Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bes'kar! (Sith Assassins)

Iziz could not help but chuckle at the drama unfolding in front of him, as she came out having been reprimanded by the darth, Iziz would be in the closest to what a Jawa would consider hysterics, curled into a ball and rolling onto his side, his amber eyes closed as he held his gut as it convulsed with his chattering laughter. The Jawa slowly arose as Ferus came back from chastising the other sith acolyte who seemed to be okay with Farus' ruling, having bought down the hammer some-what, though, Iziz didn't necessarily agree with the way that Ferus acted, something deep within himself boiled at the idea of a Sith acting with mercy to people whom were not Sith or force sensitive. Though he could not discern where the voice was coming from, it made the Jawa feel lost, and even a little insecure, much of Iziz's life was kill or be killed, do or die, eat or starve, it didn't matter who he killed or what he ate so long as he did it, and he was smart enough to ensure that it was not done to him. The woman, Alyssa, seemed like a competent enough sith, though, there was something about her particularly which Iziz did not like, leaning his head to a side and propping up a single knee as he continued to sit on his rock, he placed his chin lazily in his palm and watched her, watched her movements, her mannerisms, he studied her physical form, which, he supposed would be considered attractive were he a human, but, to Iziz, she was just meat... Though the difference between her and the other meat that was in the tunnel, was she was a sith, and thus, she was meat that could fight back. She was the difference between hunting a Krayt Dragon compared to hunting a Bantha, but, there was something special about hunting bigger game, and humans, unlike animals in the wild, were one of the few creatures which screamed and begged as Iziz ate them alive.

Which was so much more entertaining.

Though, thinking of food once again had Iziz hungry quickly, sinking his teeth once again into the rare steak and savouring the taste, allowing the steak to sit there between his slightly pointed teeth before he twisted his jaw slightly, tearing a piece of the cooked yet bloody meat from the whole and savouring the taste, humming in his light high pitched voice as he approved of the meal, the pheromone scent around hims would become sweet within a couple of meters as he continued to devour his meal, ensuring that he was not sidetracked by the Female sith. He did not particularly care about her, though, a part of him wondered how strong she really was, itching to test his mettle, it had been so long since he was able to fight something...
Saiah sat down as it seemed they were forced to wait. She crossed her legs under her and leaned her hands on her knees. Her back was erect and her eyes surveyed the happenings around them. She had positioned herself in front of her pile of Beskar ore, almost as if she was protecting it. She found no amusement in the bashing between Alyssa and Darth Ferus. The Lord had a fair point, they were guests in this area and it was best not to attract the attention that dead miners tend to attract.
A deep sigh escaped the red mans lips as he looked over to both [member="Saiah"] and [member="Iziz Vei"] . Both had succeeded at least. With a single nod, his gaze would go from them to the mine itself. "You both are free to go and do as you wish. We are finished here. For now." Blue eyes trailed over the mine shaft itself for a moment longer. The miners he had hired, twenty in total, would continue the work the two and [member="Alyssa"] had started, and would get enough for a different project he needed.

"Oh, and you'll get your rewards later. What ever you like made out of the Bes'kar you mined, though any extra will go to the Sith Assassins. Understood?"
Saiah stood up slowly, supporting herself on her knees. When up, she rotated her shoulders and neck before looking at [member="Darth Ferus"] and replying in her cold, rasping voice.


Taking another look at her pile of Beskar ore, she started musing over what she could make with the resulting Mandalorain Iron. It was a nice pile and the material had so many uses. She started fingering her golden coin again, flipping it from one knuckle to another as she walked away to her transportation. There were so many plans to lay, so much to investigate.
Darth Ferus said:
"Oh, and you'll get your rewards later. What ever you like made out of the Bes'kar you mined, though any extra will go to the Sith Assassins. Understood?"
Alyssa heard the tail end of whatever discussion Ferus was having with the other Acolytes. She pulled her cart over to the group and stood there silently. She knew what she wanted to make from the portion of her beskar she kept, a five foot long segmented and bladed whip. She had been training in using a whip and wanted to make one of a lightsaber resistant material to see if the work she had put in would work against lightsabers. To that end, she knew that she needed to smelt the beskar down to a more pure state.

"Lord Ferus, I am unfamiliar with mining operations. Is there a place where I should take my beskar to be smelted into a purer form?" She asked with her head held high. What had happened in the mine had only been witnessed by the two miners, and so it was nothing to Alyssa to act normally among her peers.

[member="Saiah"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Iziz Vei"]

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