Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beastmaster Bioships

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Kytarra Hawk said:
I think it would be neat if there was a way we can beast master small organic ships -- a blend of what the Aing-Tii , witch beast rider, and Zonama Sekot seed planes do.

That connection would be neat.

Just one idea. I'll mull over more.
So this is an idea that's come up a lot in the last two years, but we've never gotten around to it, any of us. Here's what I propose:

  • A trip to Zonama Sekot to bind with seed-partners
  • A trip to Brath Qella to get bioship tech, including real biotech hyperdrives and unique ship weapons
  • I tend to feel the Aing-Tii are overused at the moment, and we can get much more suitable, unique gear by combining Qellan bioships and Sekotan bioships.

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