Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Been away for a couple of years

Hey guys,

I used to post semi regularly on this thread about two to three years ago when I was at university. I'm obviously assuming a lot has changed since then. Obviously I'll have to revamp my characters and a bunch of other things. I usually play very flawed characters with lots of demons, and as for combat, stealth was my specialty. If anyone wants to fill me in or invite me to a discord server of a faction where I could sort of re-establish myself I would really appreciate it.

There's quite a bit going on right now I think at least! There's the Sith Order (though I'm not too familiar with them) the Rimward Trade League, Galactic Alliance and Empire of the Lost for major factions right now with discords! I'm the most familiar with the GA Discord, though I'm not sure if that'll be up your character's alley. Though I don't think there's anything wrong with you popping in to get situated with everything again!
Nighthaunter Nighthaunter major factions all have discord servers you can check out on their faction pages, there are some upcoming Mandalorian Crusades and a few new factions that just sprung up in the Sith and Criminal Underworld spheres as well. I'd recommend checking out the main Chaos discord for general info though. The icon for joining that is in the top right next to the members tab and I think it still works.

Welcome back!

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