Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Birth of a new Art: Way of the Wolf

This thread is a private spar between The White Wolf & Saiah so he may develop his personalized lightsaber form. However, others may post as spectators so long as they do not interfere with the spar/training itself unless given permission. Enjoy.
This was him...the end result that he had to live with no matter how much he wished to see himself change...anything that was left of his innocence was most likely lost in the fire along with the rest of him...burning and slowly faltering into nothing but ash and embers. Feral knew that all he could do was accept this thing he had become...he had to accept that others around him would hold him guilty for the monster he had become...He had given in to his darkest sins so he could fight again...and he would continue to fan these flames of hatred until his final breath if it meant one day he could be free of this wretched curse. Cornelia always taught him to ignore the thoughts and ridicule of others and yet no matter how good he was at utilizing the phrase 'sticks and stones' into his life it only got him so be frank words hurt the blue eyed man far more than sticks and stones ever could...he knew he wasn't the only one who grew up this way.

Surrounded by people who used to say that rhyme about sticks and stones. As if broken bones Hurt more than the names he got called day in and day out, day after wretched day and he got called them all. So he grew up believing no one would ever fall in love with him because of the things that made him weak... That he’d be lonely forever. So broken heart strings bled the blues as he tried to empty himself so he would feel nothing. No one on earth could tell him that hurts less than a broken bone. Feral closed his eyes and simply took a few deep breaths...filling his lungs to capacity before exhaling. Shaking his head as his eyes wandered over his distorted reflection.'Sticks and stones...' he thought to himself, his eyes narrowing intensely as he looked at his reflection...And seeing nothing but the monster he had become, in a fit of fury he took his and smashed it into the mirror...shattering the edges but leaving the middle cracked and loosely pressed inward creating a glass web.

Feral stood his full height...looking over his shoulder at his corrupted reflection...narrowing his eyes darkly at himself as he scoffed...turning his back on himself for a moment and sitting down...looking out into training room, his bright turquoise eyes focusing for a moment...this was the life...he was forced to live. Brought into a civilization he did not belong...being reprogrammed into some savage beast did that to you. And as the soldiers of the Sith moved and put his weaponry on the table outside the locker room he simply stood...And as his large fluffy tail swayed behind him he scoffed a bit...

The man walked out of the locker room wearing his tactical combat gear. His vision focused through his mask as he ran his fingers through his hair. Stepping out into training arena on the starship the Sith had provided ever since the main base for the Assassins got destroyed, Feral approached the table with his weapons on it and equipped his standard three burst pistol, and his turquoise lightsaber. Meanwhile, behind him another got ready for the training session as well...a young knight standing on the other end patiently waiting...

Feral was normally not one to display his training in the open but his resources had become limited. And he needed to test his new form on someone...The White Wolf had been working on a newer lightsaber form for a while now, and today was its first combat test on an opponent who was not a droid. And once he gathered his weapons Julius turned to face his opponent...walking slowly to the other side of the arena so he was on the opposite end of the room. Activating his lightsaber and pointing the tip towards the floor off to the side, Feral narrowed his eyes and took a breath...this is wear it began.

Across the room was Saiah. She had waited for him for a while already. Standing with her arms crossed over her chest, she followed white wolf's movements with her pale grey eyes. In her left hand, a golden coin turned over and over ceaselessly. It usually meant she was deep in thought. In her right hand she held the hilt of her lightsabre. She was clad in the Sith Assassins armour. It was lightweight, but made of resilient Beskar and spider silk. The hood lined with tererantek leather to protect her mind. Normally she would have worn something far lighter, but she did not want to take any chances. Not when dealing with an experimental form, and something of an experimental opponent.

"Are you ready?"

She still did not quite know why she had been inclined to help this... thing, with his training. Perhaps the concept of him developing a new form intrigued her. As he turned to her she let her arms fall, slipping the coin into its secret compartment. What did they call him again? Twelve? Fourteen? The White ... Something. She was unsure of his exact title and origin. After the fall of Malif Cove she had trouble doing proper research. Her network was in shambles.

As his lightsabre ignited, she stepped away from the wall and ignited her own scarlet blade, which hissed like an angry serpent as it emerged. As he came closer, she started circling him. Keeping her right shoulder to him. Quickly, smoothly, she lifted her blade in the Makashi greeting before letting it rest in a downwards, diagonal position.

[member="The White Wolf"]
The White Wolf observed his opponent for a moment...the two of them circling for a while as they watched one another...Feral could easily tell she used the Makashi form as she got into its typical stance and grip. His bright eyes narrowed as his tail flicked to the left. He took a breath, exhaled. And thought to himself...he knew what needed to be done but it was mainly a question of how. And as his mind reeled with these thoughts Feral suddenly crossed his arms in front of him in an X formation...twisting his lightsaber into the reverse grip and pointing it backwards along his arm as if they were scissors, his other hand held the pistol aimed at her. And within mere seconds he applied force speed and dashed forward at her at high speeds.

His eyes narrowed as he aimed and squeezed the trigger...three shots firing rapidly at her as he constantly pulled the trigger causing a flurry of blaster bolts to fly at her. He anticipated she would probably try to deflect them, and after each collection of shots he'd zip to the left and back to the right in a serpentine form as he closed the distance between them.

His position was unusual for lightsabre combat, but nothing she hadn't seen before as a mercenary, only with a vibroblade or dagger instead of a glowstick of death. She had never been much of an advocate of the reverse grip herself, finding it far too limiting except under very special circumstances. Then again, she was no expert duellist, merely a capable one, if some people preferred it, there must be merit.

She danced out of the way for the three first with the fleet footwork of a Makashi practitioner. She was not putting any lid on her preference in style, there was no use. What she could not avoid with footwork, she deflected with her lightsabre, deflecting the blaster bolts up, left and right. She did not have the skill to redirect them back or at another enemy, but she had in time learned to defend against shots, even consecutive ones.

She did however, disapprove somewhat. While this was a sound tactical manoeuvre in an open sparring, this was supposedly a lightsabre spar. Had she known blasters were allowed, she would have brought her own. Then again, Sith do lie.

[member="The White Wolf"]
Feral watched and observed as she was put onto the defensive...elegantly moving out of the way of most of his shots and blocking the others that she could not. So far she was doing what he expected and thus continued his advance. His force speed allowed him to close the distance between them rather quickly and as he came within a few tails length of his he used force jump and leapt into the air...and as he hovered above her his pupils dilated from within his goggles as he threw an arm upwards as well.

He would attempt to use his telekinesis to throw her body upwards as if to meet him in mid air. If this was successful, he would unleash a flurry of shots down at her since it was almost impossible to dodge in mid air. Allowing him to execute the second part of his plan...if this did not work then he would simply shoot down at her and attempt to fall behind her in a crouched position and throw his blade outwards at her legs while also shooting at her mid section, giving her limited choices on how to dodge being at point blank range.

As he disconnected with the ground, Saiah knew just what she would do. It was a thing she rather enjoyed doing and had become relatively adept at doing. As he became airborne, even as she herself was lifted, she lashed out with her hand, sending a wave of Force energy to push him across the room and hopefully give him a less than fortunate landing. As she was raised up, she made herself small by crouching together. She kept her lightsabre in front of her, ready to protect her from both shot and cut.

If her force push was successful, she would most likely land on her feet and again assume the Makashi position, then charge at him with her own Force Speed and attack with several light cuts, aimed to hamper his movement.

[member="The White Wolf"]

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