Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beautiful Planet, Beautiful People (Arbaal Mistcaller)

Talia made her way through the busy streets of Dalaria, taking in the sights and sounds. Ashera was a BEAUTIFUL planet! So much scenery, so much culture! Literally, there wasn't a a single culture she hadn't seen here. The streets ALONE were jam-paked with performers, salesman, stands, food, music. It was breathtaking! And the people themselves weren't hard to look at, either. Quite a few of the local males caught Talia's eye as she made her way toward the palace. She was so tempted to buy something, or eat something, or talk to someone. But she was being escorted by two of the king's royal guard, so she didn't bother trying. She'd just have to make time to come back later. Finally, they reached the palace gates. She was swiftly ushered inside by the guards before the gates closed behind her. She was then led to the throne room, where the king was waiting for her.
[member="Arbaal Mistcaller"]

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