Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Bear



NAME: Bear

FACTION: None at the moment

RANK: Former slave


AGE: He honestly doesn't know

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2.9 meters

WEIGHT: 498 kg

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown all over

SKIN: Is bear... is only hair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Strong: He is bear
  • Self aware: Bear is honest with himself about his past and future and while this makes him distrust himself and be more cautious he can look at it all honestly and fairly

  • Uneducated: Bear has learned the basics about life and even basic piloting... however he's never attended any formal schooling or training
  • Savage combat: Plenty of fighting experience and none of it trained or even well coordinated... many sloppy issues would need to be corrected in order to retrain him
  • Paranoid: Very untrusting, and this includes himself. He has done many things he finds truly evil in his life to survive and comply with his owners cruel demands. He doesn't trust intentions of others and doubts his own worthiness of surviving or finding his people
  • Lost: Bear has no family or friends outside of his 'owner' whom he clings to in fear of freedom as much as he might desire it


Bear is a shaggy brown bear, though prolonged exposure to colder elements brings out his heavier golden brown outer coat. He has several scars across his face and many more hidden beneath his fur. He mostly stands on two legs in order to appear more civilized and less animal in his own mind.

Life began for Bear as a young cub, a pet sold off to a wealthy owner for a child's play thing. Never mind that he was a sentient being, he was an item, not a person. This was the bright era of Bear's life, named Bear by a small child who thought his new pet was the cutest little toy. It was also the only part of his life with any kind of education. A young school boy taught his pet to write and read as he did, and in all fairness to the child likely never questioned how a pet bear honestly learned it.

He was of course never allowed to show anyone but the child, and after a few disciplinary moments he learned he wasn't supposed to speak either. They wanted him to growl or make other bear noises, speech though, speech reminded his owners that he may indeed have been a whom rather then a what. At the time he thought these things cruel and even harsh. Little did he know this was the shining moment of his life up to the present.

Eventually he grew, as did his companion, and as the child became wiser. Eventually as Bear matured he moved from cute and fluffy into a rather scary stage to the parents. His companion never stopped looking at him as an adorable thing, but a thing none the less. Her parents though began to wonder when he would stop growing, and just how large he would grow to. They began to wonder if he was in fact safe around them, much less their child. Still getting a child to give up a beloved pet was no easy task.

In the end Bear had sealed his own doom in the most innocent way possible. His owners were an overly rich family, and one day a pair of men decided a ransom would pay out nicely for the young girl. Of course they had no way of knowing about Bear sleeping at the foot of her bed. Their screams of startled pain, and a roar of rage woke her up as his claws began to rip through flesh. He hadn't intended this level of violence and death, but he was still a cub, unaware of his own strength.

Of all the yelling that night afterwards and crying he never forgot one moment out of it. The look on his companion's face, the utter fear in her eyes as she looked at him, and would ever onward. Covered in blood still panting with exerted effort and rage was how her parents' saw him as well when they walked in. The Father had thanked him once for saving her, but even so he had to go now he said. A wiser older Bear might have found his freedom there, a life for a life. Instead Bear was quiet lost in the confusion and fear.

They had intended him well in truth, not to be returned home, but they'd agreed with a man who'd brought them the young cub in the first place to free the bear on some wild world. After all he was just an animal, and if wasn't then his life was evidence of a great crime. Better to let him lose somewhere uncivilized and unheard of then to risk their own family.

However the slaver they had sold him back to had no intentions of such things. He was strong and young, and there was plenty of work for something as strong as Bear was. He also had no foolish notion about if he was truly aware. So he was sold again and put to work.

These years are the first long blur for Bear's life. A never ending day and night of mining and working. Scrapping what pieces of food he could get that were enough for his great appetite, and trying to find a safe corner to sleep in. Out of all the horrible memories and pain there was only one he clearly remembered, like an ever waking nightmare just beyond his sight.

He maturing and his need for food was growing rapidly, and his taskmasters enjoyed his suffering. His rations were lessened each day until one day he fluxed between weakness and simply madness out of hunger. Finally they'd fed him, but to his horror it was not slop, which honestly he'd never thought anything would be a horror compared to slop. He found himself in a shallow, yet wide pit, and with him was another slave. One who had dared to try to run away. At his face level stoop dozens of guards laughing and poking at him with sticks.

"Come on, it's supper time. Time to eat up."

The laughter never seemed to end, and he stood as if frozen even as the other slave wept. He'd been beaten badly and he made no moves to defend himself. He'd accepted the end. Curled into a ball he wept like a baby crying for in whimpers to a mother he'd been taken from long ago. After several minutes the guards got louder, and more agitated. "Fine if you don't want to eat then starve. Kill 'em and send them both into the deep mines."

Bear knew what the deep mines meant. It's where they sent things to vanish and die in the darkness. No light was provided down there, and really nothing ever came back up from the deep mine. It was a place they got rid of problems. Forever.

Fear moved him where compassion had frozen him. The man was dead anyway, what did it matter how.

He never spoke of what happened next, or how they cheered him on with savage howls. After this though he became their enforcer and torture device. No longer did he mine and toil, nor did he starve. How he hated them all, and himself most of all.

Awhile after that he achieved his full growth and was moved into a fight arena. Dark scars now crossed his skin, and yet still it was more a blur then memories. Pain, terror, savageness and sometimes he even prayed something would beat him. To end it all.

Eventually he did start to lose of course. His body could only endure so many beatings and it seemed there was never any rest or time to heal before the next bout. Then slowly his fights became more desperate, and the pace of his losses and injuries increased. He was sold again then to some minor warlord on a small rim world.

There he became akin to cannon fodder, shock troopers without the proper training or equipment. No doubt he would have died there as well if his wounds hadn't kept him broken. A bad investment, and soon to be considered for sale once more when he was bought by the most unlikely of persons.

An Ithorian helping to restore some forests on the planet had been looking to hire hands. He had never intended of course to buy the hands, but when they told him they'd planned on selling the poor slave as meat he'd made the purchase. He'd freed Bear as soon as he had the poor creature off world uncertain if he'd freed him on the surface if he'd be allowed to stay that way.

Bear would have none of it though. He had no trust in himself or any real idea how to navigate life. A life of slavery had left him with little choices, and even less understanding of the galaxy itself. Besides he was a monster. He had to be owned or the truth of his ugly soul would come out again. Somehow the Ithorian understood, and instead simply kept him on as he would a permanently hired hand and bodyguard. The kind soul understood little of Bear's experience, but understood he needed time.

Years passed again as Bear passed into adulthood, unknowing his people or home he clung to the Ithorian even as he refused to open up to him. Like a wounded bird he simply could not fly away, and was far to unwilling to do so to try even. Slowly as he matured into adulthood, or at least what he considered his adulthood, he began to dare to dream of more. He dreamed of finding his people, his home, and maybe even his family if they still existed. Still no one they met had ever met another of his people, and at times he despaired.

It was at this stage the Ithorian discovered that Bear could touch the Force, but dared not tell him. The former slave was raw emotionally, and distrustful of himself. No good could come from him learning of it or about the Force now. Instead he worked hand in hand helping Bear to learn a stronger right from wrong, and to began to deal with with his anger, and distrust.

Finally Bear began to trust someone again in his Ithorian 'owner', and have the smallest shred of hope, even if he had none in himself.





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