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Beware of Blondes with messages

So he would make her dessert if she so desired it, "No Trevor I have patience for good things, so it can wait" She smiled at him he was being very sweet to her having only just met her. So maybe there was something to this Organa Alde relationship. She knew was starting to come away from some of her shyness and speak more like herself than a business associate.

She was going to say something until his mother and father returned but this time they had something to show her. Taking the photo from Jeselle she looked at the young faces of her parents, and of Trevor's parents. "Wow, you were all so young" She may have said that a little to much, she looked from the photo to Jeselle and Gregor. "They never said they knew the Alde family." Claire wondered why her parents had not said anything but Jeselle said that they worked things out.

Claire was nodding, "Yes Mam, there may be some things you can tell me about Alderaan and my parents" There seem to be more about her parents she did not know. Claire couldn't help but continue to stare at the photo.

"Our parents have known each other a long time" When she spoke it was almost a whisper but she kept this small smile as she studied the photo.

"Trevor, did you know they had this?" Did he in fact know more about her family than she did?

[member="Trevor Alde"]​
[member="Claire Organa"]

Trevor sat in stunned silence not really knowing what to think or say about what he had just heard.

Greg fussed at Geselle for telling the kids that little bit of history. He came back to the table and added, “Geselle, your mother and I were the same age and ended up in college together. Your father was a few years older, the age of my oldest brother. Elinor and I dated until we ran into Simon and Geselle. That was the end of our dating because I don’t think Simon and Elinor ever left each other’s side since.”

“That day,” he continued indicating the picture, “Geselle was his date for a day riding the thrantas. It was a strange ride. I could tell Elinor wanted to be riding with Simon as soon as we took off. I ended up taking Geselle to dinner that night and we had a good laugh about the way our dates ended up.” He puts his arm around Geselle and added, “And we haven’t left each other’s side since. Now, you come with me you little trouble maker and let them have their dinner in peace.”

As Greg led her away, Geselle gave Claire a wink and said, “You have to watch out for those Alde men. They can be addicting.”

Trevor had the decency to blush. When his parents finally were back inside, he answered her question, “The last couple of years, my father has been telling me about Alderaan; teaching me about the families; and some of what life was like there. I know that if he had not been the youngest son, he would have stayed; but, he knew the history and how divisive having another heir around could be. He had supporters even then and didn’t want a faction to form that would encourage him to challenge for leadership of the family.”

He paused, gave an incredulous smile and added, “But I had no idea of their personal history. It makes me wish I could have known them when they were in college on Alderaan. As large as it is, being from one of the noble houses gave them an extended group of friends and peers that must have made it seem smaller. I know they have no regrets coming to Nubia but I’ve come to realize how much they do miss their former home.”

He cut his eyes towards Claire with a mischievous grin and asked demurely, “Do you think an Alde man could be addicting?”
Claire could not help but watch Trevor's parents so playful and still held that look in their eyes for one another. Unconditional. Yes that is what she wanted that there the way Greg looked at Geselle, his parents slowly slipped back inside.

Claire looked over at Trevor "There is a rumor that we will one day be able to go back to Alderaan, I just don't know if it will be the same. My father started talking about the other houses, and the way life was there. I think he misses it" She had spoken right after Trevor had talked about what his father had been teaching him. It would seem their parents had the same idea to teach them so they would know. So what if her information came only within the last few months.

I wish my parents had said something, perhaps they did not want to get their hopes up to have them crushed. It had happened a few other times she knew her parents were protective of their emotional ups and downs. I would have liked to see them all that young, that carefree. Such a different time Trevor Claire would have liked to have seen her parents before the worry lines had set in, the touch of gray and the somber voices. They were so different than what was in this picture.

Claire loved this picture and the hope that it offered.

She heard his voice and turned towards him I think an Alde man can be addicting she whispered back. Trevor I don't have anyone back home waiting for me she was answering the question that he had asked earlier and she had conveniently negotiated around.

She reached over for her glass of wine and sipped it, all while looking over the rim of her glass at him. Had his parents just planted ideas in each of their minds, or was there something growing between them.

[member="Trevor Alde"]​
[member="Claire Organa"]

Trevor didn’t need his parent to plant ideas in his mind. He’d had several occur to him as soon as he had seen her at the convention, but, those had been replaced by some that would probably be considered more respectable as he got to know her over the course of the evening. Even though the whirlwind of emotions he’d been experiencing in her presence seemed to be calming - probably because of the presence of his parents – he still would bet that there was some kind of weird voodoo concerning Aldes and Organas. Maybe it was pheromones; anyway, he was pretty sure that his only hope of avoiding the effects of it was to stay away from any or all Organas. He couldn’t convince himself that was a price he was willing to pay. Not yet anyway, he was still too curious about Claire and getting to know her.

He didn’t comment on her admission of not having anyone at home. He just smiled and said, “Maybe we should test whether Organas and Aldes are addictive to each other. We could even run a second test and introduce Simeon and Victoria.” Somewhere in Tre’s mind he felt a perverse delight in the idea of introducing his younger brother to a girl that would shatter his world… in a good way. Simeon was more of a player than Tre had ever wanted or hoped to be. Maybe an Organa was exactly what he needed in his life. He gave her a long look, examining her eyes as he added, “I’m curious how that test would come out.”

He found himself being hypnotized by the blue of her eyes and shook himself mentally to break the spell. He said softly as he refilled her glass, “Let me know when you’re ready for your dessert. Oh, and I suppose tomorrow when we are shopping you should help me pick out an outfit adequate for an Alde to wear to meet the Queen.”
[SIZE=12pt]Claire could easily see how someone like Trevor would be addicting, his playful nature, his flirtatious smile, his exquisite manners, and an ability to cook, and to make friends easy and then add in that he was ruggedly handsome.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I have to admit that I am quite curious myself.” She couldn’t help but grin thinking about Victoria meeting Trevor’s brother Simeon. “Victoria is very rigid at times your brother would have quite the task, but then if this addiction is true he might very well melt her down” Claire sipped her wine a little more letting it lay on her tongue filling her sense of taste and smell with the flavors of Alderaan.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]When she was ready for dessert looking at him he was sweet enough to be dessert. Yes she could fall victim to his wiles. She would make the most willing victim.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Dessert that’s right your specialty right?” Put some whip cream on him and I’ll take him home she thought.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Clothes, OH yes something very nice to meet the Queen. I’m sure that you will be more than adequate” too much wine she thought, “I mean the stores here should carry something that is more than adequate, though I’d like them not to be.” She wanted to set up a store. Ohh she sighed in her mind his very presence was making this difficult.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She could see him in something double breasted, though single would give him that long look. Claire closed her eyes, and then popped them back open.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I think I’m ready for dessert” before she undressed him with her thoughts it would be best to keep her occupied.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I think we can do this experiment. If we just happen to introduce them and watch what happens that could be more umm telling than anything. Don’t you think?” She looked at him again[/SIZE]

[member="Trevor Alde"]​
[member="Claire Organa"]

Trevor blinked in confusion then comprehension struck. She must be drinking more than she normally does or the wine is stronger than she’s used to drinking. Her conversation was becoming hard for him to follow – zipping from topic to topic like a bee sampling flowers. Not that he was much better, but, he was really surprised she hadn’t picked up on what he was implying when he asked her to help him find something to wear to meet the Queen. He was telling her that she had succeeded in her assignment and she could make a positive report to her cousin. He was willing to go home with her and represent the Alde’s before the Queen. He really wasn’t sure if he was interested in meeting the Queen or if he accepted it as an excuse for extending his time with Claire.

He chuckled at her stammering about buying clothes. It reminded him of something she’d had said earlier that he’d ask her about after he head her dessert made. “Sit and relax or you can soak your feet in the pool. I’ll prepare the dessert now and will be about ten minutes.” He got up and headed for the kitchen then stopped himself and went around to her side of the table. He leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, saying, “I’m very happy to have met you, Claire Organa.” He then hurried into the kitchen before she could recover from the shock of his impulsive display of affection.

He had things ready. All he had to do was heat, assemble, and serve… oh, yes… set fire to and serve. He returned in ten minutes as promised and placed his concoction before her - a molten chocolate cake sitting on a layer of ice cream. Then he used a spoon and made a depression on the top of the cake, placed a spoonful of brandy in it and lit it. This he presented to her with a fresh spoon and napkin. “I hope you like it,” he said as he returned to his seat.


He watched as she attacked the chocolate. It was one of his favorites, but, he wasn’t feeling hungry for cake tonight. Something else sweet maybe… but, not likely. The thought of his mother patrolling the halls all night gave him a grin. Then he returned to a thought he alluded to earlier. “You know Claire, my father and I manage an Investment firm in Nuba City. We look for investment opportunities and provide funding for promising entrepreneurs. If you are seriously interested in exploring business opportunities on Nubia, I’m sure I won’t have to twist his arm to assist you in funding the project.”

He knew his father would love to help an Organa. Then you would have a reason to be on Nubia more often he thought, imagining the possibilities.
Claire looked at the dessert turning it one way and then another. She was going to go into a sugar coma from one bite she just knew it. "Wow Trevor this looks amazing and most definitely will live up to the hype"

She had let go the fact that he was in effect saying that he would meet with the Queen, that was the effect he had on her, and the wine contributed to. He made it so she couldn't think straight. And now he was offering to help her expand?

She was almost ready to push the spoon through the layers of confection when the offer came, she looked at him almost dumbfounded. That's quite generous. She put the spoon down for a moment even though she was dieing to take a bite of this, all his effort layered her before her. Trevor if Claire Treadway was coming to your office instead of Claire Organa would you be making the same offer? It wasn't that she didn't appreciate it, she wanted to jump all over it. They barely knew her, maybe she was a horrible business woman. She wasn't but what if.

Claire put her hand to her mouth, and then leaned over to Trevor. Trevor I love that you are saying this, if you agree to let me show you my business plan. What my store does, who my customers, let me show you my business and you still want to twist your Dad's arm, I'm all over it. I'd come stay on Nubia until everything was set up, operating. And if necessary stay until you see a return on your investment. She knew he had to understand. She looked at the desert picked up the spoon and crushed through the top of the cake. She brought up a dripping spoonful careful not to spill any of it she slowly brought it up to her mouth and slid the spoon in.

There was a rush of sugar which she expected, and the brandy taste hit her. MMmmmmm damn that is really good, wanna bite?

[member="Trevor Alde"]​
[member="Claire Organa"]

“Trevor if Claire Treadway was coming to your office instead of Claire Organa would you be making the same offer?”

Trevor grinned and responded, “From what I’ve seen of your willingness to work the convention crowd to stimulate business and from what you told me about your plans, I’m sure that we would be interested in exploring investment opportunities. Be assured we will do our due diligence and make sure we won’t be taking unnecessary risks with our investors’ money, but, I don’t see a problem. There’s been a real boom in new businesses on Nubia lately and Contessa will fill a lucrative niche yet to be exploited.” He gave her a sympathetic grin and added, “Plus, by the time my father finishes grilling you and your prospectus you may not want to have anything to do with Alde Investments.”

His smile broadened when he saw that she did like his dessert. “MMmmmmm damn that is really good, wanna bite?”

Well, yes, he thought. I would love a bite. Instead he sipped his wine, wondering at the strange emotions this woman evoked in him, and simply said, “No… thanks. I’m good.”
[member="Trevor Alde"]​
I bet you are good she thought she would play with that idea as she finished her dessert. She dipped her spoon once again, "Good, I want to be asked about my business what my idea has always been where I want it to go. And if Alde Investments wants to be part of that, I am more than happy to have them but on the right terms" She was glad he said it she surely did not want somethiing she had not earned.

She couldn't wait to send a message home to her sister she wanted her to know everything that had happened so far, and she wanted to gossip about Trevor and the story his parents had told her. She looked over at the pool the water looked inviting, perfect. She could envision wearing the suit she had picked up just on impulse.

But would it be imposing, because in truth a good swim and a warm shower and she'd sleep like a baby. She bit her lip and then looked at Trevor again, "Would it be imposing if I asked to go swimming?" She did not want to impose on them, and she would even offer to swim alone if there was any hesitation. She wanted to enjoy this time, and she was really trying to not have to say goodnight to Trevor just yet.

Strange how his presence just seemed to give her a kind of comfort. She smiled at him. What was he thinking?
[member="Claire Organa"]

"Would it be imposing if I asked to go swimming?"

It was probably better that she didn’t know what he was thinking; especially regarding the thought of her in a what he could only hope would be one of the newer, skimpier styles being advertised lately. And that was her job, wasn’t it… knowing the latest fashions? Yes, indeed!

“Not at all!” he finally managed to respond. “While you are here, we want you to make yourself at home. The pool, the kitchen, anything you want or need is at your disposal. You needn’t ask! Just help yourself.”

He thought most nights his parents would be spending the evening in the pool or the hot tub. He was also pretty sure that if Claire and he were swimming they probably wouldn’t impose. Or maybe his mother would, he thought with a grin.

“Are you ready to swim now? If so we can go change and I’ll meet you back out here in a few minutes. Oh, and if you see my parents on your way to your room, you might let them know what we are going to do.”
Claire was elated and it showed on her face, "Excellent!" She took a few more hurried bites of dessert, "Don't take that anywhere, please" She did not want to forget her manners, now she did wonder about stopping and telling Trevor's parents their plans.

"I will meet you back here in a few" Yes she had one of those very skimpy suits that covered little, but that wasn't Claire. Yes she was fit, and an acceptable weight but wearing something that felt like her underclothes was not for her. She had a respectable one piece that left some things to the imagination.

Imagination. If Trevor was hoping to glimpse her nearly naked in one of those barely there suits, well he had another thing coming. He'd have to use his imagination. Claire was on her way to her room when she saw Trevor's parents, "hi, sorry for interrupting, but Trevor and I are going to take a swim, he said you'd want to know" or was it that he said to let them know. She didn't remember right then.

In her room she looked at the two suits she had the skimpy one that was often modeled matter of fact she had shown it to Trevor's friend wife not long ago. And the dusty rose one that went really well with her light coloring.

She would wear the one piece, as much as she might like to see that look in his eyes. She wanted to keep some things to the imagination.

Changing and then slipping on the white cloth covering that went to her knees, had wonderfully deep pockets, and a hood. She made her way back downstairs in her flip flops, not very stylish but very handy.

She walked out looking for Trevor, she wanted to make sure she had his attention for the big reveal.

[member="Trevor Alde"]

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