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Ben Trasker

  • Thread starter Connor Harrison
  • Start date

Connor Harrison



"You think you're worth something? You're worth nothing!"

Name: Ben Trasker
Profession: Former G.I.A Anti-Terrorist Agent
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Height: 6'2
Weight: 184lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Pigmentation: Caucasian
Force Sensitive: No
Voice Sample: Arnold Schwarzenegger as T-800 in ‘The Terminator’



~ K9 Blaster Pistol A heavy blaster pistol with 50 shots per charge and laser sighting.

~ GIA DC-15A Rifle Standard issue 500 shot rifle used by the Republic


+ Good physical strength due to police training and maintaining exercise throughout his life, with a good diet and passion for keeping active.

+ Loyal to those who are honest and decent in their goals – while scorned by the Republic, he has an underlying pride about being dependable and effective in what he does.

+ A good marksman with knowledge of fire-arms, melee confrontation and general offense and defence skills from his years in police training.

~ Let down by The Republic, who cast him aside and gave him up on a greater good when the pressure was applied and so has a bitter view on their morals and policies.

- Unwilling to listen to reason, as he has seen what happens to those who do nothing but take orders – they are expendable, and cast aside when they aren’t needed by those in power. He is a hurt man; betrayed and bitter.

- Due to his large frame, he isn’t the fastest or most nimble. Strength comes at a price of not being as agile or dexterous as others, which can prove an issue in confrontation or evasion.


Ben was born in 802ABY in sprawling Galactic City, Coruscant. He never knew his mother as she died in childbirth, but his father, Rafe Trasker, sacrificed his career as an officer in the Coruscant Security Force to bring up his son.

Enjoying a carefree childhood with good education and decent friends, Ben enjoyed the culture surrounding him and never left Coruscant in all of his years as a young boy and teenager. He broke some hearts and had his broken a few times as a young man, but used his dedication to work hard in a few jobs here and there to bring in a small income and help his father as best he could who found work as a Metrocab driver when Ben was old enough to be left alone whilst he worked,

On his 21st birthday, Ben wanted to continue a career his father sacrificed for him and enrolled with the Coruscant Security Force. He learnt as much as he could about criminal factions, the history of the CSF spawning decades from their formation, their role in galactic control under Emperor Palpatine and even the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and the numerous confrontations over the decades following.

Ben took to wanting to be active as much as he could, not depending on droids as he didn’t trust something that had no heart or brain to make judgement on others in a fair and just manner. He participated in regular patrols on graduation to the CSF and escalated to crowd control, diplomatic protection and crime scene investigations. Turning 30 and with a steady career ahead of him and a solid foundation of colleagues and successful operations backing him up, Ben moved to the specialized Anti-Terrorism Unit, one of the most powerful departments in the CSF where he continued to work, lead and learn.

It was during a number of operations in and around Coruscant he crossed paths with Galactic Intelligence Agent Coci Sinopi, much like him in her attitude to law enforcement. With a good friendship made, Coci opened the door for Ben to transfer from the CSF to the GIA in order to enable him to continue a more intense, more rewarding career spanning the wider galaxy battling crime and corruption. He lost contact with Agent Sinopi soon after joining, her departure from the GIA showing him her heart was never in the job.

The new move even entangled him in the affairs of The Republic and the battle between mighty Force users such as Jedi and Sith but it continued to open his eyes to what was out there beyond the stars. Ben even started to form a strong bond with one of the technicians from the GIA research departments, Sindri, showing him a friendship and loving relationship he hadn't experienced before. Things were looking good for him with a healthy and active lifestyle with a rewarding outcome for the job he loved and planet he admired.

On a new assignment to apprehend a suspected criminal known as 'Blitz' working for the Black Sun, Trasker encountered a Dark Lady of the Sith who tried to kill him in an ambush, and though he received a few wounds, he managed to escape with his life when the GIA arrived and shut down the warehouse and put a large spanner in the works for the Black Sun.

Ben Trasker continued to serve as a dedicated agent, working with strong allies, friends and partners over the years in career full of ups and downs.

However all of that changed when The Republic started to fall apart – with greater pressure from the One Sith, the internal conflict between the Jedi and the external threat from enemies invading the galaxy to take a piece for themselves, the GIA were stretched far and wide, suffering losses and failing to stand against the growing corruption and terror against them. A number of GIA departments were shunned in the wake of the events known as the ‘Netherworld Invasion’, and Trasker was a casualty of the move.

Cast out and let go by suited officials in the higher echelons of power, Trasker didn’t know where to go or what to do as Coruscant also had fallen to the One Sith and so he was living in hiding in the South of the planet with no work and no security. It was during these hard times Trasker was forced to turn to the other side of the law to make money – acting as a mercenary for hire with extensive CSF and GIA knowledge. He tried to avoid turning into a criminal, and did what he could to continue bringing those to justice who deserved it, without the limits of the Republic holding him back as they continued to squabble amongst themselves.

It was time for Ben Trasker to return to the galaxy a changed man…



A number of small-time crooks and criminals.


'Raw Deal'
Ben Trasker takes stock of where to go and what to do next on Handooine, before being rudely interrupted...

'The Steal Of A Lifetime!'
Waking up with strangers in a dark room, tied to chairs, Trasker is roped into a do-or-die mission using his unique skills...


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