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Belizarius Krusi

Basic Information
NAME: Belizarius Krusi
FACTION: Republic Remanent
RANK: Jedi Knight, Sentinel
Home Planet: Sector Olaris, Taris Ecumenopolis
SPECIES: Human (Tarisian)
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 190cm
WEIGHT: 100kg
EYES: Bluish-Green
HAIR: Dark brunette, trickle of grey hair due to the stress that comes with his role
SKIN: White

Lightsaber - The personal lightsaber of Belizarius
DH-17 Blaster - Rarely used, used as a "practical tool"


Growing up in luxury on a planet drowning in poverty was a weird experience for Belizarius growing up. Having to interact with far poorer children meant that Belizarius had quite a different view to most when it came to dealing with the poor. He used to use what money he could to get food and clothing for poorer kids.

Belizarius himself is quite Spartan. He was very practical in what he owns and this goes towards his outlook to life in general. The only material things that he owns in great abundance is books which litter his quarters at the Jedi Temple.

He also has very little interest in power. He finds history of power dynamics and struggles interesting but offering him authority is not something he takes easily too. This is in part due to a lack of confidence in his ability to lead but also at the same time he also lacks much ambition and doesn't particular like change.

He does have a skeptics mind though and takes everything with a grain of salt. he doesn't trust easily which has helped him throughout role as a sentinel.

Ultimately his main difference to many Jedi is that he's not particular righteous, he's not even particularly that loyal to the ideals of the order but he does know what's expected of him and he thinks ultimately the role of a Jedi is to try and be a positive influence in the galaxy. He follows the code but in some aspects it's definitely his own interpretation of that code.

His pragmatic side goes into fighting also, he doesn't care if sometimes he will cheat to win a fight. If the ultimate goal is to defeat your opponent or even kill him then.


+ Intelligent: The life of a Sentinel means that Belizarius has been trained to be resourceful, he was also chosen by his master due to his high intelligence. He learns extremely quickly.

+ Resourceful: Belizarius knows how to survive, he often has to hunt for his own food and make basic shelter when tracking down a lead. He also knows how to slice computers, hack into doors and also can use the force to assist him in all of this. This has lead to an adjustment on his lightsaber fighting style where he often adopts things in his surroundings to assist in evading or defeating his enemies.

+ Born to Wealth: Even though Belizarius grew up at a small Jedi Enclave his family are still a reasonably successful merchant family that still operates out of Taris. When it comes to financial resources the Jedi is able to call in favors from his family to help cover the expense. This was only even used once when the Jedi was assigned to Taris to investigate the rumors of Sith activity.

+/- Highly empathetic: Though for most people think is a positive. Quite often Belizarius finds it hard to leave those that need him. Ultimately, he believes that his role as a Sentinel is to look out for those who need assistance.

- Low Confidence: Belizarius due to a childhood of not taking his role as a Jedi seriously and the recent death of his master has developed a severe lack of confidence in his abilities to perform his job. For example, he is great as a defensive lightsaber duelist at the same time he’s wary of entering into a fight and will often look for an out. This clashes with his empathetic nature and has lead to a crisis of identity for the young Jedi.

- Survivors guilt: Due to the recent death of his master, Belizarius has developed a great sense of guilt for not taking more time to develop his skills with a lightsaber as a child. He blames himself for not being able to keep up with that fateful duel between his master and the Sith Assassin.

- Reluctant fighter: Belizarius is reluctant to fight against other force users, mainly due to his lack of confidence he will try and avoid directly confronting another force user with a lightsaber. He believes that he has better control of a situation and could do better if his skills are directly challenged.

- Piloting: Belizarius can fly his small transport but he is not a fighting ace, he's not even a particularly competent pilot. He gets where he's needed and does most of his good on the ground. On the other hand he is quite capable of using the turrent located on the top of his transport as that was normally his role when he was flying with his more capable master.

Side parted brunette hair with grey specks, stubble, blue eyes which can seem green in some light. Belizarius tends to wear the blue robes more typically seen on Jedi in the age of Revan. The reason for this is that due to the nature of his job these robes help him fit in more with the general public. Knowing though the authority Jedi can have in some situations though will mean at times he’ll put the tradition brown robe over this. These robes though are usually in some deterioration due to his line of work and his history of having a lack of access to proper cleaning and tailoring.

The main distinctive feature though is his eyes. They look tired but ultimately kind, people tend to just know that Belizarius would mean them no harm.
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Childhood 1-7: Life as a Tarisian child

Belizarius was born in the city sector of Olaris on the planet Taris. Even before the dark ages this world was considered a "fading Ecumonopolis" the days of it's glory had long since faded and all that remained was a series of mostly poorly rebuilt sectors. This child was lucky, his parents were old money who traded in Tarisian ale and dabbled in vehicle construction. This gave him quite a different life but reality is Olaris was by far the richest sector on the planet and generally more affluent.

Belizarius had a childhood filled with the best education and tutoring. From 5-6 years old he quite often could be found reading datapad's and studying with some of the best teachers for offer on the world. He ate some of the best food and lived a life in luxuary compared to many of the other people on the planet. This social divide quite often made Belizarius feel guilty when he came across other children who would be crying out of starvation and the life.

At this point a Jedi recruiter came to the world and found a 7 year old Belizarius reading at a local academy. This was Master Kion who was a Mirialan and found great interest in the boy. His force powers weren't anything out of the ordinary but a young child with such a huge interest in attaining knowledge could be a very welcome edition to their Jedi order and it was at this point that the master sat down with his parents to discuss the childs future.

They wanted Belizarius to one day take over the family business but Kion convinced them after some talking that he would be trained to help the entire galaxy. He told Belizarius stories of how when he became a Jedi he could fight against injustice and serve the galaxy for the greater good. The child when he was older would resent the master for lying to him about what his expectations would be and this would create his attitude at how unfair it was for the Jedi Order to recruit children so young.

Childhood - Early Teens 7-15: The responsibilities of a Padawan
Belizarius in many aspects resented his training pretty soon after arriving. He found learning to control the force fascinating and spent countless hours practicing his technique but when it came to combat and fighting he showed little interest. This was not his strength and he never really wanted it to be his main focus.

He befriended at this time another Jedi by the name of Jebord Esio who was a far more gifted duelist but didn't have the same hunger for knowledge than Belizarius. This created a friendly rivalry as Belizarius constantly worked to find clever ways to outwit his friend when they practiced fighting together. In one battle after going on the defensive he managed to get Jebord to start fighting with him against the wall. When Jebord was about to pass a swinging door Belizarius used the force to flick a switch sending it flying into his friends face. Even though he did have pride in this, the Jedi Master training him pointed out that he won't always have the advantage of clever tricks and needed to learn how to hold his own in a fight.

It was at this time that he started adopting a more defensive style with Soresu. This helped him try and keep control of the fight and at the same time allowed him during a fight to put his effort into fighting a weakness of a enemy. 80% of the time he would still lose a fight but when he won, it could be from clever uses. Like using the force to throw sand into the eyes of his opponent, creating distracting clicking sounds behind them and other tactics to distract the enemy.

He was still at his best a reader though, at this time he started reading and practicing his skills with computers and getting through locks. He became quite good to the point that he started practicing to use the force to operate computer terminals.

Late Teens 15-17: A master of his own
Master Yokuna didn't often visit the Jedi Enclave. This enclave was tiny with about 40 Jedi in all which had practically lived in isolation for an extremely long time. They believed that politics corrupted the Jedi and getting involved in the political wars of the powerful nations around them distracted them from their greater duty of promoting the light in the galaxy and helping those desperately in need. Yokuna was one of about 3 Sentinels at this enclave and she was the best. A wise female green Twilek who was currently to take her first padawan but had grown tired of the trigger happy Jedi that the enclave seemed to prefer. They liked training Guardians and the like but what she wanted was something more refined.

That's when she came across the young Belizarius reading in the enclave library. She sat down with him and talked with him for hours about politics, history and what his thoughts on the Jedi were. She was even impressed with his views on the cruelty of recruiting children and even though he wasn't righteous.. he did have a strong sense of what was right and wrong which in her eyes was far superior. Righteous could be easily corrupted, if you had somebody who thinks that anything can be justified for the greater good then that means if that sense of greater good was twisted they could commit great evils.

This is important for a sentinel. They didn't have the luxury like Guardians and Consulars of coming back and keeping themselves in the light. Sentinels would spend months and sometimes years away from home going where they were needed. Belizarius was be a perfect Sentinel with his resourcefulness and quick thinking. Plus ultimately his kind spirit.

Adulthood 17 -23
Even though Belizarius was competent at Soresu, Yokuna wanted to expand his fighting style to become more aggressive. This ultimately lead to him becoming better at mixing in aspects of Ataru which she thought would go with his large build. At this stage Belizarius had grown to be reasonably tall for a human at 6 foot 2 and after spending 2 years in intense training with his master had managed to get his body into good enough shape to show some promise with the style. Quite often though Belizarius would still resort to trickery and Soresu though in his fights. Ataru was simply too against his instinctual fighting style which was looking for weaknesses but also keeping himself calm and in control of the situation enough to assess other ways of exploiting a weakness. Ataru was simply too distracting and is still a style the Jedi uses rarely even though it's his second best form.

After this training he went about the construction of a new lightsaber for himself using a yellow khyber crystal. He based it similar to the lightsaber of a old master by the name of Obi-Wan who he once read about during his studies. What he got was a lightsaber with a slim hilt that was easier to control which allowed for the tight and efficient movements called for in Soresu. He did though put a crest of his family from Taris on the hilt thought. Even though he only had faded memories from childhood it was important for him to realize where he came from and how far he had come.

At the age of 19 Yokuna started taking Belizarius out on serious missions. The Padawan started to see the first taste of real action with Yokuna being amazed at his resolutions. He was known to hack into computers and lock doors to trap mercenaries, activate turrents to attack their own side and reprogram droids to follow him. He always offered them a way out but if they didn't accept it he would disarm if he could but kill if needed. Belizarius didn't take to the killing part of his job very easily and fought with his conscious many times but ultimately he remembered that these were people who had often taken lives themselves without having this kid of remorse and that ultimately set him aside. Kill slavers, bandits and mercs wasn't his preference but given no other option he would rather them dead then going on to kill more.

Adulthood 24: Knighthood
He spent those years mostly fighting raiders, agents of the empire and even a few encounters with Dark Jedi but in all this time neither of them had actually fought against a Sith. Belizarius in many ways surpassed his master in terms of situational awareness, resourcefulness and general knowledge. This made Yokuna extremely proud even if his swordwork could still use more practice. In every other way Belizarius had exceeded her expectatons.

Yokuna knew that in many ways she had little left to teach her Padawan and in a informal ceremony back at the Enclave he was knighted. At this time he had come to have a new respect and understanding on what it means to be a Jedi and was extremely happy at this occasion. After years of never feeling accepted the enclave finally started to feel like home and all of this was thanks to Yokuna.

He was now free to follow his own path but then the enclave got news that they couldn't ignore, a Sith was rumored to be on Taris and the new Jedi because of his family name having influence was chosen to go.

Arriving on Taris, the Jedi had mixed emotions being back home after all this time. Seeing the city ruins as they flew over he noticed that Olaris seemed more empty as people had fled with the recent conflicts.. especially with the rise of the Sith. It was then they discovered that in fact the Sith was hiding in Olaris itself and Belizarius managed to use his family connections to get a room at an apartment complex nearby.

During this time Belizarius met his parents. He didn't realize until that moment that he actually resented them for making him go and join the Jedi when there was so much good that he could of done. In many ways he was robbed of a childhood based on a Jedi bending the truth and parents who bought into it all. Their altruistic nature meant they abandoned their son and denied him a normal life. It was a heartbreaking experience for the young Jedi as he had to deal with these feelings. He did ultimately come to terms with what had happened. It wasn't for a Jedi to focus on such negative memories from the past and it did nobody good. After seeing his parents though he got the message from Yokuna, a lead had informed them where to find the Sith.

At this point Yokuna heavily suspected a trap and wanted to wait for more Jedi to arrive as the Sith would only be expecting one or two Jedi. Belizarius was worried this delay would mean the Sith would get away and they had no guarantee of reinforcements. Their enclave was tiny with maybe around 40 Jedi and that's including students, most of the ones available to leave were already doing their own assignments. Though the reinforcements would be preferable to going in alone they couldn't afford a Sith to get away when they could do something about it.

The two Jedi moved in on the apartment and got to a higher floor. The building had long since been abandoned, the recent expansion of the Sith Empire and Mandalorians were making people on the planet uncomfortable and people were fleeing to the few bastions of safe space left. They were walking down a corridor when out of nowhere a door opened and a Sith Assassin came flying out and engaging both in battle at the same time with twin lightsabers. Both the Jedi tried to keep up but Yokuna had not fought against a Sith in over a decade and Belizarius had never fought a enemy with such viciousness before.

Belizarius found himself quickly force pushed away and violently hitting a nearby wall, in this time Yokuna was on her own and only barely able to match the Sith's speed. Belizarius had only just managed to pull himself to his feet when the Sith managed to cut off the hands of his master and was about to land a killing blow.

Belizarius thinking fast threw his lightsaber at the Sith who managed to swipe it aside, when the saber returned Belizarius went into the fight using Ataru since his main goal at this stage was to either get the Sith to run or to even try to kill them. It was absolutely no challenge for the Sith to defend himself and toy with the Jedi. After awhile growing bored the Sith violently force pushed him again but this time sending him through a window.

As he went through the window, he saw for a split second the Sith turn back around to Yokuna and in that second he used what he could spare on collecting the glass around him with the force and throwing it at the Sith. He went falling to the ground, the only reason that he survived was due to him using the force to slow him down gradually. He was badly injured by the fall and had to hobble his way back up the skyscraper.

In the room he saw his masters hand and the dead Sith with glass embedded into his skull. He guessed another Sith must of been present and then came to understand the level in which he had completely failed. Him rushing and in general just being unprepared for this. What good was a Jedi who couldn't defeat a Sith? what good was a Sentinel against the darkness when they couldn't even take it on directly.

If he hadn't rushed, if he waited or at least got himself more prepared then none of this would of happened. This was by far a Sith victory. He collapsed on the floor and sobbed as the initial shock subsided and the harsh reality came into focus. His lack of training as a child and constant lack of ability to fight with the main weapon of the Jedi.

He managed after a few hours to make his way down after collecting his lightsaber and his masters. He got medical attention and after a week of recovery made his way back to the Enclave to decide what to do next. The next few months were spent in reflection and also training with his lightsaber, he would sometimes go a solid 13 hours a day simply training to try and get better. This made a slight improvement but it seemed in some areas his main skill was never going to be fighting like that.

A year later, he managed to find the courage and will to go out again. These days he still travels in the old small transport that he used to share with his master. He travels and still fights against raiders and other threats but is quite hesitant in doing so. Worried of another trap in which his skills would be tested to the limit again.

Republic Career

After coming across a force user, Belizarius joined the Jedi Academy Network and shortly after joined the Republic Remanent. Hoping to prove himself as a Jedi knight and worthy of being a Sentinel. Still recovering from his masters death there will be roadbocks along the way.

His time in the Republic was spent in a few small skirmishes but mainly his role was undercover, working to free slaves and help protect civilians on missions. His time in the Republic slowly crushed his belief in the Government as it often saw itself as having some kind of 'Manifest Destiny' where what was more important was expansion then actually trying to bring order and law to the galaxy.

During one of his missions on Ziugen, he found himself responsible for a Slave Girl named Varess after using the force to convince her master to simply go. Knowing that leaving her would probably be desperation or even death. The Jedi decided to take her on board and ever since she's worked with him on his ship. Helping with repairs and learning to be resourceful.

The breaking point for the Jedi was when the Republic was planning on overthrowing a government of a world, then trying to replace the local religion with a artificially constructed one to replace their local superstition. Even though Belizarius has a particular hatred for theocracy this was seen as nothing but manipulation. The Republic should be trying to win over worlds to their cause, not force them or manipulate tem.

It took him weeks to decide but in the end, he collected his books into his ship and left with Varess for the Outer-Rim. Belizarius was again lost in a greater purpose but knew that whatever he wanted it was simply not something the Republic and it's corruption could offer him.

Current Path

He is currently in a sense back to where he started, travelling and protecting people that he finds along the way. Trying to find some purpose after becoming disillusioned with the Republic

Early days in the Republic
Of old friends and new beginnings - Belizarius joins the Republic Jedi and sets about the organisation of the renewed Order
Not as clumsy or random as a blaster - Belizarius attempts to hone his lightsaber skills in order to become a better fighter
Behind enemy lines - Belizarius joins a team to take down a Dark Jedi
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Skills and Abilities

Main Skills

  1. Slicing - Belizarius at a young age had taught himself how to hack into most computer systems, the reason for this was to give him a further edge over the enemy as he would use it to confuse their defenses.
  2. Lockpicking - His ability to open doors is extremely effective. Belizarius can break into most locks using a series of tools at his disposal.
  3. Soresu - Belizarius is extremely competent in this lightsaber form. Mostly due to the line of his work but also after years using it to also go along with his force abilities during fights
  4. Gunner - Is an effective gunner on starships.
  5. Survival - Belizarius knows how to forage, hunt and camp in the wilderness due to the nature of his job. though he will try and avoid it if possible.
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