Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Best christmas add I have ever seen

I remember reading a story in our history class about an incident like this where the two sides came together for Christmas day. It was one that made the entire class have "Dem Feels"

Good Add.


Morality Policeman :)
[member="Darren Shaw"] has it right. This is actually a dramatized version of a real historic occurrence during the Great War.

What sucks about it is that these guys had to go shoot each other the next day. :/
Yes. I do remember watching a documentary about that event (it was spoken about) and two guys were interviewed about it and both of them were on opposing's sides. They had actually met each other and fought the next day, however, the American got shot and was pulled to safety by the German. Disguised the American as a German soldier, and then smuggled him through enemy territory as a "Shell shock" victim and was sent to Germany to where the German lived. Both of them made it, and were friends for years after.

No I do not remember what documentary about it. It was a very long (7.5 hour long) doc about "The great war"

Verie Lacroix

Jace Beleren said:
These guys were British, not American. America joined the war 3 years later.
Bless you for reading a book (or at least watching Joyeaux Noel).
Ludolf Vaas said:
Europeans are brothers. World War I should have never happened.
Aye. I'd drink to that. If I drank, that is. So I guess I'd drink tea to that.
One of the reasons the great war happened is because we forgot that we're all brothers. Brothers helped brothers by turning on other brothers. It was a sad thing. Still is sad. At least there were times, like the commercial above shows, where we got to remember that. Even in the midst of combat. I just hope we get to remember that a little more again. We're all brothers.


Especially here.

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