Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Between the bars

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Dinner with Patricia was something that was odd, for starters she wasn't really the type of girl who was wined and dined. When it came to food in the business world everyone wanted to sit down at these expensive restaurants where they served these ridiculous little pieces of food. Patricia didn't roll that way, give her a bag of spicy chips and cheese dip any day of the week and she was good to go. But for the sake of business the woman had to actually pick an eating establishment, her long time friend and comrade [member="Solan Charr"] was coming to Relovian to visit her and talk business about arming whatever it was he was doing.

So in Largan city the crown jewel of a city on the wild space planet known as Relovian, Patricia picked a relatively good place to grab a bite to eat. The place being a small joint known as Fuego's and it was one of the woman's favorite places to grab a bite to eat in the galaxy. The place consisted of a small almost shack like building that had two rooms in it, the kitchen and the dining room. No bathrooms, no AC, just tables and good food.

A small rusty radio was playing a tune from the kitchen rich with bongos, trumpets, and an aged singer speaking in a foreign tongue. The woman opened the door into the establishment wearing Romeo's old jacket and beneath that her tight red dress. Taking a seat at the only booth there a young waiter put a few menus on the table along with a small red plastic tray of chips.

Patricia just had to wait for solan to show up to the address she had given him. The place wasn't exactly the Ritz so everything was more casual between friends.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

"Just like the good old days it seems, never was one for fancy dining anyways." Solan said to himself as he wore a set of clothing he had picked up the last time he was on Kesh. The jacket was some kind of weird material that honestly was a tiny bit itchy by oh well. Under it though was a long sleeved button down shirt with a pair of blue trousers made from some odd material that both felt comfortable and durable. He decided to try something other than robes or military uniforms so this was the first choice he had thought of trying.

Either way, his hand moved to open the door to the small establishment and one scan of the room left him with clear view of his old friend. "Nice Jacket, Its amazing Romeo hasn't come to claim it in recent times. How have you been hot head?" His body moved to push into the seat across from her with a small smile still on his face. It had been a while since he had last talked to Romeo or Patricia or even Genevieve for that matter, old times were that of what he missed most in this universe sometimes.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

The smile on the woman's face quickly turned to one of utter surprise and shock. Romeo to come pick up his jacket? Patricia mused over that for sometime before speaking abruptly.

"Romeo is dead." Patricia said firmly unwilling to believe the man was alive.

It was probably best for solan to not say anything more on the subject, Romeo would come to Patricia on his time and tell her but for now she had no idea that he was among the living. The woman's mind chalked it up as a slip of solan's tongue and that was that.

"Anyways it's nice to see you." the woman said her friendly demeanor returned.

"Sit down, this place has some killer tacos." Patricia handed solan a menu and pushed him the bowl of chips.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Solan heard her first words and almost spoke once more before sighing and nodding. A mark of sorrow touched his face at the fact that Romeo had been alive once more for so long yet did not inform her or his child of this fact... he would need to talk to that man as soon as possible for such a fact that he never came back. "My apologies... must have been thinking of the past too much these days..." His eyes found the menu before him as the words ended and he thought on that fact before speaking to Patricia again.

His smile returned though and he touched a chip before biting into it with a sense of joy back on his face. "Its always good to see you too. And killer tacos you say?" He raised a brow as his mind ended on that former topic he had spoken of.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

"Yeah tacos! Great stuff, the freshest nerf meat I've ever had. I called ahead and paid for a nerf to be butchered for our meal, it's some amazing." Patricia said as she picked scanned through her own menu.

It was really just a formality, she already knew what she was going to order and it was to give solan the feeling that he has more time to order without a rush.

A woman holding a tray came by and placed down two glasses of water onto the table. The plastic cups filled with ice and water dribbled condensation along their sides and Patricia grabbed her own to take a sip from the straw stuck into the liquid.

"Can I get you something to drink?" the younger waitress said.

"Yeah, I'll take a double shot margarita." Patricia said with a smile.

"Solan?" she said gesturing to the man to see if he wanted something more than water.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

His eyes focused in on the menu while they sat there and for a few long seconds while Patricia and the waitress had talked Solan was distant. Only when Patricia said his name did his eyes return to the world and his gaze rose to the waitress. "Tea please my dear, something calming, a gentle touch to the taste too if you don't mind..." Solan's voice was respectful and as he finished his head bowed to the woman before smiling and letting her get to work without so much as one compliment or flirtation.

Only then did his head return to Patricia with whom he just spoke a quick sentence to. "So much work in forward preparation for a dinner between friends? I must say Patricia you really over did it this time."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

Patricia and the waiter both chuckled for a second and smiled at solan, the woman turned to Patricia and spoke something in a foreign language to her. Returning back in the same tongue the women both had a laugh and soon she was off to go get their drinks.

"This ain't Eclipstia, Solan." The woman said with another giggle.

"Anyway you should try the chile, freshest stuff ever." The woman said as she set her menu aside.

"Also the nerf thing, they usually do it for me whenever I bring the husband and kids out here, I helped pay for a organ transplant for the owner's kid." The woman said as she smiled.

The waiter came back with two drinks in her hands, the first being set down was a lime margarita served in a mason jar. The other was a plastic cup of regular old iced tea with a lemon in it. The place wasn't exactly a provider of high class teas like Atrisia was.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

"Trust me, the fact remains ever present that we are no longer residents of eclipstica. Sometimes that time in both my and probably your life seems like an old dream does it not?" His eyes turned on her for a few moments before sighing and running a hand up to his face to rub away a spell of tiredness from them. "Sadly, that is related to why i asked for this little meeting of ours... i plan to recreate a power that can protect those within it and i am in need of weapons, armors, and possibly soldiers. There also may come the time when i require your aid in the realm of manufacturing as well. Of course i will pay for these items and without hesitation do so in any price that you deem needed for these services and supplies... within reason."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

"Well I can do you weapons, vehicles, and soldiers. But I'm currently not in the armor business." Patricia said in a calm voice.

Taking a sip from her drink the tiny woman adjusted herself in her seat and soon the waiter had come back to take their orders. Patricia looked up at the female waiter and smiled brightly.

"Are you ready to order?" The woman said holding a pen and paper.

"Yes, I will take the pozole and a three nerf lengua tacos." the woman said then gestured to solan.

"Want me to order for you there teabags." Patricia said with a giggle.

Solan seemed like he was a bit out of his element here, Patricia doubted he got out much and part of that maybe was because he was always working himself to death. Patricia knew what that was like, running the galaxies largest cloning company was certainly stressful and it put a lot of time between her and the family. But over time she learned to balance that life and spend more time with her husband and kids, really the whole thing took a while to work out but she was happy now.

"Anything you want, it's on me." she said with a smile.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Solan's eyes found the woman with a pen and paper and then the menu once more before running a hand through his hair before speaking. "Something small, two of those tacos should be fine." With that he placed the menu down before bowing his head slowly to her and then reaching into his jacket to remove a pair of glasses to which he placed on his face. "So how has your life been lately Patricia. A bit boring these days i expect seeing as your days as a Raven and a Republic Sec officer are over."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

Patricia let out a humming sigh of reminiscences for the past, the glory days where she could go where she wanted, fight who she wanted, and screw who she wanted. It was something she thought of often, especially the last part. Patricia knew at heart she really wasn't a one man woman, and she wanted what was around her half the time. But then what kind of example would she be setting for the kids? Not a very good one, besides she loved Jarven and needed him in her life.

"I will admit, it has been a bit boring at times. Casino raids and train heists aside its just nice to work and come home to my family." She said with a smile then sipped at her drink.

The sound of meat and veggies hitting a grill sounded and the sweet sizzle of fat cooking resonated through the small shack as well the scent of fresh nerf meat being seasoned to perfection. Patricia loved this part of the process, it was almost as good as eating the actual food.

"But look at you, all grown up and in your big boy shoes. Running a planet and government, really nice." she said with a humble sense of his accomplishments.

"But tell me a bit on what you need exactly in terms of volume? I want to make sure you get everything you need that I can provide." Patricia said as she kept sipping at her margarita jug.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Solan smiled as she brought up the planet and the government he had to care for now. It was still none the less a overall pain most of the time, the greatest annoyance being when he had to deal with bureaucrats. But there were times when he found enjoyment out of his position. And after the recent improvements made to the planet's and more importantly, his palace's defenses. There remained his daughter with whom he cared more about then that planet at times and at other times there was a great deal more than his own life that he had to handle.

"You know, ive been running that place for almost seven years now... its not like its something new to bawk at..." He ran a hand over the table and seemed to move it like a pen was in his hand. "Ok, well lets see...The forces need to be highly standardized so i am looking at a massive order for my men. The Army and Navy over Kesh are meant to be there in order to fight and defend the planet and those whom require it... at the current time that being the Black Rose. The Exact number is over my ability to calculate at the second, but it would likely be over a million in order to effectively arm my people."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

Patricia nodded at the man and could see he needed the supplies for his planet, while she wasn't really down for the whole dictatorship thing in the past her exposure to the galaxy had taught her one thing. Nobody exists on purpose, and we're all going to die, so just enjoy it while it lasts. So Patricia could dig that, and as long as the man had the credits everything was good.

"Well I've got some great products that I think will interest the Kesh military. Not ships, but walkers and guns. Along with state of the art riot and police cars for any people who want to incite riots, non lethal knock out gas along with some upgraded Mark Two AT-STs." Patricia said offering them up.

Patricia chuckled a bit and ran a hand in her hair, she was actually enjoying herself and she only hoped sold was having the same amount of fun she was.

"I hope you are having fun." she said as she smiled gently at her friend.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Solan nodded as she listed off the products that were possibilities for his people to defend themselves with. It was nothing that he was going to complain about, that much was certain but as he sat there his hands ran over the table and with his hand ceasing at the moment that she spoke of Riot gear. He had plenty of stun weaponry and for a moment he almost shot down the products but as he sat there the question she asked him broke him from his calculations. "Huh, having fun?" His eyes ran up and for a moment the quick confusion caused the illusion over his features to flicker and his eyes to quickly turn from blue to gold to blue once more. "Im sorry i was distant for a moment there, whats this about having fun?"

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

Patricia wouldn't comment on the whole eyes thing, to each their own on the whole force thing. But she'd at least catalog it and file it away for a later date. But before Patricia could say anything their food had arrived, small bowl and plate of tacos for Patricia, and the plate for solan.

"Excellent, thank you Grace." Patricia said with a smile and nod before taking a bite of one of her tacos.

"So what'll it be? Spaarti Creations can offer things such as Ysalamir and Terentatek hide for any none force users, but I just need an order of what you require before I ship it over." Patricia said then took another bite.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

He shook his head as he looked at the food experimentally, raising a brow and glancing up at her to take a glance at how it was to be eaten. Once seeing his own hand took up one of the tacos and bit into the small bundle of meat and other ingredients. "Ysalamiri and Terentatek hide is unnecessary. I do not wish for there to be more conflict than necessary and acquiring those products will mean that i would be preparing for a conflict that my people see no future in fighting... for now. I cannot protect them from such a future forever though, quite obviously. So i will require the ability of a renewable contract between Kesh and your companies Patricia."

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