Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Before a Word has Been Spoken

If someone asked Errant what he considered the worst place to be in the galaxy, he likely would've answered Tatooine. Rolling dunes of endless sand covered the planet. Raiders who opted for grunting and screeching rather than communication through the basic tongue hunted freely. Hell, the gangsters on the force-forsaken planet ruled every stretch of land, no matter how barren, empty, or pointless. Moisture farming was considered a valid career, while folks wandered around with nothing to do beneath the scorching sun, waiting patiently for the day they could escape the planet, be it through a foreign ship or death. The planet had very little going for it.

Jakku? Well, Jakku had it even worse.

Sand as far as the eye could see, just like Tatooine. But unlike the hub for criminal activity, no one went to Jakku for anything other than to settle down and live a life away from whatever dangers plagued them. The cantinas lacked decent booze or meals, making them only worth visiting for a bit of socializing after a day of scrubbing through a ruined star destroyer for rations. One would think its location on the Starbird Trade Spine would've brought a modicum of prosperity to the planet. Yet, nothing seemed to change. It continued to exist as just another dustball with little to offer the galaxy. So, if you thought to pose the very same question to Errant, he'd take Tatooine over Jakku any day.

And still, there he was, trudging tirelessly through the sand, blasters trained on his back. Unable to find a way off the dry planet, he found himself left with nothing to do and nowhere to go. Pilots who stopped on the planet wanted little to do with the pale-skinned man, clad head to toe in black armor. He wagered the weapon at his hip had something to do with it.

The greatsword matched his armor near-perfectly, given its midnight coloring. Blood red runes decorated both sides of the blade. It appeared razor-sharp as if freshly sharpened moments ago. To the everyday inhabitant of the galaxy, something so obviously malignant could only bring trouble. Truth be told, the Albino would agree. Its insane whispers left him sleepless more often than not. The promises of something greater tickled the back of his mind at all hours of the day.

Breaking from his musings, Errant looked up to find a familiar cantina growing closer. He soon stopped just outside, attention shifting from the door to the men escorting him.

"You forced me from my slumber to bring me to a cantina?" Errant posed the question with an almost inhuman sneer. "I cannot say I am impressed by this decision."

"Shut up, freak," the twi'lek behind him ordered. He pressed his blaster pistol into the back of the Albino's head and shoved him through the door. The four cronies followed him inside, weapons drawn and focused on the Knight.

A sigh escaped his slender lips as he strode deeper into the building. Each step carried him closer to the countertop and away from the thugs who'd escorted him. He found it somewhat strange the bartender he'd come to know as Shed hadn't greeted him yet. The bubbly human always seemed up for a bit of conversation, even if everything he said lacked any real substance. A lack of customers raised more alarms in his head, but Errant remained calm. Ever stoic, the Crestfallen Knight stopped a dozen steps from the bar, his eyes locked on a head full of mousy, brown hair.

"If you wanted to share a drink, woman, you could've come to collect me yourself. I assure you, I do not bite," his lips split into a knowing grin. "For what purpose was I summoned here?"

The amber liquid burned her throat as it went down. It was a taste that had once sent a shiver down her spine, but she had acclimated to the harsh spirits of Jakku in her months since arriving. Anna likely would have avoided the poison altogether, but that was a task much more difficult on a planet that didn't have access to clean water. The glass clinked as she placed it on the bartop before turning to meet the visitor. Raising an eyebrow, she took him in. It was no wonder the locals felt the need to report his presence. Objectively handsome, pale skin contrasting black armor. He looked wholly out of place next to the ragtag crew behind him, who were native to the planet.

"My apologies if my means of contact were... upsetting. When I hear of an imperial knight - I'm sorry, former imperial knight - sniffing around on my planet, I didn't think you'd take kindly to a disturbance of... whatever it is you are doing here. Best to let those more capable than myself in combat handle things. Plus, helps those guys behind make ends meet, so, win-win for everyone."

A small smile crept across her face. Motioning for him to join her, she looked to the bartender.

"Shed, another round, please. One for our foreign friend, as well."

Shed nodded, his eyes avoiding her as he went to work.

"I just wanted to speak to you, you see." She started, her tone light. "I find it strange that one such as yourself has been here for so long. Passerbys we get in the droves, the occasional trader as well, coming for salvage. Never do they linger, though. I think we can all agree most people do not see Jakku as a place worth staying. So, it does beg the question- what are you doing here?"

Her gaze found him once more, electric blue eyes probing every inch of his form.

Errant Errant
"Hmm," Errant looked past the woman, his gaze meeting Shed's. The man practically trembled where he stood. Anxiety oozed off him in waves, its pungent scent impossible to miss. Peering elsewhere in the room, the Imperial found himself surprised to see how much cleaner it looked than normal. Glasses lacked smudge marks left behind by dirtied fingers. The countertop appeared freshly dusted and wholly devoid of sand for the first time since the bastard arrived on the backwater planet. His gaze returned to Anna, a brow raised at the mention of his title.

"I see why he fears you," he mused. "Even in a place as rundown as this, information brings power, even to those less capable in combat. I admit you've piqued my interest enough to treat this conversation as something more than a disruption to my oh-so-busy day," his words dripped with sarcasm.

At her request, he remained where he stood.

"I hunt Sith," he said. "I have committed sins that would otherwise see me stripped of more than just my ranks. My life was spared by a man who needn't show me the mercy he has. In turn, I am to find those in service to the Brotherhood and sever them from this realm. I've grown accustomed to the looks given to a stranger in a strange land."

He moved towards the bartop and took the seat beside her. When Shed set the glass down in front of Errant, he looked it over, swirled its contents with a weak turn of the hand, and returned it to its position.

"Now that I've solved your Sith problem, I do not want to be here. Unfortunately, commercial pilots are a cowardly lot and refuse my credits. Jakku has its fair share of criminals, yet I've had no luck in convincing them to take me from this place. So, I wait patiently," he reached down to his side and untied a canteen from his belt. Twisting the cap off, he tilted his head back and took a hearty sip, then set it down in front of the woman to his left.

"I will offer you a bit of unsolicited advice. Have your men lower their weapons. They will do them no good if I see a need to make an issue of this encounter, though, for your sake, I hope this does not come to pass. I do not want to spend the remainder of my time on this planet slaughtering every half-cocked thug who thinks they can make a quick cred-stick off my head."

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Annasari grimaced at the last sentence. Most knew better than to threaten those who held a thing as fragile as a life in their hands, yet Errant did not seem phased by a blaster at his head. A rage blossomed within her, but she worked to push it down, doubting a flex of power would do much. A man apathetic to death was a dangerous thing, and she didn't see the need to escalate further. Looking to the gunman, she spoke in Teedo.

"Eg, namo teffar. T'ol lana de zenofa." Wait outside. Keep your ears open.

The Twi'lek began to object, but she shook her head.

"Parqual!" Go!

She waited for the cantina door to swing shut behind them before taking the cantina he had offered. She raised it to her lips, taking a careful swallow.

"Well, I'm obliged to offer my thanks for your service in helping clean up those Darksiders. Our graveyards give a livelihood to many, but there are always those who seek to take from them and arm their own fleets."

She passed the cantina back before continuing.

"If that is all, and you're looking to leave, I'll be more than happy to help you secure passage off-world. The fewer imperials I have to worry about, the better."

Her mind floated to Enlil, and to the Lord-Imperator, she had met at the sub-committee meeting. The disparities between the two couldn't have been more apparent. Enlil, a force of good, seeking to better his world through justice and order. Even under the flag of the New Imperials, he was a benevolent force. Though little information was readily available regarding the ruler of Byss, his words had left a sour taste in her mouth. What little light she had begun to see in such organizations was all but snuffed, and she had written Enlil off an as enigma.

"However... If you ever find yourself in need of work, your experience could prove beneficial for my needs. Not many sith to kill in that regard though, I'm afraid."

Errant Errant
Errant retrieved his canteen from Anna and took one more sip before he returned it to his belt. Even though his water supply was dangerously low, it still beat drinking piss-poor booze.

"Smart," he muttered once her cronies departed the bar. "Good men don't deserve to die following bad orders. Though, I am inclined to believe the thugs in your employ wouldn't consider themselves as such—survivors, perhaps. Criminals tend to romanticize their actions. Perhaps it makes it easier to rest their heads at the end of a particularly heinous day if they believe themselves heroes in their own gritty tale," he shrugged. "I don't care either which way. The less blood on my hands, the better."

He rested his elbows on the counter, hands clasped together just beneath his chin. Seeing Shed work through an endless list of chores to busy himself amused him. If only the lazy bastard handled such tasks throughout the week. It might make for better business.

"The fewer Imperials, hm?" he peered at Anna out the corner of his eye. "A well-earned stigma, I suppose. No nation is built on love and happiness. There are countless graveyards filled with the victims of both the New Imperial Order and the Galactic Alliance alike," he chuckled faintly. "The great galactic game. Who will stand at the pinnacle of it all? How foolish."

Anna's drifting thoughts did not go entirely unnoticed by the mentalist. While picking through others' minds wasn't something he made a habit of, a small part of him always pushed to break that barrier and go to work. The sentient mind was a treasure trove of information. From the smallest child to the eldest among a community, the information gleaned could be used to better others, or at least for the betterment of himself.

The people of Jakku appeared to respect the woman at his side. Given her disposition, he found it easy to listen to her words. Surely others felt the same. And if they were willing to hear her out, chances are she'd found something worthwhile.

"In need of work?" he returned to the conversation at hand, his wandering mind back in focus at the implications. "You would be surprised. The Sith are numerous and spread to all corners of the galaxy. And if what I've seen is to be trusted, they linger within the ranks of the Alliance as they do every other galactic power. Mayhaps I shall take you up on your offer."

He turned his chin, his earlier grin replaced by a cool smile.

"My name is Errant. I am formerly of the New Imperial Order, though my path has diverged, and I believe I am meant for something else. At least for now," he looked her over, his gaze drawn from the soft curve of her cheek, moving instead down her thin frame.

"What brings a beautiful arkanian such as yourself to Jakku? Surely you could find somewhere comfortable, not drowning in sand, surrounded by unwashed thugs with a penchant for murder."

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The senator raised an eyebrow at the comment about those she employed.

"That statement would imply they are not worthy of the title "survivor". Jakku is a lawless wasteland, as it stands. Crime is often their only option- as it was mine, one point in time." Her right hand floated to her lap, finding the other. Her thumb brushed across the brand. "I'm working to change that, but it is not done overnight. I will not fault them for not having a choice; I will not judge until I am able to provide one for them."

His comment on the game of empires was not wrong. Annasari had spent so long trying to tear down the confederacy, only to join their allies. It almost seemed a betrayal of her own values. The sting of that was only alleviated by the thought of helping those she had come to know on this planet.

Her eyes widened a bit at the statement regarding representatives and Sith. It was doubtful initially, given the Jedi's presence within the Alliance, but Errant didn't seem dishonest. The implications of such a thing, and what weight that information could carry, intrigued her. At the introduction, she returned his smile.

"It is nice to officially meet you, Errant."

Her eyes remained planted on him as she rose to take a sip from the glass before answering.

"I am Annasari, formerly of the Agents of Chaos. I found my way here a few months ago. Seemed as good a place as any to fade away and be forgotten. Seems fate had different plans." She chuckled and shrugged before continuing. "I had shared my tales with those I befriended. I watched their suffering, but was powerless to stop it. Then the Alliance started patrolling the sector. We knew annexation was immediate, so something needed to be done. I was asked to speak for them, give them a voice. They thought my talents would help. Now I find myself a senator of an overlooked planet, pouring myself into making it something greater."

She placed the drink on the countertop once more, her eyes pulled to Shed. He was a lucky one, able to make something out of nothing, but even he barely scraped by. Poverty and illness plagued Jakku, only fueling their other issues.

"Most people think I've gone mad, but everyone deserves a chance. Even unwashed thugs can become more with opportunity."

Errant Errant
"That is a matter of debate, not having a choice, I mean," Errant countered. "Is death a non-choice? Or has the 'survivor' who guns down the innocent to feed himself and his family made a choice? Perhaps this is a bleak concept, but it will all eventually catch up to you. Be it the law, your conscious, or those you've crossed in the past. No action goes without consequence. I only hope when that time comes, senator, you aren't caught flat-footed," he reached down for the drink Shed placed minutes before. Errant lifted it to his lips and drained it in one go. It clinked against the countertop shortly thereafter.

"It is cute, though. This sense of responsibility you feel for others because they've walked a similar path. I suppose it serves to separate you from the unwashed masses—a symbol. For if you could change, why not them?" he lifted a hand to his face and cupped his cheek. Leaning into his perch, elbow pressed against the bar, the Albino leveled his gaze on her.

"Could this stem from some inner guilt you've not yet come to terms with, Senator Annasari? Has the non-choice of life or death left a stain on your soul? I could see the appeal in eliminating that from the lives of those around you. An honest day's work, suitable payment, a place to call home and lay your weary head. But would those who follow you want that? Are there people who serve you, not because they lack a choice, but because they've made one? How does one define the difference?"

Errant straightened in his seat, almost jumping as a smile drew across his lips. "Do forgive me, Senator. I do not mean to offend. I find such discussions interesting, you see? Morality is... ambiguous. There are no clear answers to any of these questions. It makes it all the more exciting to consider."

The Imperial Knight untied the heavy greatsword from his belt and rested it against the countertop opposite Annasari. It clattered noisily, almost frustrated to be tossed aside by its wielder.

"I do not think you've gone mad. Soft, maybe, but not mad," he turned back, his smile remaining. "From Agent of Chaos to planetary representative. A twisted of fate even the greatest seers could not have foreseen."

"Soft?" A laugh of disbelief escaped her lips. "I could show you how hardened I've become over the years- that is hasn't left. An order for a bolt to the head is all it would take to prove it. Though," Her voice dropped an octave, the word almost a purr. "I suppose I could prove that in another way instead, but I can't promise it'd be any less messy."

A mischievous grin crept across her lips as she arched her brow.

"You're right, though- virtue is never a thing easily obtained. We live in a galaxy of grey areas, and we must do our best to navigate them without ever seeing the bigger picture.."

Her shoulders rose into a shrug, the smile fading.

"Perhaps you are right in the thought it is guilt that drives me, as well. I've done plenty to be ashamed of in the name of self-preservation. An instinct as old as time itself- though I find myself angry I was ever complacent, I had no power. It was follow orders or be killed, though occasionally they'd agree to torture instead, if you were worth enough. I've already made it clear I don't see death as a valid option- every way a species evolves is done so to delay it. It is ingrained in us to do everything we can to fight it. As I said, I do not blame those who refuse to submit to it, despite what direction it may take them." She paused, considering his earlier words. "As for what happens to those who refuse the path I lay... They'll be dealt with. Misdeed takes a new light when there is no need in criminal gain."

She shrugged once more, the weight of the implications seemingly unbothersome.

Errant Errant
Errant leaned dangerously close to Annasari before the words completely left her lips.

"Does ordering your men to take the shot still make you cold-blooded if you know they won't hit the mark?" Errant posed his question with a knowing smile. He lifted his hand and took her chin between slender fingers. "If it is a mess you wish to make, I'm sure we can find somewhere a tad more private. Not that I couldn't find a dozen different uses for this countertop, I fear what would become of your reputation if your following knew an Imperial Knight of all people laid claim to such an exquisite bounty."

He drew closer, his lips hovering an inch from hers, eyes locked on Annasari's cerulean gaze. Stopping just shy of the kiss, he drifted away from the woman with an alluring smile.

"Gray indeed," he nodded weakly. "I've found only the viewpoint of the Jedi or the Sith simple enough to classify into black or white. The actions of men often come in broad strokes of gray, performed for many a reason. Survival," he'd nod her way. "- being chief among them. Personal gain is another favored by the selfish—a name recorded in the annals of history, wealth beyond compare, a love unlike any other. A sentient will list virtue or morality as their cause. No Empire should be permitted genocide, they'll shout from the rooftops, before charging headlong into a war that will claim millions of lives."

Soft thuds sounded from where his fingers drummed atop the bar.

"Do not feel shame for being born powerless. If you were wholly complacent, you would not have taken up arms against the Confederacy beside other anarchists. You may no longer wage war on a corrupt regime, but you have made something here that very few in the galaxy could match. That is to say, you've attained a power all your own," he paused, his gaze drawn towards the near-empty cantina. Her men had vacated at her orders. Only Shed remained there to keep a watchful eye on his livelihood.

"Not many do it. Most live their lives blissfully ignorant of the struggle, while others would prefer a life numb to their hardships, buried in a bottle, making excuses for their inadequacies. Release your guilt and live in the moment, Annasari. You will never find another quite like this one."

As he touched her, she found herself hypnotized by the shades of pink in his irises. They reminded her of a flower in the spheres of the Scintilla, created by one of the alchemists. Beautiful, yet deadly. She bit her lip as he pulled away once more, leg squirming.

"I could tell you the same, Errant. A man seeking to atone for his sins, hunting Sith in even the farthest corners of the galaxy." She countered, leaning in slightly. "Never does penance come from a place without shame. Does yours run so deep you are willing to give up your entire life to make it right, devoting yourself to hunting evil? I would think it would only be until your rank is restored, but as someone who knows the feeling intimately, let me tell you no title lessens it. You will not be clean until you allow yourself to believe you are not a disgrace."

She rose from the stool, nodding to Shed.

"Thank you for the drinks. Put it on the tab."

She took a few steps towards the door, before turning her head to glance over her shoulder, back to the knight.

"Come live in the moment with me?" She asked with a small smirk.

Errant Errant
"Perhaps you are right," Errant mused. "The shame in my actions is a constant companion. Be it awake or asleep, the shadows of failure do not leave my side. If I'm to ever move past those feelings, I must find it within myself to forgive myself. But that logic only applies if I am seeking atonement for myself. Good men are dead because I made a mistake, Anna. I atone not for myself but for those men who will never know another sunrise. I walk this path in honor of my father, a man who found redemption in his service to the Empire. My master, the Lord Executor, gave me a chance undeserved. I would not let him down either."

He watched her stand, following her to his feet shortly after. Hearing the mention of a tab, Errant fished out several cred-sticks from his pocket and discreetly placed them down before the barkeep, his body a buffer from her thuggish help beyond the interior.

"Consider the tab paid, Shed," Errant muttered. "You're a good man. You should find your way off this rock and find permanence somewhere else. Maybe Corellia, I hear they like their drink."

Errant watched the departing Senator with an upturned brow. "No title is worth the many hardships I will face. You are correct. It isn't the title that drives me forward. It is the pride in knowing my life is in service to a greater cause. People deserve to have a choice. One that doesn't involve damning themselves or other equally unfortunate victims of the galaxy. As a Knight of the Empire, we stand at the tip of the ardent spear cleaving through Sith-Imperial space. Without the New Empire, the Sith would still stand unchallenged. The Alliance would not have the backbone to stand against these galactic oppressors. We blaze the path to peace through order. A galaxy where no one will ever suffer as you have, Annasari. That is what I fight for."

The slight sway to her hips and welcoming smile on her lips did not go unnoticed. Another once looked at him as she had. Her body as dangerous a weapon as the blade leaned up against the counter. At that moment, Annasari mirrored Vella almost perfectly. Only, they were not surrounded by the sounds of the dying or the echoes of war.

"I think," Errant took up his blade and tied it to his belt, trailing after her shortly after. "I may take you up on that offer, Senator."

For even a Crestfallen Knight deserved satisfaction.


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