Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Benjamin Atlas

NAME: Benjamin Atlas
ALIAS: The Dark Assassin
NICKNAME: Ben, Benji, Benny
HOMEWORLD: Coruscant
RANK: Assassin
SPECIES: Rapax (
RACE: Lacertus
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 feet
WEIGHT: 150lbs
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale White


+ Enhanced Senses: Being a Rapax, Benjamin has enhanced sight, smell, and hearing.
+Strong: Being a Rapax, Benjamin has strength that would be stronger than a normal humanoid his age.
+Regenerative Abilities: Having the power to regenerate is in the Rapax' blood, as long as he has a steady supply of food, small cuts and burns are healed in minutes, larger wounds takes days.
+Stealthy: Over the years, Benji has learned to hide in the shadows, he had grown accustomed to sneaking into restricted areas due to his line of work.
+/-Lacertus: Being a Lacertus, Benjamin has a strong close range attack, His Telum shoots out of his back and wraps around his waist acting as extra arms. If these appendages are severed he will be almost defenceless and will take days to heal.
+/-Territorial: Rapax are extremely territorial, Benjamin would die to protect what is his. This also doubles as ferocious loyalty towards all of who he calls his friends.
+/-Blending In: Being a Rapax, he is forced to remain hidden from society, this has caused him to put up a false persona. He is only able to feed away from large crowds of prying eyes.
+/-Blind Hatred Towards Sith: He had heard stories of how the Sith tried to colonise Dromund Kaas, ultimately causing his spiecies to scatter across the galaxy. He resents them for it. He will blindly lash out at most Sith he comes across.

-Diet: Rapax' diet consists of only humanoid spiecies, they are unable to keep down any normal food due to a special enzyme in their bodies.
-Arrogant: Being a Lacertus has given Benjamin a good amount of power, and in that power, he has gained arrogance, believing that he and his spiecies are greatly superior to any other spiecies.
-Low Stamina: Being used to killing his victims quickly, Benjamin has a low stamina. If he doesn't take his enemies down quickly he will be prone to tiering out.
-Singled Out: Rapax are easily identifiable due to a special enzyme in their bodies.

Benjamin usually wears a mask over his mouth only to hid his smile as he watches the colour drain from his victim's face.

After Scattering from their home planet of Dromund Kaas, Many Rapax went into hiding:

"Benji, by now you know what you are, you are not like your school friends or most people you see on the are of a higher class..." His father would say. He grabbed the boy by the neck and pulled Benjamin in close.

"For you are Rapax." He would whisper.
Back then, Benjamin didn't know what it truly meant to be Rapax, he didn't know that he had to be forced to kill to eat and survive, he was just a kid.
Benjamin felt his Telum uncoil and split into three tentacle like appendages that rapped around his waist and shoulders to fortify his attacks. But his father had already poodoo projectiles from his Telum out at Benji, the boy was not able to fully block all the projectiles causing some to penetrate his torso.

"Don't worry, they'll heal soon, the best way for you to utilise your abilities is to get up close to your opponent and quickly take them out before you tire." Benjamin's father called out to him. The boy would nod as he would rush forward and get within inches of his father. His Telum quickly attacked piercing his father's skin, Benjamin's father jumped back and smiled, blood fell from each wound.

"There you go son!" He would exclaim. Benjamin would land as a smile would begin to show on his face. Later that day after their wounds healed, Benjamin's father brought him onto the streets.

"Now, we Rapax have to blend into this disgusting lifestyle. They hate us...but that formatted, they're just food to be eaten." His father said with hatred in his voice.
Benji listened to every word his father said, taking it to heart.
Benjamin woke up and slipped into his normal attire before walking into the main room of his family's Coruscant apartment. It was empty, he looked around.

"Mom, Dad? You guys home?" The teen would ask as he searched the main room.

For the last few years, Benji had been learning more about how to use his Telum and how to stay hidden in society, as he grew, he learned to hate his father because the man never killed enough.

Suddenly a bolt piercthe boys chest, he dropped to the ground. His father stood over him, his Telum flaring out, several more projectiles shot at him, his mother came into view and she used her Telum to inflict more damage to the boy's torso.

"This is a test Benjamin, if you fail, you die." His father said. The teen cried out in was getting harder for him to stay conscious. Soon he felt himself drift out of consciousness, but his Telum launched out and pierced his father's heart along with his vital organs. His father looked at him in shock. Soon the man dropped to the ground. Benji rose.His mother was dumbfounded as she began to cower.

"Y-you passed." She said. Benjamin ignored her.

"Not yet..." He would whisper as the five appendages punched through the woman's body. She screamed. The teen smiled as he pulled down his mask and licked his lips.

"Sorry mother...but I'm free now." He would say as her body dropped to the ground, a maniacal laugh sounded from the apartment. That night he consumed his parents and healed his wounds.
Benjamin's apartment was empty but spotless, he sighed as he looked around, it had been awhile since he had fed. The teen pulled on his mask and pulled up his hood as he walked out of the apartment. Soon he was on the streets, he made his way down to the depths of Coruscant. He had trained to become an assassin following the death of his parents, his skill set was perfect. The teen reached under a bench and found his contract details. It was a hit on a bounty hunter.

He had contacted a source, which led him to the last known location of the bounty hunter. Upon entering an empty warehouse the teen would smile. "Ah you've arrived." The bounty hunter said as he pulled out his blaster rifle.

"Ah expecting me?"

"I was expecting an assassin not a schoolboy." The bounty hunter said. This made Benji smile. He pulled down his mask.

"Oh, don't be sad...I'll kill you all the same." The teen said as he rush his opponent, the bounty hunter had no time to react as the apex predator pierced the bounty hunter's torso. He was still conscious.

"A Rapax?" The man said in fear.

"'s our secret." He said as he silenced the man. Soon the Dark Assassin would receive his payment.





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