Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Best Of A Bad Situation

Daragon Trail/Between Mandalore and Dromund Kaas
Time Unknown


Shai was seated in the mess hall of the massive pirate ship, staring with a smirk at a man sitting across from her at the table who was trying to maintain the same confident look. Her elbows were resting on the table with her head resting on her fists, and a cigarette was hanging from her lips. In front of them were six pistols all apparently loaded. "Your turn, sweetheart." he said casually. "I know." Shai quipped as she reached for a pistol and raised it to her head. The group of crew members around them held their breaths as Shai calmly pulled the trigger. A relieving click sounded from the gun and she put it aside. The crowd released a relieved sigh before looking back to you. "Your turn, sweetheart." she repeated with a smug grin. He chuckled but behind his confident grin he was stressing to hell and back. Not only was there a healthy sum of creds riding on this gamble, but any of the pistols could be loaded...though Shai's demeanor was quite clearly fearless. Call it a cheat, but Shai's experience with guns had taught her how to spot when a gun was empty or not. Her opponent, on the other hand, didn't have that advantage.

He reached out and picked up a pistol, slowly raising it to his temple. Shai kept her face steady, but internally she was preparing to see brains flying. The gun was loaded. The creds were hers. The game was over...


The alarm blared, interrupting their game. The man dropped the gun, grabbed his own and bolted after taking the credits he started with. Shai dropped the grin into a frown and reloaded her own blaster before doing the same and getting ready, taking a long and annoyed drag from her cigarette. They were definitely continuing this after this raid.

The 'raid' was also not that big of a job. She had decided to stretch her pirate legs again and signed on for a job with a rather solid captain who got some intel on a Sith transport containing valuable Mandalorian artifacts as well as some crates ob Beskar. On the Black Market it would be a good payday, but for Shai it meant helping a friend if she could get her hands on that shipment. Of course, it wasn't going to be easy. But that wasn't the main concern now. The main one was the fact that they had to take the ship and not mess up the cargo. She strapped some concussion grenades, smoke grenades and thermal detonators to her belt along with a few extra mags. It was total overkill alongside the other members of the raiding party. But that was the idea. The more intimidating they looked, the easier it would be for them to convince the transport's crew to stand down. But she knew people like the ones on this crew. Throats were going to get slit.

She slid her goggles over her eyes and made her way to the hangar bay of the modified Corvette along with the rest.

Soon the carnage started. The transport dropped out of hyperspace and the pirate ship was on it in moments, firing with its laser cannons to scare them and incapacitate them for an easy target. "Sith transport! I suggest you power down and prepare to be boarded if you value your life. Otherwise we'll turn you into space junk." the captain hailed to the transport, maintaining a cold stare at the monitor. He waited patiently to see their reaction while his crew was getting psyched up in the hangar for a hell of a payday.



There was a bloody war going on and yet here she was babysitting cargo. The Sith mused to herself as she sat in an idle passenger seat in the cockpit of the cargo shuttle. She felt a bit restless and agitated even as she remained still in her chair. The helmet of her uniform obscuring her face from the rest of the crew and making her more appear like a figure or statue then person at times, only the rhythmic rising and falling of her chest cluing in the crew that the Sith knight overseeing this transport was alive.

There was a pilot, copilot, navigation officer and a gunner not including herself taking part. There was nothing about this assignment that was particularly special they were just doing a run of valuable but otherwise normal Mandalorian gear and scrap salvaged from the Battle of Mandalore back to Dromund Kaas for cataloging, testing and recycling. If it weren't for the high price and the poorly hashed out schemes by a few ambitious traitors to run off with cargo then she wouldn't have needed to be here. She was also having her doubts on the crew as she thought about the reports they were getting. There was continued sightings and signs pointing to a massive New Imperial build up around the sector containing Mygeeto. The quiet tension in prelude to war was about to be broken and these people would no doubt be thrown into danger's way just like every other able bodied man, woman and abomination. They weren't ready for such an encounter, hell they likely would panic at the thought of taking on a lowly band of pirates much less a professional army.

Thoughts and frustrations building up as she just wished that she could just be on the ground and just get straight to the fighting, idle time and thoughts were often more torturous then the heat of battle and she had plenty of that time on this uneventful salvage run, listening to a crew that seemed positively aloof at times. She to admit she was starting to feel that itch begin to work away in the back of her mind and she wanted nothing more but to purge it in blood. The blue void of hyperspace finally lifted and Amur let out a long sigh from her helmet. They were close to their destination. A port and a trip back to where it mattered was within touching distance for the Sith.

That went up in smoke the second the hull reverberated from a hail of fire that shook the tiny ship. A chorus from the crew began to overtake everything else in the cockpit. The gunner reporting the starboard heavy laser has having been knocked and soon the copilot confirmed that deflector shield had been overwhelmed and were FUBAR.

"How did those imperial bastards penetrate so deep into our borders?

"Enemy ship to our 7 o'clock circling around us. Its.... it's... Feth me! I don't know what the hell that is man it's not on any of our identification charts! It could be a frigging frigate for all I know."

"A Frigate!? You got to be chitting me!

A chorus of inexperience that grated on the Sith's ears as she sat calmly barely jostled by the attack taking in the information and noticing something that the crew was missing right now.

"How about instead of panicking you answer their hail, you're professionals working for an empire not some random junker crew." Amur calmly stated as she walked back and ducked herself behind a wall, hiding her presence from any visual inspection of the bridge or hails. The pilot finally answering the hail and receiving the message. It wasn't the work of some nefarious enemy or what have but rather pirates as the unprofessional hail made that clear. It was kinda funny in a way and admittedly quite bold of the pirates to try and do something this bold deep in Sith territory. This crew was either brave, or incredibly stupid or both. Still there was now a hesitation in the pilot as he looked dumbfounded searching for a response.

Don't even think of looking in my direction. Now do as he says and power down the ship. If you try to run we'll all die, do as I say or I'll make the last moments of your life hell for dooming both me and your crew. Understood?" The pilot grew visibly pale as he heard the words be telepathically grafted into his mind, nearly twitching in fear as he prepared to speak.

"Right, right... uh we surrender... we we... will power and down prepare to be boarded." He said in a tone that the pirate captain would find relishing as the terror in his voice was quite audible, even if it wasn't for the reasons the pirate would have thought of.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
The captain of the ship chuckled as they gave in. The pilot was terrified and that was exactly what he wanted. In no time at all they were tractor beaming it into the hangar area. The enormous doors in the nose closed up and the boarding crew was standing by nearby. Their weapons were drawn and they were ready to fire. Among them was Shai, casually leaning against a crate and inspecting her weapon. The transport's crew were minimal, no match at all against more than a hundred pirates. Shai didn't like how this crew operated at all. Having all but the essential staff partake in the boarding was dangerous if something went wrong, but she wasn't the captain. That honour went to the stubborn and arrogant oaf on the bridge that was probably making his way down now.

If the transport crew didn't open the ship up, the pirates would cut through the doors with fusion cutters and enter. In short order the crew were escorted out, restrained and forced on their knees in front of the captain. "Oi, mutt! Take some boys and check out the cargo. Let's see how accurate the intel was." he ordered and Shai gave a nod. "You three, on me. Time to get rich, ladies." she said with a smirk which spread to the others as well. She entered the ship, pistol ready, and slowly looked around. The entire crew was outside so theoretically the ship had to be empty. Though she couldn't shake the gut feeling that they weren't alone. With her wits about her she entered the cargo hold and glanced around at the crates. "This is it, alright. I'll go tell the captain, you guys get ready to unload it." she said and turned to leave, which only put her more on edge and caused a chill to run up her spine. Something was off...but that was probably her not being used to easy jobs. Getting shot at all the time and evading starfighters would probably cause anyone to constantly be on edge.

"Yo cap! It's all here and the boys are ready to unload!" she called out by the door. "Fantastic! High time we got an easy job!" he said with a greedy smile and motioned for some men to follow as he approached the ship. Shai got out of the way and moved to the prisoners. She wanted to tell the captain of her suspicions, but with his pathetic temper she didn't want to risk getting into another brawl. Instead she decided to investigate by herself.

With a hard glare she knelt in front of the pilot and pressed her gun barrel against his chin. "Hey, kiddo. Is there anyone else on that ship that we should know about? You better tell me quickly otherwise it's your brains on the ceiling." she threatened with a cold voice, baring her teeth for that extra intimidation on top.

However it might already be too late, especially for the group of a couple dozen blissfully unaware pirates stacked together in a cramped cargo hold...



The hail came to a close, a smirk formed under Amur's lips and she emerged amongst the crew of the ship and now hovering over them, a bit of excitement building in her. It wasn't quite fighting on the front lines like she wanted but Amur still thirsted for some action, a chance to work her craft on an audience. What a prime opportunity was she dealt as she now put a gloved hand on the shoulder on the pilot causing him to flinch.

"Good boy, now we'll dock, we'll land and you'll receive our uninvited pests. Do as they say and no heroics. I was never here. Keep your lips sealed about that and trust me to get you out of this and I'll make sure you get to live another day. Now steel yourselves." The sith told her crew before retreating into the darkness of the Cargo hold. There wasn't much lighting which combined with a relatively tall ceiling in order to accommodate cargo of all shapes and sizes meant that finding a dark nook was rather easy. Climbing up a corner in a cargo hold before hooking her arms around a support beam and pulling herself up where she sat perch in darkness, if there was one thing she learned was that most people don't look up and such a simple mistake was so easy to exploit.

Anticipation was building inside her as she could feel all the presences speak out to her through the force. Plenty of life her and almost too much to take one in an head on assault, but instead would need mind games and trickery to make an impression. Pirates were always so weak willed, just a show of who was bigger in the galaxy and most would submit. She saw an initial group of thugs enter and check the cargo as she heard distant sounds of the crew being rounded up and thankfully there was nary a sound a of resistance. As much as a part of her already considered dropping on the first group and flaying them she decided against such a thing. It was too soon and with too small a group, attacking now would only give away her position and bring forth the execution of the crew no patience was needed.

Still as she built up and ready to control the Force around her aura she could already tell that the small detachment was already feeling the ill omen that was incoming. Yet still they would give an all clear and in doing so shepherd their captain into the den of a butcher. She could already tell he was the one calling the shots it just radiated off of him, a cascade of temper, arrogance and ignorance that was so befitting of many a pirate crews and their captains. Dragging along a large group in an isolated space. For many watching from the outside the Cargo hold was so dark and poorly lit that only silhouettes could be identified in the hold given onlookers a poor view of what would transpire. A mass of relaxed souls who had no idea of what would happen, she waited for everyone to dive deeper as she readied the mace in her hand and set it to combat mode, a saber was too flashy and too decent given what many of these people likely committed in the past.

When one of them fumbled around trying to turn on the lights of the cargo hold she would drop down using the Force to soften and deafen her landing, before unleashing a brutal swing that would impact the back of his skull and crack it open. The sound snapped everyone's attention from within to the source and now the game was afoot. her senses kept wide open to hopefully help manage the opponents she would begin a dance as she quickly dashed and swung from person to person with ease, many of the pirates didn't even have a weapon in their hands as they thought the only thing they would need to handle was cargo which helped to simplify manners. The only thing being heard was the soft and almost muted by distance groan, yelp and gasp.

A lot of the cargo and the floor would now need to be cleaned of bone, blood and nerve tissue. One man had managed to raise a blaster only for Amur to raise her left hand and put the guy into stasis freezing him up before pulling him towards her, eyes widening and body quivering trying to fight for control, Amur then quickly dropping her hold as he began to fall as she did and upward swing with her mace causing to come crashing into his jaw. There was only one left, the captain would couldn't process what had just happened as he was now holding a pistol and frantically pointing at any direction with a noise his voice about to yell out and call for help only for a Mace to come crashing into his gut, his pained cry being heard by all in the hangar, only for it to sound like it was snuffed out.

As many of the pirates would then turn their heads to face the ominous looking ship and ready guns and a few began to yell at the crew only for something to stop. The air itself seemed to let out a distorted bellow as if it were being folded. In the Mouth of the cargo hold in the divide between shadow and light a body being held by it's face was now in plain daylight with a lone solitary hand that faded into the darkness. Muffling came from the floating man that many would now recognize as the captain, as he held onto the hand and try to claw away at it's tight death grip to no avail. Soon blue sparks began to emerge from the hand only for it to start flowing through the captain as his muffled screams grew louder and louder and his fighting was even more desperate. Many of the pirates would even see a blue glow from him as he was shocked for several seconds.

Suddenly the lightning stopped and the man was now limp. The hand recoiled backward only to shove the former captain back towards the remaining crew, any that look at the man would have seen that his face was visibly aged by several years if not a decade with a horrified stare still baked into his eyes. With that the figure finally stepped into the light. The Sith Knight who calmly began to walk down the ramp lightsaber in hand but unignited.

"Would anyone else like to join him? I'd be happy to accommodate." She called out to everyone, ready to add to pool of fallen for today.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
From the ship, Shai heard soft grunts and something akin to blunt crunches. It took her a moment to realize that they were under attack. "What is that?" one of the crew members asked. Shai glanced at the pilot beside her who seemed much more calm now. "Guns out! We're under attack!" she ordered, drawing her pistol and taking a step away towards her crew. "What's attacking us?" one guy asked her before looking at the shuttle. "We need to get them out of there!" he said, but Shai held an arm out to stop him. "Whatever is in there, we're not taking it out." she said, looking back to the shuttle.

They all fell quiet when they saw the figure of the captain coming out of the shadows. They watched as the captain got electrocuted to hell and back, frozen in place. Shai finally scraped her wits together and shoved one of the crewmates into the direction of the exit. "Run. Run! Seal it off!" she barked at them and fired a few shots into the Sith's general direction to buy time, though the shots were all off target. To make matters worse for her, the true nature of her crewmates revealed themselves. She watched as they started to close the door to the hangar before she could reach it. "Benny! Don't you close that door! DON'T YOU CLOSE THAT DOOR!"

Benny did close the door.

Shai smacked into the door as it sealed shut, and watched through the viewport as they closed the blast door. With wide eyes she realized she was now alone in the hangar with the Sith right behind her. Her heart was racing and fear was swelling inside her. She slowly turned to face the approaching Sith and raised her pistol. Even though her hand was trembling, she tried to maintain a hard glare and cold face. But she knew she would simply be wasting her life trying to fight her. She sighed and lowered her pistol. "I ain't stupid, shooting at you will only end me that much sooner." she said, holstering her pistol and reaching into her pocket to light a cigarette. She took a long drag and rubbed her forehead before looking at the Sith. "Before you go slicing and dicing my ass, any chance I can get a pass?" she asked her with a slight smile. Her fear was still there, but there was something else that was overriding the fear. Regret. If trying to get on the Sith's good side failed, she would fail in her goal. And that somehow felt worse than the fear of dying.

She took another drag and eyed the Sith for a few moments. "Can I at least choose how I wanna go?" she asked her with defeat in her voice.



Her lightsaber came to life in order to deflect a few of the poorly aimed shots from one of the pirates as well as a few others that opened fire in panic as they now saw that the Sith seemed to be able to effortlessly deflect them. A calm slow walk with her lightsaber flashing and casting a red glow around her would sound the alarm bells in their collective heads and usher in a panic. It was all just perfect. Too cowardly and afraid to realize that a saturation attack might have done the job. Fear had always had a wonderful way of tainting logic, and right now she was positively swimming in an ocean of it right now.

Walking towards the hangar doors that led into the rest of the ship she saw that a lone shistavanen was cast out and left to the dogs, trapped here with her and no where to run. Some would have fight, others would have ran and others would have just shot themselves. This one gave off an appearance of wanting to fight but it was obvious in the way she held herself that her spirit wasn't there. The trembling hand dropping as she resigned herself to her fate in the hands of the approaching Sith. She spoke and she had to admit there was a pleasure in hearing the words of someone smart enough to know when they lost, many pirates were too stupid for that. She begged and pleaded as Amur had seen countless times from others put into this position. It was only natural for one's trip to acceptance to involve a bit of bargaining.

She stopped in front of the shai with her saber's reach just outside of touching distance to shai as she defeatedly asked if she could be put down on her own terms. No words had come from the SIth other then her opening taunt and now she in silence merely held up the red blade, it's burning tip now pointing directly at Shai's chest with a few inches space between it and the mutt. It would only require a slight shift in weight and a step to send it plunging into her heart and kill her. A silence brewed for a bit as if contemplation was happening inside the helmet. An answer to Shai's question now arriving.

"No you cannot..." A short pause followed for another second. "... Because I want you to go out of the way." She said and with it she motioned her saber to the her left like she was was merely waving her hand, allowing Shai to step out of the way. She was after all in front of the very blast door she wanted to get past. If Shai complied then she would immediately get to work cutting through the thick durasteel as sparks and molten metal flinging about the other side of the door. It was a slow process thanks to that thickness but only a momentary delay for the Sith. After all she wanted to do more then just make an impression on the crew, she wanted to send a message.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
The lightsaber came up and was pointed straight at her chest. Shai tried backing up to make a bit more space between her and the red blade, but there was nowhere to go with the heavy door against her back. Her eyes shot between the faceless helmet and the tip of the blade. But she finally made her peace with a deep breath and stared the helmet straight in the visor. Her head was held high as she waited for the Sith to do her thing.

The answer came finally and Shai couldn't help but give an annoyed twitch of her lip. She was about to comment on the raw end of the deal she was getting out of this when the Sith continued.

She told her to get out of the way...

Shai blinked in surprise but complied as she scooted out of the way. Wide eyed and with pursed lips she backed up. Like a wave of...something...she really couldn't think now. She was alive and that was all that mattered. Her first instinct was to scram for cover and hide, maybe work her way through the vents to get to the rest of the crew...then her thoughts turned to the heavy blaster in her holster and what a nice big hole it could make in the back of the Sith's head...and from there her mind simply ran with thoughts and emotions. While Amur slowly carved a hole in the door, Shai was having a mental argument over why the hell she wanted to help the crew by killing the Sith, naturally trying to understand why she wanted to help them if they were the ones who left her for dead. Amur might be able to feel the whirlwind of emotions coming off Shai if she were even bothered to acknowledge her presence right now.

Shai tried to take a drag of the cigarette still in her mouth when she noticed it was dead. With an annoyed 'tisk' she reached for her lighter and brought it to the tip of the cigarette. But out of the corner of her eye she spotted the dead captain...and the blood dripping from the shuttle's entrance. The ship's captain and commanding crew members were all slaughtered. The ship was running on minimal crew...and the ship now had a Sith without a ride cutting her way through a rather expensive blast door.

The gears in the Shistavanen's head slowly cranked to life once more as she turned to look at the Sith. Her mouth opened to say something, but curiosity got the better of her and she instead watched quietly as Amur cut through the blast door. Smoking her cheap cigarette that now tasted finer than the most expensive spice-laced cigar she had smoked in her life, she kept quiet and simply moved over to another console to get into the ship's camera system. Funnily enough, her has-been crewmates were setting up an E-web on the other side of the door. They were scared as hell and rightfully so. The sith was getting close to being done with the door. But she had her doubts over if even a Sith could withstand that firepower. Figuring this was the best time to set her plan in motion, she carefully approached the Sith.

She opened her mouth and raised a hand, before realizing her throat was in no position to speak. She cleared her voice and gathered the courage to speak. "Uhh...hey. I, uh...know you're busy and all but...the rest of them are currently setting up an E-web behind that door." she spoke to the Sith with a nervous, yet confident voice. she gave a nervous smile and flicked her cigarette bud away. "Just letting ya know." she said with a nervous chuckle, sticking her hands into her pockets. "I could also uhhh....y'know...mess with the ship's lights and stuff from here..." she continued, really pushing her luck but finally zipped her lips and looked off into a very interesting corner on the roof in case she was annoying the Sith...



Amur toiled away at the door and content to just see if her small little gamble would bear fruit. While the Sith may have been part of an empire of subjugation she carried in her mind a few valuable lessons and beliefs that many of her kin didn't understand. Chief among which was now in effect: "Take a chance to create a grateful ally out of an enemy." The Shis had just been reminded she was on the edge of life and death and that she was living out of an act of mercy. The theatrics leading up to Amur sparing her were done just to reinforce that point. The mutt was so elated to think her fate was sealed only for it to be proven otherwise that now she had to stop and process that, all nice.

There was a rather entertaining whirlwind being cast upon the Shis now likely in one of the most intense rushes of her life. Amur was seeing if the Shis would hopefully appreciate what she did for her but could tell that their was a bit of malice brewing, contemplation. Amur's grip with her right hand loosened a bit as she worked on the door ready to quickly draw her blaster and shoot the Shis should it disappoint her. It only lasted for a few seconds tell she could feel the air clear and calm around Shai.

Instead there was something else she could sense brewing through her and the Force a feeling she was very familiar with. Greed and it's sister ambition. The Sith had a small smirk form as the door was nearly breached. Within a few moments she would likely be rewarded with the sweet sound of someone trying to suck up to her and in 3, 2, 1... She heard a Shistavanen pirate effectively offer to condemn her former crew to the saber. The fear was evident in her voice as the pirate was convinced she was walking on very thin ice with the Sith and in some ways she still was, but in others Amur was satisfied seeing that she still had the art of motivating people down.

An E-web, how cliche of them and how brazen too, seems they were willing to pelt and destroy the inside of their ship just to kill one little ol' sith. Still a fine obstacle to have to deal and a nice way to test whether the mutt's offering of support was more than a fleeting one. She stopped her cutting but left the lightsaber in just to show the crew that she was still there even if she had stopped. She let go of the saber and turned to the Shis.

"If that's true that'll be a dreadful inconvenience for me. If you're offering to help, well... Amur would unclip an ion grenade from her belt and casually toss it at the pirate. "... May I make suggestion? See if you can set up a remote access of that console with a datapad and then see if you can deliver that ion grenade to the E-web's power supply safely. Fry it, then kill the lights and I'll make an entrance and well the rest should be simple." A simple test of what she was willing to do for a Sith and how quick she was willing to repay her debt.

"Just remember, they threw away your life, I gave it back to you." Nice, polite and dripping with an implied threat of what may happen if she tried to turn coat.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
To Shai's relief the Sith agreed and tossed her an ion grenade which she caught with one hand. As she bounced it and played with the activation switch, she listened to the woman's explanation. She smirked and gave an upwards nod. "Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Just sit tight, sis, lemme just get the link onto my datapad then I'll get moving." she quipped with confidence and turned to face the console again. As she worked on the connection, the Sith dropped a rather unsettling comment. She glanced over her shoulder with mixed emotions but looked back at the console once it beeped. "There we go, all set." she quipped with her confident grin back on her face.

She looked up at a ventilation shaft above a bunch of crates and then back to the Sith. "Mind popping the lid for me?" she asked her as she started to climb the crates. Soon enough she was by the vent to the air ducts and would slide right into the tight space once Amur pulled the lid off.

It was quite uncomfortable, even for her small frame, but she managed. She carefully and quietly made her way up above the pirates behind the door. There were a bunch of them in the entire length of the hallway. Probably what was left of the fighting force. Taking them out would leave the entire ship undefended and ripe for the taking. She slowly inched forward until she reached a loose lid above the heavy repeater. Her datapad was out and the lights were tripped, then the unsettling buzz crackled through the darkness as the E-web went down. A plethora of surprised and terrified shouts sounded off and for a moment Shai revelled in it. They left her for dead. They condemned her when they could have saved her and they could have worked together to kill this Sith. But now they were the condemned...and that realization about herself scared her. She was shocked about her reaction, killing the only fighting chance they had. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't bring herself to feel regret over her choice or pity for the men that left her to die.

She knew what the Sith said was simple manipulation. But in all honesty, she was right.

She backed out of the vents back to the hangar, where she would hang back and watch the Sith's path of destruction. She poked around the corner, wide-eyed and shocked at the power and violence. As the Sith pushed forward, she quietly followed until she reached a survivor that was raising his pistol. A lat attempt at killing the Sith...but he would never get his shot off. Shai's pistol was out and a hole was put through his head. She raised her pistol, blew away the smoke and followed after the Sith with a light whistle to herself.

Once the hallway was taken care of and the survivors executed, Shai cleared her throat again. "The only people still left that we need to worry about are the bridge crew. Without them this ship is going nowhere." she started, catching up to her and holstering her gun. "I have'd like to make." she stated with a nervous smile. Her logical side was telling her that this was a bad idea, but she persisted. "If you help me to take control of this ship, I'll drop you and your cargo off wherever you'd like to go. Drummer Cheese, Korriban, anywhere you need to be." she offered. "...I'll even mix you a drink or two on the way if you want. The bar's got a great selection despite the looks. I'd imagine even Sith need to relax now and then?" she continued, trying to sweeten the deal some more.

One of these days her greedy ass was going to be in big trouble...



The helmet merely gazed back at Shai and continued to observe the mutt, as Amur took notice of the sudden friendliness emitting from the mutt. The playful casual wording and the confidence that was trying to strike through her voice. How very nice it seemed to her to be hearing it from someone that only a few minutes ago would have shot her. Indeed how very quaint a change of pace. Totally not just some fake ass kissing. She didn't feel the need to comment, she just watched Shai. When asked to remove the lid to ventilation shafts the sith would gesture a hand up towards the lid and begin to pull it back. The sound of groaning and shrieking metal played through the air until a sudden snap freed the lid from the tyranny of it's hinges as she dropped it to the ground.

With that the annoying furball was out of her sight as she went to carry out the task she turned back to the door grabbing hold of saber once again. She open her senses to the force trying to sniff out the presence of life waiting for that shift in surprise and fear to take hold. Knowing that any sudden reverberations would come because the pirate was successful. She didn't have trust per-say more like a confidence that she pushed the right buttons. She brought her saber to the final milometer she would need to cut to break the blast door and waited. There was a stillness to the other room she could feel as they waited their attention likely laser focused and trained on the blastdoor.

Then she felt the force ripple through from the other room as she could taste the panic. With that cue the cut was finished and Amur extinguished her lightsaber. Quickly moving to take cover by a portion of the blast door that wasn't cut through she pressed her hand against the portion she had cut and delivered a force push that would send the thick metal tumbling down. With it came a hail of blaster fire that erupted and sprayed wildly into the exposed hangar with quite a few missing and hitting the blast door. There was a pause in the fire as the pirates stopped and waited for the SIth to show only for them to see the brief glimpse of a hand emerge behind cover. With it came the clinking noise of an armed flash grenade bouncing towards their feet. With it the Sith would enter into the corridor. Several would take cover and evade being deafened and blinded but quite a few were caught in the blast and disoriented. The Sith once again seeming to fade into the dark.

A red tint basked the darkened corridor as the Sith came into full view in the center of the hallway. "You're in my domain now." She spoke before she began the attack. The air reverberated as the Sith sprinted to the closest pirate disoriented and blind to his faith as she plunged the saber clean through his chest. soon all the pirates began to fire upon her as she moved towards them as she concentrated hard to deflect each blow, some able to reflect to a pirate but most would bounce off towards the surrounding area. Seeing a nearby pirate she would reach out with one arm as she moved forward pulling a rodian towards her, once he got within striking distance she would grab onto him and then plunge her blade through his chest killing him instantly as she used her momentum to carry him forward and use him as a shield for blaster fire. Now within ten meters of the main group and approaching the deactivated husk of a e-web she threw the body towards one man before throwing her saber as it twisted and spun in the air like a boomerang. Travel in a nice arc it would cut down several pirates in one pass before she retrieved it through the force. Mopping up the rest as she danced from one terrified pirate to the next thinking nothing of each death she chocked up. The carnage would end as she approached a lone Toydarian that had taken limited flight before backing himself into a wall.

"No, no, wai-" It called out before he was snuffed out by a swift decapitating strike with her saber. The Sith paused before hearing the sound of a blaster shot turning over to see that Shai had reappeared and had indeed shot a member of her former crew. As she looked at the Shistavanen Amur would take notice of something flashing across her hud before focusing her attention on the mutt. Taking out the bridge crew seemed logical or at least intimidating them into submission would be what she would do. Still hearing the mutt try so hard to kiss to her ass was aggravating. It was the speak of a parasite that was trying to gussy up to it's host so it could reside for a bit longer. That "friendly" tone sounding more and more fake to her. Amur had extinguished her saber once more but she would lift her hand up and Shai would then feel a slight pressure begin to form around her throat that ebbed and flowed slightly in intensity. Not enough to choke Shai, just enough to be uncomfortable.

"Hon, you'll live much longer if you stop trying to suck up to me like some desperate whore. It's pathetic. Don't insult yourself by carrying yourself like this. Still your deal is acceptable. I'll help you secure your ship." With that her grip released around the shis' throat.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
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Shai waited with a nervous smile for the woman's response. But the smile faded when she felt her throat closing on her for some reason. She cleared her throat and gave a light cough but it wasn't going away. She looked at the Sith and finally she realized what was happening to her. She stood dead still with wide frightened eyes as she listened to her answer. She had mixed feeling on her answer, though what was important was that she agreed. Once the hold on her throat was gone she rubbed at it lightly and cleared her throat again. "Can't blame a girl for trying to stay alive." she quipped with a frown as she looked at the Sith, hating this helpless anger she was starting to feel towards her.

She drew a deep breath, straightened out and walked ahead of her. "Alright then. Bridge is this way." she said with a flat tone, no longer putting on the show of friendliness she had earlier. Every now and then she gave a glance at the Sith behind her. If it wasn't for her powers and lightsaber, she would have went to town on this Sith by now. Between the sickening passive aggression, manipulation and overall douchebaggery this Sith was showing, it was easy to see why everybody wanted to blow their heads off.

She decided to put her insulting thoughts and wishes of kicking her ass on hold as they got closer to the bridge...mostly because she didn't want the Sith 'listening in' on it. Unsurprisingly the blast door was closed when they reached the bridge. She sighed and glanced up at the security camera staring at them. "Hey jackasses! Listen up. This is the only way in and out of the bridge. And if you weren't paying attention, this door won't stop this her. And she's in a bad enough mood already as it is, so why don't you open up already?" she called out to them as she glared at the camera. But all the while she had this fear in the back of her mind as the Sith stood behind her. The display of what she was capable of and that little hold on her neck certainly did its job. Now it was less a matter of getting the ship and more a matter of getting her off as quickly as possible. To make matters worse her nerves and logical mind were catching up with her.

There was a long silence and Shai considered just stepping aside to let the Sith do what she did best, but then came the voice. "Why would we open up? It'll just carve us apart!" a voice called out over the intercom. "If you bunch of little skugs don't open up, she'll carve you up regardless. I'm actually trying to help you here." she fired right back. She glanced at the Sith, checking if she had anything to say. "Help us?! Help us how?" the scared voice spoke again. Shai sighed and rested her hands on her hips then looked up at them again. "Here's the deal. The captain's karked along with any other important people onboard. You open up and follow me, you get out of this alive. You don't and she'll just go in there and kill you all. How's that sound?" she explained to them, folding her arms and shifting her weight to one leg as she waited for a response.

Another long silence ensued until finally the door slid open. However before Shai could even get a witty remark out, a hail of blaster fire came their way. Shai barely had enough time to get out of the way, though one shot still managed to slam into her shoulder, sending her into a spiral before slamming into the hallway wall. Screams erupted as the six remaining crew members charged at them , trying to shove through the doorway and overwhelm the two of them...


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