Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Bebalogne



Beb is a lot of things: salt-addicted, lover of Jawa juice, and Navy dropout. Typical cop stuff. Beb has all the positives and negatives of his species and is self-loathing as a result. Dude is pretty cynical, but who isn't these days? Hopes to do more good than bad, he'll consider that a good lifeMaybe he'll overcome his salt addiction. Nah, probably not.

Nothing interesting, really. Grew up on Cona and lived a boring, domestic life. Beb luckily lived through the Second Great Hyperspace War. Due to the atrocities of the Maw, Beb was quick to join the Galactic Alliance Navy when he came of age. Didn't work out on account of his salt addiction and poor eyesight. So he did what all self-loathing, burned out denizens of the galaxy do — became a cop. But a good cop. Sort of.

  • Good with a blaster, as long as the target is within 6 feet.
  • Sharp claws.
  • Trained in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Just a nice guy.
  • Salt addiction.
  • Poor eyesight.
  • Self-loathing.
  • Cynical.

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