Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beware of Blondes with messages

[SIZE=12pt]Claire wanted to expand Contessa the location on Balmorra was doing well but she felt she needed to reach other clients in order to make the type of credits that would allow her to compete on a galactic scale.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She knew that some of the type of people she could end up working with could have less than spotless reputations. She only meant to provide them a service not become embroiled in their businesses.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked at the map of the galaxy, the different factions that held the galaxy in the grasp of their hand. Corellia was in the hands of the Protectorate, the same as Nubia there were rumors of a family from Alderaan, an old family as being there.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Claire considered all things would it be best to go to Nubia and try to locate this family, or to go to Corellia and seek investors.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She did not have the opportunity to really think on it, her cousin Queen Arianna had also heard such rumors and tasked Claire to go to Nubia to see if the rumor was true, was there a member of a noble house of Alderaan there.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]And if so, who was it, and to bring to them the message that she entrusted with Claire.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Claire was now becoming involved in politics. All because her father had to admit to them their true name.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Claire made arrangements and traveled under the name Claire Treadway, and then under the guise of a business woman, which she was she made a few appointments , and she accepted a few invitations. One to tea, another to the ballet, and a third to a gathering of shareholders of a company called PharmCorp. She hoped to network and find a few clients.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The first night would be at the gathering for PharmCorp. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Trevor Alde"][/SIZE]
[member="Claire Organa"]

Trevor looked at himself in the mirror, making sure his tux was perfectly pressed and was still fitting him properly. He hadn’t worn it in a couple of years and his shoulders had filled out with the exercise and training program he started with Echani Master D’ton. It was perhaps tighter than he may have preferred, but, it was too late for an alteration… besides, it showed off his large shoulders nicely.

He had promised his father he would represent the family at the PharmCorp Gala. It was a party for stockholders and invitees at which the company’s annual report would be presented, and, as it had been a highly profitable year, a celebratory party would follow. Trevor would have felt more at home at a Nubia Star Drives (NSD) gathering, but, he would honor his father’s wish.

Recent events had shown Trevor how much he differed from his father. His father was something of a stay-at-home, anti-social recluse by nature. He much preferred maintaining the family’s business interests from the shadows.

Trevor on the other hand, while having no particular interest in being in the spotlight, had no problem being an outspoken, vocal representative of the family. He had gained some local notoriety when he made a couple of minor suggestions to modify a current NSD design based on observations he’d made while rebuilding his ship. Initially outraged by the nerve of a new graduate questioning their design, the senior NSD engineers eventually reluctantly admitted the suggestions had value and began their own study as how to implement the changes. The fact that Trevor offered the suggestions with no expectation of compensation rather endeared him to the NSD engineering staff and he was actually offered a junior position. He politely declined, expecting to be a more active participant in the family’s business concerns in the future.

Trevor looked around the room. It was part of a deluxe suite in the hotel portion of the convention center, a small part of the infamous Nubian Palace itself. PharmCorp didn’t have meeting facilities large enough to accommodate a meeting of this size, so, it outsourced the event to the local convention complex. It was a logical pairing if the old rumors were true. It was said a Hutt named Prall was the original owner of both PharmCorp and the Nubian Palace. Trevor gave a wry smile of amusement at the thought. If true, it had been many generations in the past and he’d never actually seen a Hutt on Nubia. Of course, he probably wouldn’t unless they wished it so.

He stepped out into the hallway making sure his room locked behind him. He walked down to the turbo-lift and took it down to the convention level. Stepping out into the massive chamber, he was amazed at the number of people in attendance. He picked up a drink at the free bar and began working his way down through the crowd. He greeted a few that he recognized and introduced himself politely to some that appeared receptive. He planned to mingle until the announcement that they should take their seats for the presentation of the annual report. He certainly hoped the CEO was a fast talker.

[SIZE=12pt]Dressing was her way of advertising, if she wore something that was elegant and chic it would draw women of every age. But it could also backfire, if she wore it better than they could they might be resentful.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]So, look good without going overboard.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She had not held out much hope of finding the family that her cousin wished, but when she looked at a list of shareholders there was a name, Alde that stood out. Alde was an old family name on Alderaan Claire had learned this by reading up on the Nobles of Alderaan.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She imaged this to be some well-dressed older man, slowly balding. He’d have his wife shorter, a bit rounder than he by his side. Yes she could imagine what the member of house Alde looked like.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She picked a few things out and when she looked in the mirror she was not happy with what she saw. She finally after having three other dresses on settled for this dress. It made her youthful was the right length, and it was chic.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Claire finished getting ready making sure she had not added too much to her outfit, she stepped out of her room and waited for the elevator to take her to the convention level. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The hall was large a bit intimidating but she was here to do a job, and to network for her company, where to start now. She put on her best smile, and made her way to the beverages, everyone loved a good drink.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Evening, I’m Claire yes so nice to see you. Oh my, the dress it is a wonderful piece thank you. I think you would look lovely in something similar maybe a little longer but I think you can pull this off” She smiled and kept talking handing out her business cards as she went.[/SIZE]

[member="Trevor Alde"]​
[member="Claire Organa"]

About halfway down the length of the grand hall, Trevor found an old friend and classmate, Chase Alexander. Chase had been in engineering school with Trevor and they shared a few not-so-academic adventures. Chase was recently married and found it necessary to constantly play matchmaker for Trevor. Trevor figured it was an example of the old saying “misery loves company.”

“Lots of beautiful, wealthy, single women here tonight, Tre,” Chase said needlessly.

Trevor just shrugged. It wasn’t that he didn’t like women; quite the contrary. It was just that he had always stayed so busy with his special interests and projects that the ladies he dated tended to feel ignored and eventually just gave up on him. Besides, a serious relationship was way, way down on his list of priorities.

“Think it’s true that most of the younger ones mingling alone are escorts paid for by PharmCorp to entertain the old married guys that got to come without their wives?” Chase asked.

Trevor cringed at the thought. He knew lots of the attendees had suites upstairs just as he did. Chase’s question seemed ridiculous on one hand and plausible on the other. “I don’t know, Chase. Just… please don’t try to fix me up with one of them.”

Chase laughed. “No, buddy… I think we got that out of our systems when we were freshmen.”

Trevor didn’t really want to recall some of the things they had done as freshmen; living away from home for the first time.

“But there is someone here I want to try and find for you and I think I see her now…”

Chase stepped out to stop a young blonde making her way slowly thought the crowd. “Miss Treadway? My name is Chase Alexander. My wife told me you are a personal stylist.”

Chase stepped back so that Trevor was included in the sphere of the conversation. “I have this friend who could really use some help when it comes to dressing himself properly… just look how tight that coat is in the shoulders.”

He took a quick look at the card his wife had handed him to keep in his pocket for her and continued, “Trevor, this is Claire Treadway owner of Contessa of Balmorra. Miss Treadway… this is Trevor Alde of Nubia. Do you think you can help the poor guy?”

Trevor had no idea what Contessa was, but, he did know a knockout blonde when he saw one. He flexed his shoulder muscles slightly to make the coat fit that much tighter and said offering her his hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Treadway.”
[SIZE=12pt]Claire turned when she heard her name she had no difficulty answering to Claire Treadway it was after all the name she had gone by for years, until her father told her what her name really was.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Evening Mr. Alexander” she whispered, his wife his wife..oh yes the lovely redhead with the green eyes now she remembers Mrs. Alexander, hard to dress a red head sometimes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Yes that is one of the titles I have Stylist” She watched as he seemed to be making room for someone else she smiled at Mr. Alexander’s friend and waited to be introduced.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]She nodded listening, she laughed a bit nervously, Alde. Well the gods were on her side here was the very name of the family that she had been sent to find. Delivered in a tight tux.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Mr. Alde, the pleasure is mine[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Contessa was expanding she had started out as solely a stylist for women, however some of the men began to feel left out. Claire decided to learn more, it would seem her reputation came ahead of her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Your friend is right your tux is tailored very well, but you do need to manage some room for…movement” She had noticed that his muscles has flexed was it a nervous twitch, or was it him letting her know he worked out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Perhaps we can arrange a meeting, I can show you some of Contessa’s offerings, um maybe we could do a little window shopping so I can learn what you like” What did he like, he appreciated her she had seen the look. The look that every woman recognized.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]So this was a member of House Alde of Alderaan. Very interesting indeed. It was said House Alde and House Organa had close ties, allies. That was good to know, did he know about Alderaan? She felt it impolite to ask right now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Trevor Alde"][/SIZE]​
[member="Claire Organa"]

Trevor wasn’t a psychologist by any means but he was an observer of human nature and peoples’ reactions. Her slight uncertain laugh when Chase told her his name told him instantly that she recognized it. The way her eyes kept darting back to look at him then darting away showed an interest in him that immediately made him wary. It was far from the lingering looks girls gave him when they were interested in him physically or even romantically. His father had told him too many stories of the hazards of being of noble birth on Alderaan. He didn’t think she looked like an assassin , but, something in her demeanor, as polite as she was being, made him cautious.

“Thank you, Miss Treadway, but, despite what Chase seems to think I believe you would find my tastes to be too simple to require the services of an expert. My preferred outfit is jeans and a leather coat. I fear that wouldn’t offer you much of a challenge.”

Chase gave Trevor a quick shocked look but remained silent. He knew his friend too well to intrude an argument at this point. Trevor appreciated that tact on his part and was tempted to end the conversation with the blonde from Balmorra then; however, he really didn’t want to let her slip away if some mischief was afoot. An invitation might test the waters somewhat… if she accepted and was willing to slip away with him it would put some doubt on whether or not she was her primarily to promote her business… or was there some other reason.

He gave her a grin that had landed him many dates during his college days and continued, “I am hungry though. I was thinking of taking the lift up to the rooftop restaurant for a quick meal. Would you care to join me?”
[SIZE=12pt]Would she care to join him for some dinner, she had to think for a few moments had she eaten today. A quick run through of details and she had not eaten since breakfast.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]“That would be wonderful Mr. Alde” She turned looking at Chase, “Mr. Alexander I will be in touch with your wife tomorrow after my morning meeting. I look forward to working with her again.” His wife liked to wear elegant soft materials that slipped over the skin with no effort.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She smiled and then looked at[member="Trevor Alde"] “Lead the way” She wasn’t quite sure where she was going, and something told her this would be her opportunity to tell him who she was, and what the message was from Cousin Arianna.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He offered his arm and she hooked hers into his as they walked, approving glances came their way. Yes they made a striking pair he in his dark tux, she in her shiny gold dress. A cake topper for certain. The lift was made of glass, one could rise up and look out all across the city. It was beautiful.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Have you lived here all your life Mr. Alde?” Or was he born somewhere else and brought here. [/SIZE]
[member="Claire Organa"]

Well, if she was an assassin, she felt pretty good holding onto his arm as they left the grand hall and took the lift to the roof. Of course, as far as he knew he had no frame of reference as to how an assassin would feel. Still, he had that gut feeling she had a secondary agenda she wasn’t sharing.

“Please call me Trevor, Miss Treadway… or Tre as most of my friends prefer.”

Before he could continue they had reached the maître d and Trevor said, “Could we have a southeast corner table for two, Mr. Burns?”

The man looked up ready to rebuke them for wanting a table with no reservation until he saw who it was. “Of course, Trevor. It will only be a moment.”

Jake Burns, Mr. Burns’ son, was a high school classmate of Trevor’s. Jake hadn’t been able to attend the university, nor did he really want to, but, Trevor helped him get a job working the assembly line at NSD and his family had been eternally grateful to Trevor. For a large city, parts of it seemed like a small town to Trevor as it seemed he knew people everywhere he went. It was that way with his father, too, even if that seemed odd due to his reclusive nature. The Aldes were simply known to be kind people and were generally well liked. Trevor was really very fond of his hometown of Nuba City.

“I was born right here in the Nuba City Regional Medical Center,” he replied to her question. “I’ve never been farther than a science class trip to Nimbia and Nothar.”

When he was ready, they followed Mr. Burns to their requested table. At the edge of the roof in the southeastern corner of the building it provided an expansive 270 degree view of the city. The lights seemed to go on forever, filling the valley and climbing the mountain side in the distance. It was one of Trevor’s favorite views of the city. His impression of Balmorra was that of an industrial wasteland. Whether that was fair or not, he didn’t know, but, he hoped Claire was enjoying the view.

After they ordered drinks and an appetizer tray to get them started, Trevor asked, “So, Miss Treadway from Balmorra… tell me about yourself.”
Claire was accustomed to dinner meetings this felt like that she smiled warmly and thought of an agenda of questions to ask Mr. [member="Trevor Alde"].

"I think I will go with Trevor for the time being it is still a bit formal, Tre sounds like someone who knows you well. But you should call me Claire." The exchange between the maitre'd and Trevor was interesting was there something special about the southeast corner table, perhaps his favorite. Claire was not sure she would wait to see what it was about this specific table.

He was able to answer her question about his birth, just as they arrived at the table, and the view was spectacular. She looked from one side to the other, "wow that is beautiful"

She slid into her chair looking over at Trevor the background a sea of lights behind him.

Tell him about her, she didn't know that there was much to tell. "Well I was born on Balmorra, I have a sister named Victoria. My parents are still both living. I guess the biggest part of who I am is my business Contessa. Which I started when still in High School." Claire picked up an appetizer looking at it contemplative of its contents.

"Of course there is a recent revelation that my father thought we should know" She looked over at him, his family was of Alderaan. There was no harm in telling him, right. Or there could be a ton of harm, she didn't know.

Additionally it would give her an opportunity to see how he reacted. If he doesn't know the history of his house, his name with Alderaan how could she give him the message from Cousin Arianna.

"He says we are members of the House Organa of Alderaan, quite the shocker for me" She smiled, "how would you feel about suddenly everything you thought you know wasn't really true?"

This would tell her what she should do.
[member="Claire Organa"]

Trevor dipped a shrimp in the red sauce and began to take a bite then prudently tapped it on the side of the bowl relieving the boiled crustacean of most of the coating. He remembered just in time how hot that sauce was. He preferred not to tear up in front of Miss Treadway this early in their young relationship. It just didn’t seem… manly.

He munched contentedly on a second and third shrimp – with no sauce – as he listened to her tell him about herself. She finally got to the interesting part… House Organa.

Trevor did indeed know the history of his own house, as well as some of that of House Organa. He also knew that historically the families had been staunch allies and friends. His turn…

“My father didn’t feel the need to hide his identity when he and my mother moved from Alderaan to Nubia. He was the youngest of several brothers and had little hope of ascending into any of the family’s leadership roles… nor did he have a desire to do so. He hated the politics and intrigue that accompanied the noble houses and wanted to escape it for himself and his family.”

“My grandfather gave them a significant nest-egg as a wedding gift to enable them to establish themselves on Nubia. He invested wisely and is very happy having raised his family here.”

“I always knew I was an Alde of Alderaan, but, it really never meant much to me. When I turned 18 my father began telling me more about the home world and the life he abandoned. Under the circumstances, I can’t say that I blame him. Now there’s the problem of the One Sith…”

He looked out over the city lights; a faraway look in his eyes for a moment as he added, “I always wanted to see the mountain ruins of Fort Alde.”

His eyes regained their focus and he turned an electric, challenging smile on her saying, “And I understand House Organa and House Alde were very… close.”
"My father felt that since his brother and wife were killed that there was a mark on the Organa name. He didn't want anyone coming after us." Claire reached over and picked up a shrimp, she had only been able to even think about ordering something like this in the last 4 years. Trevor acted as if he had been living like this his whole life.

This was a conversation that reminded her of what her cousin had gone through. She couldn't imagine living through watching the death of her parents, it was inconceivable that someone would want to kill them.

"Arianna Organa is currently living on Balmorra while she tries to find a home for the people of Alderaan, and to find enough allies to retake Alderaan" Claire was playing with the shrimp twisting it between her fingers.

When Trevor mentioned how close the families were she nodded, "Yes it has been a topic of discussion for about a week." She looked across the table. The conversation between the Queen and her Uncle who seemed to be acting as Vizier that week, was not one that Claire was happy with.

She laid the shrimp down she was rending it into pieces, "In the research I've done in the last week, I think I would like to ride a Thranta into the high mountains" Then she sighed, "But it seems that neither of us will be able to go to Alderaan"

She felt a bit of loss for a home she had never seen and yet had this long lineage that resided there.

[member="Trevor Alde"]
[member="Claire Organa"]

I think I would like to ride a Thranta into the high mountains."

Trevor truly smiled at her for the first time. He appreciated that whimsical, almost romantic notion and shared her regret for a lost life and place. The Alderaan of the histories they had both seemingly been studying was no more. He grieved for something he never had.

“I suppose to ride a Thranta you’ll have to go to Bespin. As far as I know that’s the only place they are left and thriving,” he commented softly.

"But it seems that neither of us will be able to go to Alderaan…"

He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment and replied. “As a matter of fact, I was asked to go last week.”
Claire as quite surprised, "really? What did you say? Aren't you afraid of the Sith?"

She had not even petitioned the new government to go. Afraid of becoming captive as much as she wants to see what Alderaan looked like. But her cousin had said that the Sith had done something to the planet changed it. Thranta and much of the wild life was gone. She shook her head and then looked outside.

The things her father told her painted such a pretty picture. The halls of an ancient house images of ancestors long ago. It was sad.

Maybe they could rescue something from there even if it was a tiny little bit. Could she hire someone to take her? Or to go as her representative.

[member="Trevor Alde"]
[member="Claire Organa"]

Trevor watched with curiosity at the interest Claire was demonstrating in going to Alderaan or that he might be.

“I was invited by Nubian Star Drives to accompany a shipment of replacement parts and to oversee their installation.”

They knew Trevor and offered him a contract for the job when their own engineers were reluctant to venture to the Sith control territory. From what Trevor had been told, they were more afraid of the vong-forming than the sith.

He paused thoughtfully a moment, his gaze never leaving hers as if he was sizing her and her intentions up. “The One Sith and their destruction of the planet are the main reasons I haven’t agreed to go. What do you think? Do you think I should?”
[member="Trevor Alde"]

Claire had to think on this, "While it would be nice to see Alderaan, do you think the Sith will let you leave once you are there?" She wasn't sure it was safe for anyone that wasn't aligned with the Sith to go there.

What if they decided to keep him, and the engineers that went with them, how would they ever get them back? She looked at him, "Though if you went" She looked at him, a bit too intently perhaps, "You could see what it is like and then brief Queen Arianna, which I'm sure she would appreciate"

Yes she knew Arianna would appreciate it, but it was dangerous no matter what. "If I might ask, what did you tell them?" She wasn't here to ask him to spy for the Queen, she had been sent here to find out if the family Alde did exist, and were they willing to serve the Queen. And to find out if they would sit on the High Council and advise the Queen with the other members.
[member="Claire Organa"]

Trevor looked out over Nubia City thinking about her questions. Turning back to face her fully, he responded, “I haven’t given them an answer. I told them I would discuss it with my father and he is extraordinarily opposed to the idea.”

He gazed into her blue eyes wishing they weren’t quite as enticing as he was finding them and continued, “Of course, he agreed that it was ultimately my decision.”

“I don’t know what to expect from the Sith. To my knowledge, I’ve never met one. NSD seems to think the threat of never being able to buy from them again should be enough of a deterrent for them not to harass the engineers. I’m not so sure.”

But behind it all, it just didn’t seem that she was understanding.

“Frankly, Claire, I can’t think of any reason I should go anywhere for your Queen Organa. No disrespect meant, but I was born and raised a Nubian. Meeting you is the first contact I’ve ever had with anyone that calls themselves Alderaani and my father hasn’t in 30 years. Other than as a historic curiosity, why should I be concerned with Alderaan?”

“Please be frank with me… why are you here… now?”
She was more straight forward then she was acting this diplomatic reasoning wasn't entirely her. "Very well" she leaned forward, "one to expand my business and two to see if the rumour was true about the family Alde was here. And if true bring a representative to meet the Queen."

She sat back, "you're going to Alderaan I couldn't help but ask more. I want to know about it, and I know cousin Arianna frets over it all the time. If it's as bad as rumoured, she wants to find us a new home"

The cards were laid out. "Running into you was by chance, like finding out about your trip. I'd love to see it. Just once. "

She felt as though she knew nothing of her heritage, didn't he feel the same way?

[member="Trevor Alde"]
[member="Claire Organa"]

Trevor couldn’t help smiling. She was really cute when she was exasperated as he sensed she was becoming because of his recalcitrance. He watched her in silence as he composed himself. Damn her blue eyes.

“Claire, I apologize for acting the arse. It’s just… Alderaan is a sore subject with my family. Like I said, my father left because he was never expected to inherit and he hated the politics. Then a few years back, my grandfather died –apparently of natural causes. My uncles sent my father his due portion of the inheritance – presumably to assure that he was content to remain on Nubia. But then my eldest uncle died mysteriously in a speeder crash in the mountains. Then the middle two brothers were killed by the sith. The remnants of House Alde petitioned my father to return and assume its leadership. He declined. He did what was necessary to divide the estate between the family’s service staff and the minor Houses that were supporters of the family. As far as Alderaan is concerned, there is no House Alde any longer. I can’t imagine why Queen Organa would have any different opinion.”

If Trevor acted as if he didn’t care it was just that… an act. He mourned the loss of his family’s heritage as much as it seemed she did. He was just pragmatic and realized he was only one person. There was no way he could reclaim and redeem Alderaan.

He took a sip of his drink and smiled remembering something she’d briefly mentioned.

“So, Claire… we’re trying to be open and honest with each other, aren’t we? What did the Queen and your father say about the relationship between Houses Organa and Alde? Did they want you to seduce me into marriage?”
Claire turned crimson she remembered the conversation with her parents, and the Queen before she left.

Claire's father, "Now if you find them and if they have a suitable young man, you need to bring him back here. There aren't many families House Organa has faith in, and if an alliance can be made, we'll do it through a marriage Claire."

Claire's mother, "Oh Claire, you're getting older, we don't' want you to be a spinster, and if there is a young man you should, make yourself available to him. Do you understand? You do know about the birds and bees right?"

Queen Arianna, "It is understood that the family may have sold away their lands on Alderaan, but that does not mean that they sell their titles Claire. Whomever you meet the head of the family, unless he is dead or designates someone else is the Duke of House Alde. And if there is a suitable match, I can make a decree that you be married to him"

Claire: "You've all lost your minds, I am not chattel to be sold off to the first breathing male. I am not a member of concubines are us, I am CEO of my own company, and if I get married it will be someone I want to marry. Not, the hunchback, the one that everyone whispers about just because he's breathing"

Course now that she was sitting across from him he wasn't a hunchback, and he wasn't someone that anyone would put in a closet, or bag over their head. No, he was someone that you wanted to look at you and be the goddess of his world. He was someone you wanted to love you and want you always.

But arranged marriages were not like that, she had read a bunch of the stories. Arranged marriages didn't offer love, and tenderness. No they offered duty, and obligations. She didn't want to anyone's obligation.

"Yes marriage came up" She sighed, "The Queen knew about your father giving the lands away but he is not able to sell his Title. She says with a new home there will be new lands, with the traditions of Alderaan even if it is not Alderaan. She's looking at a world somewhere near Corellia. She told me to be sure I addressed your father as Duke Alde. And again, invite you all to Balmorra to meet with her, her family and renew old alliances." She sighed now, "So you would be the Marquess, Lord [member="Trevor Alde"] ."

She took a sip of her drink she needed it this was the most uncomfortable she had ever been and it took the topic of marriage to do so. "The Queen has said she could decree a marriage to take place, but she would also add to it enough time for a courtship." She laughed a bit more now, "I told her I wanted to be my husbands' goddess, not his duty"

She figured she better tell him the other thing to incase he was considering the Queens suggestion, "I am the CEO of my company, I make a good living. I don't live lavishly by any means, but I'm comfortable and I can do what I want when I want. My sister Victoria, which you may prefer, works with me, and my parents own a portion of my company because they helped with the start up, and it was the right thing to do. My father has retired from his job in the munitions factory."

She took the glass and finished it off she did not like feeling like she was bartering herself for...what? Position? Money? She didn't even know, what did House Alde have that the Queen thought would make a good match? Was Arianna just making sure her family was taken care of, because of the uncertainty of the galaxy.

The Queen herself had four children, a story which amazed Claire. But the Queen was still in love with their father but there were problems that made it all so complicated. Claire remembered watching Arianna's eyes when she talked about Garith Darkhold, they lit up and her voice changed. It was evident to anyone how much she loved him, that was the kind of love Claire wanted. The kind that after 20 years you got choked up over when you thought of them.

That had to be it she regretted what happen with her and Lord Darkhold and didn't want to see it happen again.
[member="Claire Organa"]

Trevor sat quietly, not offering any comment as he listened to Claire explain the assignment she’d been given.

Find the Aldes. It should have been easier than they apparently expected. Trevor’s family never changed their name; and, other than keeping a low profile, they never hid. Any routine search would have located them. The Queen could have just called.

“How can you accept that, Claire?” he finally asked. “How can you go from a life of independence to one now that you have to subject yourself to the whims of a Queen?”

It would be one thing to be exposed to that type life from birth, but, to have it thrust upon you when you’ve worked hard to establish yourself.

“We had a different circumstance, Claire, and my family has been blessed. As I told you, Grandfather gave my parents a substantial nest egg as a wedding present when it was clear they were leaving Alderaan. My father used it wisely and invested in some of the major corporations on Nubia plus he established Alde Investment and Brokerage service.”

“I went to the University here in Nubia City and graduated with a dual major – engineering and business management. I contract some special engineering projects, mainly with NSD, and I’m a Vice President in the family’s Investment firm. We are what most people would consider to be well off but we tend to live conservatively.”

He watched her reactions and realized she was no spy. She had been given a task for a cause she believes in and was doing her best to complete it.

“If you return to Balmorra and tell the Queen you found the Alde’s and they wouldn’t drink the punch, will you be in trouble?”

He sighed. Despite himself he was finding that he liked Claire Organa. He wondered if here was something to that old Organa/Alde family connection thing beyond just myth.

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