Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Faldos loomed in the window behind his desk, although his gaze was far too focused on the projection before him to spare a glance at it. It was a scene that he had stared at plenty of times before during idle periods after all, so it wasn't as though he was eager to see it once more. Darth Strosius looked over the display that came from his desk's integrated holoprojector with a mixture of satisfaction and trepidation. The reorganization of his forces in the Outer Rim was almost complete and thus they were almost prepared for the second phase of the campaign. One that he hoped would be far more successful than the first.

Their first attempts had been widespread and somewhat uncoordinated, relying mostly on a lack of real authority or power in the Outer Rim to challenge them. They had been wrong. Criminal groups, sector defense forces, and even forces from other Sith had all intervened and put a halt to the first wave of coups and revolts that had been staged to try and bring Sith rule across the Outer Rim. A setback, and one that costed many lives, but ultimately one that could be recovered from.

Now they knew their enemies, they knew what to expect and who to strike in order to weaken them, they knew which worlds were willing to come under their sway and which ones would not, and most importantly they were almost ready to make use of all that they had learned. Almost. Darth Strosius sat back in his seat and dismissed the projection for now as a message reached him. Three ships had arrived in the Faldos system right on time. His apprentices had been summoned, Revna Revna , Raxus Thul Raxus Thul , and Krinear Malseren Krinear Malseren , all to join him at Bailiff Station where the final preparations were being made and the last plans decided upon. They would have their own parts to play in the campaign to come and it was high time for them to learn of them.

So the summons had been placed, to bring them to Faldos with all haste in order to see his will be done.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Raxus Thul Raxus Thul // Krinear Malseren Krinear Malseren

Much had transpired in the time since Revna had started off as a wide-eyed and fresh Sith Acolyte. She’d trained hard, all under the careful guidance of the Sith Lord who had agreed to teach her, and she had become a Wonosan Squire for the Dresuoti, the home of the Order of Wonosa. But beyond that, she had started learning what it meant to be a Sith, learning about her skills in the Force, her strength in the Dark side, and much more. She’d always been eager to harken to her Mentor, and willingly helped him with whatever he needed to do, or whatever task he gave to her.

Sometimes she had fallen short. Other times she had performed as expected. But that was all a part of learning, of growing. But no matter what task was set before her, she did it in hopes of pleasing the Sith who had agreed to bring her under his wing. She found contentment in knowing that he was satisfied with her work, with how hard she was pushing into her training, her lessons. His pride in her encouraged her to do more for him.

So of course the little Acolyte dropped everything she’d been doing when his summons had come to her, ordering her to Faldos, more specifically, the Bailiff Station. She’d never been in that section of Sith space, but she was ever eager to go to new places and see new sights. Revna gathered her gear, donning her familiar attire and her favored weapons, and made haste to meet with Darth Strosius. She knew better than to keep him waiting for longer than what was necessary.

Revna was very curious as to why he had summoned her. She knew that he had plans in the making. Maybe this summons was to initiate the start of these plans he’d been focused on for some time now? Or maybe this was another excursion out where he could teach her some important lessons?

Either way, she would discover the truth soon enough.

Her arrival on the Station had been expected, and she was escorted to where her Mentor was awaiting her presence. She was always eager to see the maverick masked Sith Lord; in the time she’d been under his tutelage, she had somewhat formed a bond with him. She saw him as more than just her mentor, her teacher. He was like a father to her, almost. Where others might fear their Sith teachers, she had nothing but respect for him. A rare connection, and one she held close due to that.

She stepped into the office where he sat, and she offered a small bow of respect.

I came as soon as I received your summons …How may I be of service to you, my Lord?

Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius / Revna Revna / Raxus Thul Raxus Thul

The crisp mountain air of Eliad filled Krinear's lungs as he stood on the balcony of his family's estate, his gaze sweeping over the majestic peaks that surrounded him. It was a welcome respite from the backwater planets he had been frequenting lately.

However, the serenity of the moment was quickly interrupted by the chime of his datapad, alerting him to a new message. As he read the summons from Darth Strosius, a mixture of anticipation and curiosity stirred within him. He had diligently carried out numerous tasks for his master, but never before had he been called to a face-to-face audience. Without hesitation, Krinear donned one of his finest white robes, the fabric adorned with the intricate insignia of House Malseren. With a sense of purpose, he made his way to one of the various starships in his hangar.

The jump to Bailiff Station was short, and as Krinear disembarked, he was greeted by the bustling activity of the military station. He navigated the corridors with purpose, his mind already analyzing the potential reasons for this unprecedented summons and how he could leverage it to his advantage. As he approached the office of Darth Strosius, he sensed the presence of another – a woman, strong in the Dark Side, whom he had heard whispers of during his various missions.

Krinear entered the office, his eyes immediately drawn to the woman. He gave her a subtle nod, a silent acknowledgment of her presence, as he sized her up. Her power was palpable, and Krinear made a mental note to properly introduce himself at a more appropriate time. As a Sith apprentice, he was well aware of how they were often pitted against each other, and he knew that getting a better read on her would be crucial. She could either prove to be a valuable ally or a formidable rival, depending on how the situation unfolded.

Turning his attention to Darth Strosius, Krinear bowed deeply, a show of respect and deference to his master. "My Lord," he began, his voice even and controlled, "I have arrived as summoned and I am at your disposal." Krinear straightened, his gaze focused intently on Darth Strosius, awaiting the revelation of the purpose behind this unprecedented summons.
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius / Revna Revna / Krinear Malseren Krinear Malseren

While tinkering with his gear, Raxus heard his datapad chime. He finished calibrating his flamethrower and picked up the pad, his master had summoned all his apprentices. Surely this was something of the utmost importance, or he would do it himself. His master was a very proactive man after all. Smelling of oil and hot metal, Raxus cleaned up and put on a new set of robes.

The trip to Bailiff was decent, enough for a short nap while the droids managed the ship. As Raxus awoke he saw the station and began the landing sequence, he still slightly smelled of flamethrower oil. He quickly walked through the bustling hallways of the station, making his way to his master's office. As he walked he inspected his metal hand, he noticed a slight chink exposing the inner wiring of his extremity. He cursed under his breath, now having more gear to patch up when he returned.

Raxus thought about the reason behind this summoning. Would Strosius command his apprentices to kill one another? Letting the strongest one live to learn more, or was something else at play? It is possible that he gathered them all to discuss a new plan. Whatever it was, he would find out soon. He walked faster toward his destination.

As he approached the room, he felt their presence. Two people stood before their master, he could feel the overwhelming presence of the dark side beyond the door. As he entered the room, he looked at his fellow apprentices before him. A small woman stood before him, he could sense the dark side in her, but he also sensed something else, unwavering loyalty. He could only assume this was to their master. The other man, Krinear who wore a garish white robe, and smelled of noble blood. Yes, he was definitely a noble, the way he stood there, acting like he was better than everyone in the room. Raxus scoffed as he walked by, "Trying to stand out, are we? I should have worn yellow."

His attention turned to the Sith Lord behind his desk, "Lovely station you have here. Apologies for the delay, you caught me in the middle of tampering with a new nozzle on my flamethrower, which should explain the smell." he spoke to the masked man, Raxus was unsure if he was about to receive a scolding from his master or his fellow apprentices. He sat in one of the available chairs and made himself comfortable. "I'm curious to see what has brought us all together."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
As expected, Revna was the first to arrive in his office. Ever the eager apprentice, it was only fitting that the first among the three in both time under his wing and adherence to his ideals would beat the other two to the meeting. He inclined his head in acknowledgement as she stepped in and idly gestured to one of the three chairs before the desk. "For now, all that you must do is sit young Revna. We can't begin properly until the others arrive."

His masked gaze flickered to the door once more as the next apprentice entered, idly folding his hands together as he leaned forward. "Ah, Krinear. I trust your trip from Eliad wasn't too much of a strain? Do have a seat." Personally he didn't see the appeal of living on a world full of nobility, let alone one ruled by a Kainite of all things, but he knew the ties of blood and family were oh so important to such people. Krinear himself was little different in that regard, aside from the fact that he was actually useful unlike the rest of his blueblooded ilk.

Finally the door opened once more and his gaze shifted to the Pureblood, clearly having come straight from working on one project or another. He couldn't help but smirk at the snide comment, although it was counterproductive and as such he'd have to have a word with Raxus later on about minding his words around those in good company. "Your diligence is appreciated Raxus, a trait which I think you'll find no shortage of here."

Darth Strosius sat back in his chair and regarded the assembled Sith for a moment before he spoke again, his hands gesturing to all of them with a little wave. "First of all, welcome to Faldos everyone. A backwater world of scum and scoundrels that just so happens to be sat at the end of a very lucrative hyperlane, and thus the Sith Order conquered it." He pushed himself back from the desk and stood, crossing his arms behind his back as he stared down at the three apprentices. "More importantly however, it is the main center of operations for the Holy Inquisition of the Sith Order. And for the majority of those that know of me in the Sith Order, my one and only base of operations."

He stepped out from behind the desk and slowly walked around it to pass by Revna first, then Krinear, and finally Raxus in a small circle as he spoke. "This is false of course, as some of you know more than others, but it is no less an important place for my forces. And as such an important place for you." The masked man stopped his circling as he returned to standing behind the desk and looking over the three Sith. "For among my Sith, among my soldiers, among my people, the three of you possess by far the most...potential."

Darth Strosius placed his hands on the desk's smooth black surface as he leaned forward and shifted his gaze between the three slowly, his expressionless visor seeming to peer right through each of them. "Although you may have crossed paths before in my service it is time that you formally meet one another, for the Sith next to you are the only ones that you can truly rely upon. Aside from myself of course."

He gestured to Revna with a nod. "Revna Sharr, you shall be my Disciple of Faith. You adhere the most to my ideals and personal history and you serve the best alongside my people, thus you have my vision."

His attention then snapped to Raxus. "Raxus Thul, you shall be my Disciple of Legacy. You are potentially the only other Sith aside from myself to know what we once had and what we lost at the hands of the selfish and weak that occupy stations above us. Therefore you possess my mind."

Finally he looked to Krinear. "Krinear Malseren, you shall be my Disciple of Purpose. You are different from the other two in this regard, for you are more connected and attached to the Sith Order than to myself. This will be your shield and your mission, thus you will be my arm."

Darth Strosius rose back up to his full height once more as he pulled his hands back across the desk to activate a switch on the console. A map of the galaxy projected on its surface for them all to see, reflecting in his visor as he continued. "The three of you, as my Disciples, will ensure that my will be done. That the changes and justices be brought where they have been so lacking. I have already alerted all of my forces that you shall speak with my voice, that you shall be granted access and authority wherever is needed, but these boons come first and foremost with responsibilities."

He began his circling around the desk again but this time he stopped behind Revna, resting his hands on top of her chair as he nodded to the map. "My Faith, you will continue my work in the Outer Rim. You will bring death to the cruel and wicked, and salvation to the bound and chained. You will spread the word of Wonosa to every enslaved and downtrodden citizen so that our ranks may swell with the true people of the Galaxy."

He shifted to Krinear's seat next, leaning down slightly and peering at the noble from an odd angle. Like a predator leering at its prey. "My Purpose, you will continue my work in the Sith Order. There are those within the forces and stations of the Sith who crave change as much as we do, and I want them brought underneath my banner. Any who seek to gain for their own selfish desires and cannot be trusted however, you will do unto them as the duties of an Inquisitor demands. Public execution, so that the rabble-rousers of the Sith increase in number out of fear for their own little plots being discovered. From them we will cull the unworthy and save the willing."

He crossed over to where Raxus sat and held the top of the chair with one hand whilst standing at the Pureblood's side and gesturing to the map with the other. "My Legacy, you shall continue my work in the ancient places of the Sith. You will recover knowledge, relics, even perhaps individuals such as yourself, wherever they can be found. Whether they be in some forgotten storage or as part of someone's opulent collection, you will claim them and put them to use for our efforts. All that was once the Sith's shall be again."

The masked man left the apprentice's side and finally returned to his own seat, his gaze never straying from the three Sith. "There will be overlap in your missions, and when there is I expect you to work together. The Sith Order is more important than personal glory and fame. If you wish to have rivalries and conflicts, then we have no shortage of them in the ranks of the wider order as is. The minions of Carnifex, the fools of Empyrean, and all those that would seek to emulate them. These are our foes, not one another."

He sat back and rested his elbow on the arm of his chair, idly propping his chin against it as his free hand extended out towards them. "I expect that you all understand what I have said and what I have tasked you with, yes? You understand your place and roles in my forces and the grand design that I have envisioned?"

Revna Revna / Krinear Malseren Krinear Malseren / Raxus Thul Raxus Thul

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Krinear Malseren Krinear Malseren // Raxus Thul Raxus Thul


Revna’s mostly golden eyes flickered to the three seats directly in front of her…which were directly across from the seat upon which Darth Strosius sat. Clearly, he was expecting others as well…and not a moment later, she sensed a presence just beyond the door, a Force signature that was decidedly Dark. She turned her head ever so slightly to peer over her shoulder as the door opened and a taller man in fine, white attire stepped in.

She met his gaze briefly, making sure her expression was neutral as she regarded this newcomer. Revna very subtly dipped her chin in response to his acknowledgement of her presence and watched as he bowed low before her Mentor, who greeted him and the small Sith woman caught the name Krinear.

A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips; she found it…amusing…that the noble would bow so deeply towards someone who had a slave background. Even she hadn’t bowed that low towards the Sith Lord…but they both knew why. She knew her High Priest wouldn’t demand such a thing from her. If she ever bowed that low, it would be because she wanted to, not because she was expected to. But the noble-born didn’t need to know that.

The door opened behind them both and a third figure stepped in…one whom she recognized but was still unfamiliar with. He came in smelling of oil and with the tinge of heated metal in his wake, and immediately remarked on the nobleman’s appearance before turning his attention to the Sith Lord who sat opposite to the three of them.

Revna moved to take a seat in the chair in front of her, her gaze on the red-skinned Sith Pureblood as amusement danced in her eyes. She almost made a comment to his statement about wearing yellow, but she kept her mouth shut. He didn’t bow like the noble did, though he did address Lord Strosius before sitting down as well, and the little woman caught the name Raxus as the Sith Lord greeted him in turn.

The little woman pulled her gaze from the other two newcomers to look at her Mentor, her thoughts churning in her head. She went back to one of the earlier conversations she’d had with the masked Sith, so many months prior, in their discussion about apprentices. She learned at that point in time the difference between a simple Acolyte, and the status of an apprentice. At the time, he had said that he had no apprentices but hoped to have a couple some day.

Clearly, he had found a couple who he considered to be worthy enough.

But…why was she here? She was only an acolyte…wasn’t she? Yes…she had been working very hard, training very hard, and had thrown nearly all of her energy and devotion into serving her Mentor’s cause. She’d fought alongside him in several battles, gained much needed experience, and had developed and grown a lot. But her Mentor had always referred to her as Acolyte Revna. And therefore, that was what she was. Just like he was her Mentor, instead of her Master. She’d heard the Sith Lord sometimes call her his ‘apprentice’ before, but that was because others had referred to her as such, and she figured he just didn’t have the desire to correct their assumptions. She shifted in her seat a little bit with the unease of her thoughts, and cast gazes at the two other men. They better be worthy of you, she caught herself saying within her own mind.

She was curious to know why all of them were here in the room, and what plans her Mentor had. Would she be aiding his apprentices in whatever tasks he might be giving them? She didn’t really mind doing that; if she was helping them, then she was helping Darth Strosius, and that was all that mattered to her.

The Sith Lord’s words pulled her from her inner musings and she focused on him with curious intent. She always paid attention when he spoke; to do so would be disrespectful of his time given, or so she felt anyway. Faldos was his official base of operation, home to the Holy Inquisition of the Sith Order, though she noted the words he said about the majority only knowing about Faldos, and not the other place.

She could count herself amongst the few who knew about the secondary place where he spent his time and effort and energies, and he confirmed a moment later as he rose to his feet to circle around behind her and the others, that Faldos wasn’t just the only place where he operated from. Revna folded her hands in front of her on the desk and stared at them as she listened to him continue, her gaze snapping to him when he said that out of all his forces…the three who sat in the room with him were the ones with the most potential.

That…really caught her attention. As did the Sith Lord’s next statement. Besides him, she would only be able to truly rely on the other two seated beside her. Her partially golden eyes flickered in their direction briefly. Yes…if they were all going to be working together, then she definitely wanted to get to know Krinear and Raxus better. She wanted a good read on them, to see if they had what it would take to further her Mentor’s ideals and ambitions. Clearly they must…otherwise the sometimes grumpy Sith Lord wouldn’t have chosen them.

Her attention snapped back to Darth Strosius when he gestured to her and said her name, followed by him announcing a new…title and purpose for her in his service.

Disciple of Faith.

She was still in a state of surprise when he moved on to Raxus, giving him a more formal title and purpose as well, and so on for Krinear.

All of them. Disciples of Darth Strosius…an incredible honor indeed, that came with great responsibility, and no doubt a target on all of their backs eventually. But she’d been guided and trained for this moment; she’d been told that there would come a time when more was asked of her.

Now was that time, apparently.

Her gaze followed the masked and robed Sith as he activated a switch that projected the image of the galaxy before them all, and he went into depth about what he expected from the three of them, mentioning that their new positions indeed came with responsibilities. Revna sat a little straighter when her Mentor stopped behind her chair, listening intently to what her new purpose was to be. A small smile graced her pale face; this was a purpose, a path, she knew she could excel in. Clearly her Mentor thought so as well.

He moved on to the other two men, giving them their directives moving forward as well. He made it clear that he expected them to work together when they had overlaps in their duties - something that almost ran contrary to what most Sith Lords expected of their apprentices. Rivalries were common, and even encouraged, amongst the wider Sith Order. But here under the banner of Lord Strosius, they would have to work together, rely on each other, instead of fostering rivalries between the three of them.

The masked Sith questioned them all, making sure each knew their place, their duty, within his forces.

Yes, my Lord. I understand my place and what you have tasked me with.” She said clearly, acknowledging her part to play in her Mentor’s grand designs. She glanced at the other two, curious to hear their responses to all of this as well.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius / Revna Revna / Raxus Thul Raxus Thul

As Krinear arrived, he was greeted by a familiar face – Raxus, the hot-headed Pureblood he had crossed paths with before. The brash Sith wasted no time in delivering a snide comment about Krinear's regal appearance, a jab that would have earned a less restrained individual a scathing retort. However, Krinear merely allowed a half-grin to grace his features for a fleeting moment before returning his attention to Darth Strosius.

Inwardly, he found amusement in Raxus' remarks about donning a yellow outfit. As if the uncultured brute could comprehend the intricacies of tailoring and proper attire befitting one of Krinear's stature. The thought of Raxus attempting such a feat only served to entertain Krinear.

Yet, all musing was swiftly banished as Darth Strosius rose from his seat, commanding Krinear's undivided focus. The Sith Lord began by bestowing titles upon each of them, titles that carried weight and purpose.

First, the small woman known as Revna was named the Disciple of Faith, a fitting mantle for one whose connection to the dark side and unwavering loyalty to Strosius was palpable, even to Krinear.

Next, Raxus was dubbed the Disciple of Legacy, a recognition of his Pureblood heritage and the symbolic significance it held within the Sith Order. Despite Krinear's reservations about the brash Pureblood's recklessness, he acknowledged the value of having such a presence within their ranks.

Finally, Darth Strosius turned to Krinear, perhaps saving the best for last, and bestowed upon him the title Disciple of Purpose. It was a fitting moniker, one that not only provided direction for his future missions but also offered a platform for further ascension within the ranks. For this, Krinear felt a swell of gratitude towards his master.

As the disciples received their titles, Strosius projected a galactic map before them, outlining the specific tasks assigned to each. Revna was tasked with spreading their influence in the Outer Rim, while Raxus was to delve into the ancient places of the Sith, recovering lost knowledge and relics.

For Krinear, his mission was to handle those within the Sith Order itself, a task that filled him with a sense of anticipation. The opportunity to shape the Order from within, to weed out the unworthy and rally those seeking true change, was a challenge he relished. Already, plans began to take shape in his mind, strategies for expanding his influence and that of his master, starting from the moment he returned to Eliad.

With a resolute nod, Krinear responded, his voice steady and imbued with conviction. "It is an honor to serve, Master. I will carry out these tasks laid before me and ensure that your vision is realized within the very heart of the Sith Order itself."

His words carried a subtle undercurrent of ambition, a promise that extended beyond mere obedience. For Krinear knew that in serving Darth Strosius' grand design, he would also be furthering his own ascension within the ranks of power.
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Darth Strosius Darth Strosius / Revna Revna / Krinear Malseren Krinear Malseren

Raxus held his head high, at the compliment from his master. He was relieved that he had not been scolded for his late arrival. He got comfortable in his seat and listened closely to the masked man. He was glad that his master had so much trust in him to include him in this plan, this meant that Raxus had succeeded in proving his worth to the Sith Lord.

The titles he would bestow weren't without their perks. The apprentices' words carried power now, the forces of Wonosa would answer to them as if they were speaking to Strosius himself. However, these perks came at a cost. The cost was to bring bout the Dark Lord's will across the galaxy, one that Raxus was most eager to spread.

The Dark Lord approached Revna first, he named her the Disciple of Faith. A good title for one in tune with their master's ideals and wishes. He wondered to himself what he would be tasked with, as Revna had been tasked with something that seemed of great importance to the Sith Lord.

He watched intently as Lord Strossius walked around the desk telling Raxus what he commanded of him Disciple of Legacy, Raxus chuckled at this, he was already itching to do his master's bidding. This title was fitting for someone of his blood, his master asked that he recover what once belonged to the Sith. Raxus would not stop until he had achieved his master's goal, and nothing would get in his way.

Finally, The Sith moved on to Krinear, whom he named the Disciple of Purpose. The noble seemed to appreciate the name, as he smugly smirked at the title, undoubtedly stroking his ego. He was tasked with doing backstabbing that was typical of nobles like himself.

As Darth Strosius showed a holoprojector of the galaxy. Raxus thought about how much glory he would bring to the cult of Wonosa, and how much knowledge he would bring to the Sith. Not that many Sith of this time would care about the old Sith Empires, they would learn through force. He would search high and low for anything that his people knew or possessed. All would come to light.

"I understand my tasks, my Lord. It shall be done. All will know the power of the Sith of old." He said with his head held high, the galaxy would learn why the Sith were feared, and perhaps one day, his people would return.

His words echoed with pride and hate, towards those who have thwarted them in the past. Raxus vowed to himself, that he would complete his mission.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
As his Disciples spoke their acknowledgements and agreements the masked man watched them carefully, both his eyes and his sense in the Force observing their reactions. As expected they were all potent mixtures of excitement, resolve, and some slight apprehension. Of course the sparks of ambition and pride were underlaid within their more obvious emotions as well, which has been even more expected. Darth Strosius knew that what he was asking of them was a great deal indeed and yet they seemed all too eager to meet the tasks handed out to them head on as it were.

"Good." His shoulders relaxed slightly, as though a great tension had left him, and nodded in satisfaction. "Very good. I hope that you're all ready to begin then, as I already have an assignment for you." He tapped on the console once more and the galaxy map zoomed and shifted into focusing on one world in particular. A world that would be very familiar to his Disciple of Faith. "This is Nar Shaddaa. A world of scum and sin, one that one day we shall raze to the ground. For now however, it proves to be of use."

With another tap an image of a Nikto appeared next to the world, what appeared to be a mugshot based on the angle. "This is Gror Bursum, my main contact on Nar Shaddaa. He's deeply imbedded in the Black Market as a merchant and smuggler and as such provides me with intel about deals and auctions regarding slaves and Sith artifacts alike. He may not be a believer in our cause but he and his gang are just as eager to see the crimelords and their twisted kingdoms brought down as anyone. He'll be a great boon for the three of you to have contact with in order to complete your future missions." Gror had been his only real foothold on Nar Shaddaa for years now, a foothold maintained by Inquisition weaponry and Sith support.

"He's informed me of a gladiator that's been rising through the ranks and acquiring a little criminal syndicate of his own. While typically they've stuck to dominating the betting and gambling scene for fights, recently they've been trying to muscle in on the Black Market weapons trade. Weapons that could potentially include Sith relics." Revna wouldn't need much, if any, reason to go hunting down a criminal but the other two Disciples might need that extra bit of detail to catch their attention. If nothing else then it would make the threat seem far more relevant at least.

"Gror has requested assistance with ending this threat to his business and I have promised him your aid. This will be your first assignment as my Disciples and will provide you with a good source of information without needing to work through my channels alone." That was how Darth Strosius had gained the allegiance of Gror and his bunch so long ago after all, crossing paths while raiding the same slave auction. How fruitful that meeting had been in the end.

"He will have more information and details on the mission when you arrive, a shuttle waits for you in the hangar to take you to his compound on Nar Shaddaa." A shuttle disguised as a simple cargo freighter of course, one scheduled to be bringing a new stock of disruptor rifles to Gror's gang for future bidders and buyers. "The three of you will not fail me. You will slay this crimelord and hoist his body up for all to see, to send a message." His tone turned grim and left little room for argument, the holoprojections seeming to dim as his head bowed forward slightly. "I want every last criminal scum in the Outer Rim, from Hutt to mugger, to know that they are not safe. Not on Nar Shaddaa, not on Nal Hutta, not on any little wretched den that they try to slither into. Show no mercy and bring forth the wrath of the Sith upon these sinners."

The masked man took a breath and sat back, the projections clicking off with another press before he clasped his hands in front of his chest. All intensity and brimstone seemed to vanish as he continued, back to his calm and collected self. "You will work together, get to know one another. Unite your strengths, account for one another's weaknesses, and prove that my faith in your potential wasn't unfounded. The shuttle awaits, go now and return to me once the deed is done. I expect to see the gladiator's body on tonight's Rim Holonews show."

Revna Revna / Krinear Malseren Krinear Malseren / Raxus Thul Raxus Thul

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Krinear Malseren Krinear Malseren // Raxus Thul Raxus Thul

Revna listened as the other two readily agreed with their new status and station, and where their new duties would be taking them all. She could see and sense the tension in her Mentor as he regarded all three of his new Disciples in silence for a few moments, before responding and visibly relaxing, seemingly satisfied with the responses he had received.

Then he told all three that he had a first assignment for them, and the little woman perked up as the galaxy map focused on a planet she was well familiar with, and a flicker of darkness came over her face and eyes briefly before vanishing.

They were headed to Nar Shaddaa, it would appear.

Oh how she couldn’t wait to see that planet turned into an ash heap.

Her eyes took in the holo image of a reptilian-humanoid figure her Mentor pulled up for all of them too see, and explained to the trio of Disciples that Gror Bursum was a contact for him on Nar Shaddaa, being imbedded in the Black Market and as such, was a rather valuable asset to the masked Sith Lord.

And now a valuable asset to her and the other two men beside her.

Next, Lord Strosius moved on to give them the details of their assignment; they were to target a rising crime boss that Gror had requested be removed, and the Sith Lord had promised to send a few of his Sith to help take care of the problem.

It was a little daunting to the young woman; this assignment was, by far, the heaviest in terms of responsibility that she’d been given thus far. And…she would be doing this with two Sith who were basically strangers to her, and without her Mentor being by her side. She knew the day would come when she was expected to carry out tasks on her Mentor’s behalf, away from him…but now that it was here it felt a bit surreal to her.

It was as exciting as it was terrifying.

Revna swallowed hard when Lord Strosius made it clear that failure on their parts simply was not an option. And by the tone he used, she knew that any failures on their part would be swiftly and harshly dealt with. She blinked a couple of times, letting her Mentor’s words sink in deep. This was serious business with serious consequences should they fail to do as their Lord commanded of them.

The young woman felt a small smile curl at the corners of her lips with Strosius’s decree that they show no mercy to their foes, and exercise the wrath the Sith were so known for. She was more than eager and happy to unleash her fury against criminals in Nar Shaddaa.

The Sith Lord took a breath and sat back as the projects vanished and he folded his hands over his chest, observing the three of them for a moment. The fiery zealousness that he expressed just moments prior was gone. He bid them to work together, to learn about one another so they could work as a united front, a united trio under their Lord’s banner. It was…almost unheard of for a Sith Lord to demand that his apprentices work together, instead of fostering rivalries. She wondered if the other two thought this strange or out of the ordinary.

Despite what their Lord had commanded of them, she knew she would be a fool to simply trust them completely. She would work with them, of course, but she would make sure to keep an eye on them, and not expose her back.

With the orders to depart, Revna rose to her feet first and gave her Mentor a bow of the head. “It will be done as you command, my Lord.” She then looked at the other two. “We are burning up time. Let’s go.” she said in an even tone of voice that was neither meek nor commanding. She turned on her heel and headed for the door, not pausing to look back to see if Raxus and Krinear were following her. She knew they would be, for they seemed just as eager to obey Darth Strosius as she was.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius / Revna Revna / Krinear Malseren Krinear Malseren

Raxus watched as his master relaxed in his chair, he could tell the man was pleased at the answers his apprentices provided. As the masked man showed them their assignment, Raxus listened intently. He had never personally been to Nar Shaada but had heard of the wretched place. The Hutts especially disgusted him, but he knows a powerful ally when he sees one. Perhaps Raxus could find something to further his goals while completing his mission for his master.

Although Raxus was hesitant to work with this contact, seeing as how his goals are the same as any other criminal trash. He decided it best to work with this Nikto, besides if Strosius had a hint of disloyalty, this would not be the man they were meeting. Raxus did relish in the thought of dismantling crime syndicates and crimelords. Perhaps he could find someone with a personal collection of artifacts of the Sith, then show them just how unworthy they are to have such things on display.

As Strosius mentioned the gladiator, Raxus would be more than happy to destroy their little crime ring. Raxus scoffed at the mention of Sith relics being in the hands of petty criminals, the hands he would take for desecrating the legacy of his people, a fitting punishment in his eyes. Raxus knew they would not fail their master, the message would be sent. Making future crime lords think twice about slighting the Sith. Nar Shaada would know of the Sith, and they would come to fear them.

Raxus would have a mission of his own when he gets to Nar Shaada, he would acquire some black market weapons and tech from this Nikto to aid him in his endeavors. He would also ask the Nikto about any and all Sith artifacts he knows of on the planet, recovering these would be of top priority for Raxus, and the others would have to understand this.

As Strosius finished the briefing, he told them to get to know each other. These two apprentices would be useful to further Raxus' gains, however having an ally is never a bad idea. He would follow his master's orders and play nice until he had a reason not to. "It will be done my lord, criminals will learn to fear the name Sith. One way or another, they will obey." As Revna stood up, she was eager to get started, Raxus felt the same way. This was the first mission Strosius had entrusted entirely to his three apprentices. They will not fail him. "Yes, I suppose we had better get a move on." Raxus got up, brushed himself off, and followed Revna out the door.
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius / Revna Revna / Raxus Thul Raxus Thul

Nar Shaddaa

The mere mention of Nar Shaddaa, their assigned destination, immediately captured Krinear's attention. Though he had never set foot on the planet himself, his knowledge of its inner workings was extensive, gleaned from the whispers and dealings of Eliad's merchant elite. The Malseren family, despite their veneer of legitimacy, was no stranger to the necessary underworld connections that Nar Shaddaa provided.

As Darth Strosius detailed the mission objectives, Krinear's mind whirred with possibilities. While his master's ultimate goal of razing the planet to the ground held little appeal to Krinear for the time being, the prospect of asserting dominance over Nar Shaddaa's criminal underbelly was tantalizing. The lowlifes and scoundrels that populated the moon could be molded into valuable assets, tools to further not only his own ambitions but also those of his master, even if Darth Strosius had yet to fully appreciate Nar Shaddaa's current potential.

The mention of their primary target—an upstart gladiator threatening to upset the current dealings on Nar Shaddaa—elicited a thoughtful frown from Krinear, his gaze sharpening with intent as he contemplated the implications. This was an opportunity to set an example, to demonstrate the consequences of meddling in Sith affairs. In the underworld, perception was everything, and permitting some nobody to encroach on their territory would be seen as weakness – especially with whispers of Sith artifacts in play. This affront to their authority would be addressed with swift and uncompromising action, and as the Disciple of Purpose, Krinear felt a personal responsibility to ensure the mission's success.

Once all orders were given, Krinear rose from his seat, offering a deep bow to Darth Strosius before taking his leave. As he exited the room, falling into step behind Revna and Raxus, Krinear's mind turned to his fellow apprentices. Though he wouldn't object if either were to remove themselves from the equation through their own misadventures, his master had been unequivocal in his directive for them to collaborate on this mission and likely those to come. Before they inevitably descended into the all-too-familiar pattern of rivalry that consumed apprentices and masters alike, Krinear fully intended to exploit their abilities to elevate his own standing.

But such machinations could wait, for Nar Shaddaa beckoned.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
The masked gaze of the Lord Inquisitor seemed to measure all three of his Disciples at once despite being still and serene as they acknowledged and accepted their orders. Each of them would naturally have different reactions and responses, the vengeance of Faith, the domination of Legacy, and of course the seemingly simple acceptance of Purpose, all of which he did expect in one form or another.

Revna's return to her prison of birth would no doubt fuel her onwards to victory at any cost, the simple mention of criminal slime slandering and defiling Sith relics would be enough to set Raxus alight, and Krinear would no doubt be looking to get a foot in on one or more of the illicit dealings that the moon was infamous for. This mission would prove to be successful even had he sent only one of the Disciples, but all three? Nar Shaddaa itself would quake at such at force.

The thought brought a smirk to his hidden features as he watched the three Apprentices depart, offering them one final remark before the door to his office closed behind them. "May the Force bless you my Disciples, and may the Sith of old watch your victory this night." Once the door had closed the shoulders of Darth Strosius slackened ever so slightly, his eyes sliding closed in turn as a breath escaped him. "And do try to tear one another apart already. You all have far too much work to do."

There was nagging notion somewhere in the back of his mind, and he knew exactly who was causing it, that made him doubt his decision in regards to his Disciples. Traditionally the three wouldn't have known one another until they were pitted against each other to compete and see who was the more worthy and powerful apprentice. They would be rivals not only for his attention and lessons but also for their position in his powerbase as his heir and second. Yet despite that nagging thought, he found the whole notion so wasteful.

Why have only one worthy apprentice when he could have his own little triumvirate? Would the Sith Triumvirate of the ancient past had been so potent and powerful with only Darth Nihilus? Or Darth Sion? Or indeed even Darth Traya? He doubted it. His Disciples would be no different once he was done with them.

Darth Strosius finally opened his eyes once more and reached over to the console to bring up security feeds from around the station, narrowing them down to the hallways that the three Apprentices would be making their way through on the way to the shuttle. It was already primed and ready to go, the boarding ramp awaiting their arrival before it lifted off and sped to Nar Shaddaa with all haste. There his Triumvirate plan would be put through its first trial, its first real test. He couldn't wait to see it.

Revna Revna / Raxus Thul Raxus Thul / Krinear Malseren Krinear Malseren

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Raxus Thul Raxus Thul // Krinear Malseren Krinear Malseren

Despite her small and rather unassuming size and nature, Revna’s pace was quick as she traversed the halls of the station, heading for the shuttle that awaited their arrival. She could hear the steps of Raxus and Krinear behind her, not far behind at all. All others who were in the same passageways as the three Sith apprentices, moved aside to let them through. They knew better than to impede a Sith on a mission.

Once aboard the freighter, Revna found her seat and settled down for the ride, her golden gaze settling on the other two as they made their way aboard as well. As they started on their journey to Nar Shaddaa, the little woman regarded the red-skinned Sith Pureblood and the well-dressed Sith noble with a neutral expression, studying and measuring them both in silence for a few moments. She knew next to nothing about either of them, but in time she knew that would be remedied. Especially if they were expected to work together, and not against one another.

The little Sith woman had a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that the noble of the trio - Krinear - would be perhaps the most ambitious of the group in regards to seeking favor and status with their, her, Master. Nobles, in her experience with them, were the ones more likely to backstab and manipulate others for their own ends, and a Sith noble would be all the more likely to do such things, and be more vicious about it. She did find it rather… odd … that Strosius would choose a noble as one of his apprentices, given his distinct disdain for their kind. He would be one to keep an eye on, for sure. And though she hoped she wouldn’t have to put him in his place and remind him of their Masters commands - she had a feeling that the day would come when she had no choice. Perhaps, though, there was a way to help mitigate that possibility now, a warning and an encouragement for both of them.

Darth Strosius is a maverick amongst the other Sith of our Order. He does things differently, and expects those who serve under him to understand and accept that. His orders for us to work together is a prime example of this. Obviously the standard order of affairs is that we would struggle against one another and eventually slay the weakest between us all, until only the most worthy and strongest remained.” She paused for a brief moment before continuing.

If it is his approval you are seeking, or the chance to gain his favor and thus elevate your position in his ranks and improve your own personal power - then I will strongly suggest you do as he commands. That goes for all of us, and I have no interest in fostering a rivalry with either of you - as I have no desire to court the wrath or displeasure of our Lord. We will be stronger united than we will be if we are divided.

Revna sighed softly, now that she had gotten that off her chest. Now whether the other two would heed her wisdom and her words of caution was another thing, but she trusted that her High Priest would correct any behaviors or actions he saw that displeased him. And if either of them tried to remove her through more violent means then they would find her to be just as merciless and violent in her response. She hadn't survived this long, and thrived and risen in power, by accident.

Now, we have some time before we arrive at our contact’s compound. I personally am eager to know what you think you are good at, and what you are not so good at. That way we can work around each other’s strengths and weaknesses. I will go first: I find my strength in being a hunter, in reconnaissance. I am small, fast, and agile - I can go places where others cannot. I have the ability to see into the minds of others; I can get information from others - taking it by force if necessary. However, as it is right now I do not believe myself good at negotiations or sweet talking my way into favorable situations. I can be a bit like Darth Strosius - blunt and straight to the point, bold and fearless. It is both a strength and weakness of mine.

She fell silent and looked at the other two, waiting in patient silence for either Raxus or Krinear to go next.

As Raxus walked with Revna and Krinear, he studied the two apprentices. Who are they? Why are they here? What are they planning? Revna seemed unwaveringly loyal to Strosius, he didn't worry much about her. Her reasons seemed clear, she wished to serve her master to the best of her ability. Krinear was the one he Raxus couldn't get a read on. Surely the noble of the group had grand plans, Raxus would find out what he was planning, and then decide if he was worth helping. For now, he focused on the mission at hand.

As they entered the freighter, Raxus found a seat and began to tinker some more with the flamethrower that had been giving him trouble earlier. While tinkering, he was thinking about how atypical it was to work alongside other Sith and not be tasked to kill or undermine them. However, this could be a big ploy to find out which is the most useful. Surely, Revna, The Sith Lord's long-time apprentice would know about the plan already, perhaps Raxus and Krinear had already been pitted against one another. No, that seemed too easy, Strosius' words were resolute. He wanted them to work together, how peculiar.

Revna's next words all but confirmed his thoughts, she was revealing her weaknesses to two Sith she had never met. The Sith Lord truly wants them to work together. "You don't need to worry about me backstabbing unless one of you does something really stupid, so don't worry about that. As for the working together thing, I suppose since I owe Lord Strosius a debt for saving my ass. I can work with you two under one condition, any and all Sith relics from my people will be returned to me, and the thieves that stole them will be disposed of accordingly."

It wasn't worth it to make enemies here, Raxus barely knew anything about this new era he had entered, best to keep allies while he could. Besides, he knew how important having a pureblood in the ranks was to Strosius, he wouldn't be killed. At least not by his master.

"As for strengths and weaknesses, I must say you have me beat in the sneaky aspect. I'm more of a brute-force individual, I prefer to rip my enemies apart while their allies watch. Politics bore me, I'll be the first to admit they have their place, but I prefer to prioritize action over talking. As for technology, you give me a door to slice, it'll be open. Whether I'm feeling like slicing or blowing something up depends on the mission. I would give you a life story and tell you all about the Sith Empire of old, but that is a story for another time. Perhaps I'll tell you all about it once we string this crime lord up for all to see."

Raxus sat back and continued tinkering, hoping his answer had satisfied the woman, so he could prepare uninterrupted. He was curious to hear Krinear speak, perhaps it would give an inkling of what the noble was planning.
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius / Revna Revna / Raxus Thul Raxus Thul

As Krinear strutted up the ramp behind his fellow compatriots, he propped himself up against the wall, careful not to crease his immaculate attire. He could sense both apprentices attempting to read him more intently than the others, their curiosity palpable in the Force. Rightfully so, he thought to himself, flashing them a million-credit smile tinged with a hint of his aristocratic arrogance.

Revna wasted no time in addressing them once they had settled into their spots on the ship. As she spoke of their master's expectations and the importance of unity, Krinear mused silently that as long as he held Darth Strosius' favor, Revna's loyalty would ensure she never acted against him directly. Her devotion to their master was admirable, if somewhat limiting in his eyes. Raxus, on the other hand, seemed more focused on the promise of Sith artifacts, his passion for his heritage evident in his words. Krinear made a mental note to keep an eye on the Pureblood's ambitions.

With a subtle flourish of his cape, Krinear leaned forward, his moment to speak having arrived. His voice was smooth and measured, each word carefully chosen. "I appreciate your candor, Revna. Rest assured, I have no intention of undermining our master's vision."

He allowed his gaze to drift briefly towards Raxus before continuing. "And I respect your claim to any Sith artifacts we may uncover, Raxus. In fact, I believe I may have some contacts on Nar Shaddaa who could provide leads on any such relics that have found their way to the smuggler's moon. Sith artifacts certainly have a market for them among certain parties." Inwardly, Krinear doubted the hot-headed Pureblood would last long enough to appreciate such relics, given his apparent affinity for things that blow up, glancing at the device on his lap.

Pausing for a moment, as if to gather his thoughts, Krinear pressed on. "As for my own strengths, I pride myself on my ability to navigate the intricacies of social and political maneuvering. I have a knack for reading people, for understanding their motivations and desires. Of course, I am no stranger to combat. But I find that true power often lies in information and influence." His attention flickered between Revna and Raxus, a small, self-assured smile playing on his lips. "It seems I am the missing piece to our little puzzle, so let's not be too hasty in considering any premature eliminations. I have no doubt that with my skills complementing your own, we shall prove a formidable team indeed."

His piece said, Krinear settled back into his spot, his mind already whirring with the possibilities that Nar Shaddaa presented. This mission would be the first step in his ascent to power, and he would use every tool at his disposal to ensure its success.

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