Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beskar, I hardly even knew her...


The Red Necked Mando
Damned Aristocrats, it'll be a cold day in hell before I retire. As much as he didn't like it, Miles was getting on in his years and everyone knew it. He fought tooth and nail for his beliefs and his bosses turned on him, early retirement they said, in your best interests. He'd be damned. Everyone in that room knew a Mandalorian fought until either a gun or a blaster ended him. He held his stumped shoulder with his last hand and pressured it heavily with his rage, accidentally reopening the wound. He got up shortly before the craft landed on Mandalore's moon. He would fix his arm and use his people's most prized possession to do so.


The Red Necked Mando
Miles exited the craft, shoving a Zeltron who offered to help him. The last people he needed to talk to now was a damned pink blight, whose use lasted a maximum of one night. Miles carried himself towards the nearest mine. It was a small one, only recently excavated, but full of Beskar, though Miles felt pride in calling it Mandalorian ore. As he neared the mine, the smell was the first thing he noticed. He always missed the smell, the tang burning his nose. It reminded him of his smithing days, he missed those.


The Red Necked Mando
Some young guy in his prime offered to go down into the mine with him and help him with the excavation of some Mandalorian ore, but Miles just brushed him off and grabbed the mining drill and leaned it on his shoulder. He spat on the ground then he went into the mine shaft. The darkness was only alleviated by the lanterns hung up on the wall, the smell got stronger and burnt the hairs on his nose. He smiled and then marched into the depths.


The Red Necked Mando
As the light gave way to more darkness, Miles lowered his helmet over his face and turned the light on. There were a few other workers there, trying to get as much Mandalorian Ore as they could carry. The good stuff was always in the back though, that's where the ore was freshest. Halfway down the mine parted three ways, two of which had run dry. Miles gave a gruff cough and went down the only remaining path.


The Red Necked Mando
On his way down, Miles noticed the heard a small explosion some ways off. Obviously some rookie had managed to blow himself up, it was always the young ones. Before he got to the end of the tunnel, Miles noticed a vein of metal. It was small, only going a few feet in any direction. Miles broke a piece of the ore off and put it between his teeth. It tasted and felt like the Mandalorian Ore he used to dig up, he smiled then began to dig.


The Red Necked Mando
He got down on one knee and lifted a bag off of his good shoulder and then stretched the opening out. He got back up and then grabbed his drill off of his back and began to mine. Drilling was always slow, it was a careful process and couldn't be helped. You had to make sure not to damage the raw ore too much rendering it useless, but it also had to be pure enough to be smelted properly. The rocks were slowly being flung away, hitting Miles in the mask and then flying into the darkness.


The Red Necked Mando
A big chunk of rock fell away from the ore, revealing a large vein of ore. Much bigger than Miles had expected there to be, stretching a couple meters in every direction, this would be very useful for Miles as he grinned beneath his mask. He took off a few chunks and dropped them into his bag, then continued his work on the rest of the vein. The bag was getting somewhat full now, so he brought it up to empty onto his ship.


The Red Necked Mando
After dumping the Mandalorian Ore onto a scale, Miles found out he was still a few dozen pounds off of his target. He gritted his teeth and grabbed his gear again and headed back into the shaft. When he got back to where he had been mining, some little huttspawn was drilling away at Miles vein. He "tried" to convince the man to stop mining there, but eventually it broke out into a fight. Even for an old man with one arm, Miles still had some fight in him. He was able to knock the kid out after a couple minutes and then spat on him.


The Red Necked Mando
Miles finished off the last of the ore and then dumped it into what the punk had already taken, that was Miles now. The kid started getting up, so Miles gave him a kick and a warning. He started back up towards the light. About a quarter of the way up Miles noticed a heavy smell of gas, probably more children being let in. Miles was close by when a part of the mine exploded near him and he was knocked down by the blast, covering his face in a black soot.


The Red Necked Mando
He ignored the cries for help from some of the stuck miners, they weren't his problem. He finally managed to get out of the mine. He threw off his gear and handed it over to whatever mining officials were still out here instead of helping out in the mine. He got in his ship and dumped his bags of Beskar in the cargo hold and then headed for the cockpit. He slouched in his chair, grabbing a bottle of rum and drank it. He looked in the mirror and finally noticed how much dirt was on his face. He spat into his hand and wiped the soot from his chin and cheeks, then smiled to himself. "Time to get smithing."

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