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Approved Species Bikkerwing

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Triter Zone

The Littlest Space Pirate
- Bikkerwing -
[ The image is of a small real-life pterosaur, known as Sordes pilosus. ]

Designation - Semi-sentient.
Homeworld - Dxun.
Language - N/A.
Average Wingspan - 0.62 meters.
Skin color - Black.
Hair color - Brown.
Breathes - Type 1 atmosphere.
Strengths -
  • Has extremely good problem-solving capability.
  • Is an agile flier.
  • Loyal to those it considers friends.
  • Saliva contains a powerful blood thinner which also inhibits coagulation, meaning that bite wounds inflicted on most species will bleed freely for several hours.
Weaknesses -
  • Cannot fly long distances without stopping often to rest.
  • Small size and light build give it a poor constitution.
Average Lifespan - 60-70 standard years.
Races - N/A.
Estimated Population - The Bikkerwing migrated to Onderon from Dxun along with the much larger and more vicious Drexl, and from there has spread to many planets throughout the Galaxy. At this time, it is difficult to guess the species' overall population.
Diet - The Bikkerwing typically eats insects and small fish, though it will also go after rodents and feed off carrion when given the opportunity. It is uncommon for the species to attack prey larger than itself, though it has been known to sometimes use its blood-thinning bite to bring down creatures as large as womp rats.
Communication - Squawks and screeches.
Culture - N/A.
Technology level - N/A.

- Distinctions -
Small and lightly built, the Bikkerwing is a reptavian native to Onderon's "Demon Moon" of Dxun, and is considered one of the less intimidating creatures to come from that world. The Bikkerwing's body is covered in a fine fur-like down, with bat-like wings and a semi-prehensile tail with a feathered tip. When on the ground, the Bikkerwing stands on four legs, with its wings folded up to allow use of the digits on its forelegs. The creature also has a beak-like muzzle, with a row of small teeth inside.

- General behavior -
The Bikkerwing is a mostly solitary animal, highly territorial with a habit of diving on intruders of all species, either scratching with its small claws or biting, the latter of which can produce wounds which bleed freely for many hours if the skin is broken. Despite this, certain Bikkerwings have been known to form strong attachments, either with members of their own species or with other animals, including sentients. The criteria for these friendships has defied the understanding of animal behaviorists, but the resulting bond is incredibly strong, lasting decades and capable of being passed on to the subject's offspring or close associates, as well as being inherited by the Bikkerwing's own mate and offspring. A bonded Bikkerwing will follow their new friend wherever they go, protecting them and keeping them company, even learning to recognize and respond to emotional states. Because of this, Bikkerwings are popular as pets, though only rarely does a true bond manifest between an animal and their owner; the most many can hope for is to train their Bikkerwing not to attack them on sight.
Bikkerwings, despite their small size, are highly intelligent, displaying the cognitive ability of a 5-6 year old human child in terms of pattern recognition and problem-solving capability. Though they cannot reproduce most languages, they can often learn to understand them, and experiments with an adult female at the Institute of Onderon succeeded in teaching the animal to communicate using tap code, with a vocabulary of about 300 words in Basic.
Bikkerwings can also, naturally, be taught to perform simple tasks.

- History -
The Bikkerwing migrated to Onderon from Dxun in the distant past, possibly clinging to the much larger Drexl to ride across the atmospheric bridge between the two planets. Once sentient explorers and settlers came to Onderon, it was only a matter of time before the species found its way into the wider Galaxy, probably by way of individual Bikkerwings bonding with starship captains. For thousands of years, the species has been found on planets across the Inner Rim and the Expansion Region, though there have been reports of colonies as far away as the Outer Rim and Wild Space.
Due to their ability to form strong bonds with certain individuals, Bikkerwings, despite their temperamental disposition, have long been popular as pets, though true bonding between an animal and its owner is relatively rare.

Intent - One of these creatures would be a pet for my character, Triter Zone.
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