded control of her.

The feeling of change was awash in her mind as it waffled between the sensations of joy and dread. Her hands tightened against his back in an unspoken question with her mind still open to him. The link trembled, her hands holding tight but still softly shaking in anticipation and uncertainty.
Acaadi could imagine the snappy comments to his single word reaction floating through her head before she closed her mouth. He greatly regretted opening his mouth at all; the moment did not need words.

What followed, once again, caught him off guard. There was a difference between catching a glimpse of her vulnerability and having it laid out before him. Acaadi briefly wondered if other padawans had a view of him as someone who took everything in his stride. They couldn't see how much he questioned himself.

"It's alright," he said softly. Taking a hand from her waist, he tentatively pressing his palm to her cheek and stroking with his thumb.

"You know, I can probably ask to stay on Emberlene longer. I'd like to spend more time together," he said, smiling at her.

That was something he should have laid out more plainly back on Kashyyyk.
He was slow to answer, the feelings at odds before his words echoed softly around her. Hands softened and ceased shaking, her face pressing into the space of his hand with the need for it to never leave.

Anxiety was slow to melt away with his reassuring words. A long seated train of thought that even dismissed still rode the darkest parts of her mind. The tumultuous crashing between dread and joy a slow but constant shift to the latter. What had once been two waters in contest became calm and inviting waters in the scope of her mind.

His mention of staying on Emberlene longer brought a sting to her eyes, a wobbling smile appearing as she hugged him, keeping his hand on her cheek with the slight turn of her head.

She basked quietly in the moment, the eventual calming of her emotions becoming easier and easier as the seconds ticked by. As he continued to be near her, and wanted to be near her.

"I would like that, if you would please ask." She admitted finally, not relenting yet in hugging him. "I can show you around. There's a lot of neat stuff being planned, and a few good places to eat. If you want I mean. Since I...I don't have my movie setup here."

Her mind had wandered, wanting to spend their time filled with something she hoped he would enjoy also.
There was a lot going through Acaadi's head. Trying to unravel what was going through Phalsi's mind balanced out against convincing himself to believe that this was genuinely happening.

As little pieces fell into place he almost wanted to blurt out each thought like a formal question and answer session. Have you been feeling lonely here? Is it always difficult for you to trust people? Has the stress of this Mystral situation been getting to you?

Acaadi settled into the hug, keeping one arm wrapped about her whilst cafuning her hair as she turned into his shoulder. A lazy kind of warmth bloomed through his mind as he settled on how pleasant it was to be this close.

"I could...see if I could requisition a projector..."
The moment couldn't last forever. She knew better. Suns set and time pushed ever forward as he spoke. There was a rolling to her shoulders at his words. A bubble of laughter formed and let loose.

"I'd be happy with even a data pad if its with you." She admitted, letting her squeeze settle to a comfortable hold.

"Make the request before we forget to stay. Otherwise I'll have you so tied up with stuff you'll miss the chance." Her thoughts stumbled briefly, but the rational part crept back in.
Now he'd made the offer he needed to follow through. That meant coming up with an excuse for asking. There's this girl and we'd like to watch films from bed was going to lead to follow on questions.

He was probably over thinking matters again. The Jedi didn't get a stipend from the concord, but generally we're provided the tools and comforts they asked for. Technically he could just ask for credit chits for a variety of reasons. Dinner out probably came under that heading too.

"I will. I could get tidied up and we could get some food out," he suggested, realising he was still in work wear. "Or just take out or..."

Turning in towards her, Acaadi's lips sought hers once again. There was lots they could find to do, but suddenly he wanted to simply reaffirm what had just happened between them. He would happy while away a few hours just like this.
She waited patiently before he spoke of getting cleaned up and finding some food. Or maybe get take out. Her grin was wide, eyes squinting a little as she struggled to not chuckle to herself while he did. The expression shifted to wide eyes shock as he pulled her inward, and sought her once more.

The surprise she attempted to make a sound was muted as their lips met again. A hushed moment of calm before her hands roamed over the work clothes, ultimately trying to pull him closer against her. Her form slowly formed to his, comfort and warmth coming across the mental link.
This day has taken a very sudden and unexpected turn. Even if he had known Phalsi was on the planet and had planned to meet up he would have been clueless to the point of failing to anticipate this.

A flash of nerves spread through him as Acaadi tilted his head to deepen the kiss. He tensed up beneath her wandering hands. All the usual teenage anxieties of worrying about technique briefly gripped him. Feeling the warmth of her comfort crossing the increasingly open bond helped him relax and he slowly started to explore himself.

The delicate brush of fingers down her back became the smooth caress of a soft palm. His right hand ran through her hair to come to rest against the base of her neck. His thumb gently stroked her cheek whilst one finger idly twisted around an errant strand of her hair.

Her kissing him back, and the open expression of her feelings, managed to both light a fire under his own desires whilst also being a soothing balm for the tightness that had been holding his chest tight. As he turned his head further to the side the hesitance turned to a slow rhythm as he enjoyed the kiss and warmth of her against him. She'd feel his whole body relax against her as the tension in his muscles melted away.
The flash of nerves was met with calm and inviting hands, moving slowly still yet in silent invitation to the silent dance between them. She fell mind and body in the kiss he deepened, letting herself not think of anything but him in what they shared. The slow push of her whole being against and into his as comfort and want danced along the nerves he was bringing to life with the electrifying touch along her.

The soft material between his and her skin almost irritating now as she the warmth of his presence further sooth the dark worries that attempted to linger in the farthest corners of her mind. He was here, for her, and nothing else mattered. Her fingers flexed, opening slowly before the tips of her fingers pulled against the work clothes he wore.

Her skin dancing the fine edge of sensitive delight and painful patience. A sharp inhale, never breaking their kiss drew in the scent of him. A hand snaking its way up to the nape of his neck, tangling with the hair so irritatingly short as her fingers flowed through it like catching water. The tips of each finger resting on the back of his head, twining in his hair before pulling him closer to keep him from leaving.

He could ask later. Her mind raced, thoughts failing to find purchase for much longer than a breath as her chest rose to meet his. Later was a reaffirming thought as she welcomed his relax into her, a leg sliding against his followed by a small stumble on her side causing a sharp squeak as she fell into him.
It was effortless to get swept up in the moment. To let his worries go, to revel in touch - hers and his - and to bask in mutual enjoyment. A prickly warmth started at the base of his spine and spread across his skin. He closed his mind off just a fraction as his imagination sped ahead of him.

It was just as easy to get pulled out of the moment as her weight suddenly shifted and she squeaked. His grip around her tightened and his eyes snapped open.

Concern quickly faded, replaced by a playful smile.

"We can go lie down if you want. I mean, er, we could sit more comfortable. That wasn't a line!" Acaadi said. Speaking was always so much difficult
There was frustration nestled in the moment, her smile not betraying the self-chastising that was happening behind her eyes as she grimaced and laughed a little at herself. There was the recognition of embarrassment on her face as she shook her head, trying to dismiss the small irritation with herself.

"Lie down. I'm tired of sitting. It's been a long day." She let her shoulders roll a little more as the laughing faded, pulling back enough to set them on the path away from the kitchen and tugging on his hand. She nodded towards the back of the apartment, leaning away to pull him along.
Acaadi swallowed his jumble of words and smiled. He grinned, glancing down at their joined hands. He gave a little token, playful resistance. It forced her to give a slightly firmer tug to set him in motion.

There was a little more weight to the walk through her place than there had been on Kashyyyk. He was trying not to let his imagination get the better of him, to let expectations become a heavy, constricting weight. It still couldn't be as light and breezy as grabbing snacks and spinning up a holo.

"You've got a nice place here," he said, his thumb idly caressing the outside of her hand. It was better than getting basic dorm rooms from the silvers.
The sharp smile at his resistance was met with determination as she continued. The idle rub of his thumb was welcome and she didn't want to lose it. Leading the way down the hall, she stopped before opening a small compartment beside a door opposite another.

"Not bad. Haven't been in it much. Can tell by the lack of a mess." She chuckled.

Reluctance let her hand linger in his a breath longer before pulling her hand away and retrieving a pair of towels. Turning to face him, she stepped back twice before opening the bathroom door on her left and nodding to it.

"Shower. Leave your stuff by the door and I can wash it real quick." She held out the towels to him. There was a sly smirk on her face as she waited.
That caught him a little by surprise. As he glance down at the towels he had to resist sniffing himself to see if he might have been offensive right now.

Thoughts were derailed in a six carriage pile up when he took the offered towels and his gaze returned to her smirk. His concentration went back to guarding some of his innermost thoughts, which had gone from shifting and nebulous to really quite specific.

"Sure, I'll be quick," he said, turning into the bathroom, shutting the door and leaving his clothes there.

He was pleasantly surprised to find real, hot water. Acaadi had barely even started on some maintenance but it was much more satisfying to feel the grime washed away instead of gently lifted off by a sonic.

"Glad I caught you now then," he called out. With his eyes closed he had his head tilted back beneath the shower. Droplets mapping the maze of jet black tattoos. "So you didn't have to panic tidy...or pretend to be out."
The recognition of the urge to sniff oneself was met with a knowing arch of her brow. She watched him go, sticking her tongue out at him when he closed the door as she waited until the water was going, and he was speaking to even think about opening that door. Her thoughts weren't well guarded, but she had a far better idea of how to misguide them along a different path than intended.

The handle was carefully worked, the tell tale snap of lock and latch not being made as she pulled the door towards the hinges to keep it from squawking. Her brain had settled on grabbing the clothes, but her eyes had other ideas as they glanced with intent towards the frosted glass of the walk in.

Her hand slowly reached down, brain still settled on the task before concentration failed under the weight of his words. Now it focused on an answer, and scrambling back to thinking about washing clothes. "Bah." She heckled, hand slow to retrieve the clothing as she gave herself two spare seconds to think of a reply.

"I'm terrible at speed cleaning or lying, you would have had to...witness my shame." Her brain faltered as she spied through the glass.
A slight pulse of surprise emanated from Acaadi at her response. He hadn't expected her voice to be quite so close. It was a small cubicle, it couldn't fit two, he admonished his vivid imagination. Sharing a heated, surprising kiss meant it would be some time before he cooled off. If at all.

"I didn't exactly mean to follow you home of course," said the dark green silhouette - in a tone as conversational as he could manage. Casual and relaxed, almost inviting her to linger a little longer to talk.

"So is this like your permanent home now or do the Mystrals have you moving around?" he asked back.

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