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Approved Tech "Betty"

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Well-Known Member

Thanks to Peterku of Deviantart

Intent: To provide a weapon for the Legionnaire's of the 120th, and any other Fringeman that needs to have a consistently quick and easy weapon to use.
Manufacturer: J.A.C
Model: YG-901 "BETTY"
Affiliation: Lords of the Fringe
Modularity: Yes: Extended barrel, silencer, laser sight
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Steel
The gun is crafted to fit in near any hand easily, with a cooling fan in the butt of the gun that offers a minor cooling to prevent sweating. With slim and narrow builds, the gun is capable of being concealed in near any position, however does come with an accompanying holster that can be strapped under the armpit, against the hip, or around their waist. Usually the make stays within the scale between blue to purple and the same sizes, but if ordered well enough in advanced J.A.C may be willing to alter colors and lengths.

Designed to work similar to the recent J.A.C product, "Melinda", the gun super charges each shot (.5x more power), however not as harsh. However the draw back for "Betty" isn't the overt charge time as with the aforementioned rifle, no the pistol cannot have repetitive fire for sustained gun fights cause the power cells to overload. A maximum of 3 shots can be fired, that is why the gun is usually carried in pairs. For those that do not tend to carry dual wielded weaponry, this is not your cup of vodka.

Classification: Blaster
Size: Handheld
Status: Military
Length: 0.254 m
Weight: 0.72 kg
Ammunition Type: Charged power cell
Ammunition Capacity: 25
Effective Range: 60 m
@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]

Hey, literally one thing and this bad boy is approved.

I myself actually have a gun with that exact same image(huge fan of that guy on deviantart myself, used about 5 of his guns.) So if you'll just change your image and then actively link to the site where you got it as well for the image source I'll stamp it.
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