Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Bazaar of the Four Winds


Zaiya noticed the arching of Aris Noble Aris Noble 's eyebrow, and she asked, wondering, "What, was that a silly or odd question?" unsure if it had been. She'd just been curious about just how similar clones could be.

"I wasn't sure if all clones were the same or not, even with personality, or if perhaps does that mean that his skills and memories were also some how... like... uploaded into you? Kinda like a datastint? I've heard of technology that can be used to download memories and keep them safe."

"Oh there's a table. Let's sit down. "
Zaiya offered, gesturing to the right. There was a table with two benches. Perfect for sitting across from each other. Leading the way, she sat down and then took the spicy peno bun out. Splitting it in half, she offered it to him, "This is the spicy one... if it is too much there is the red bean sweat one you can eat and I'll finish the spicy one."



"No, it's not unusual. I just, hadn't thought about it before." Aris didn't answer right away, instead following her to the table to sit. Hummed in thought as he glanced to rhe spicy treat. He wanted to try it, that much was clear. And he did reach out to, but not before answering. "I'm not an identical clone. My father made me to be a perfect version of himself so he could escape what his father had planned for him. I wasn't born to have a soul or feelings or thoughts of my own. Life just.. Found a way, is what he said. I'd awoken on my own, learned from the droid that was programmed to, until he came back to shut down the project and realized I wasn't soulless. He is very strong in the Force. He can feel it and influence it with ease. I cannot. The only things I've learned about hus skills he taught me himself, as my father."

Then Aris took a bite. Chewed. Frowned. Really frowned. ".. It's burning."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

"Oh! Oh no! Here drink your buba tea!" Zaiya exclaimed at Aris Noble Aris Noble , alarmed as grey and pale yellow color tones swept over her mottled spots and patterns over her face. She held out her hand to take the spicy bun and gave him the sweet red bean one instead.

"Here, maybe having the sweet one will help out with the spicy level." Okay, so anything spicy was not a good thing for Aris and his sensitive taste buds. "Sorry about that," She said sheepishly, sitting back down once she was sure he was okay.

"I'm glad that life found a way for you. I'm happy that they found you and that you are living your own life. " Zaiya admitted, thinking aloud, although, albeit, a bit selfishly adding, "And because of that, we are now friends. A bit greedy I know, but the truth."

A thought came to her mind though, "Are you upset that you don't have the same abilities as your father, like with the Force or anything else? Or does it not bother you?"



Aris nodded once as he started to drain his tea to help with the burning. It didn't, of course. If it was milk tea, maybe, but this only made the burning spread. His frown worsened, but asides from the frown it didn't even seem like he was affected by the heat. He was, and eventually it did start to show with the usual faint tears in his eyes before he took a bite of the red bean bun. That helped, a lot. Much to his visible relief.

He smiled, as he looked back to Zaiya. Like, really smiled this time, even as he wiped away the tears that had formed from the spicy sensations melting his tongue. "It is the truth. And I do agree too, you know. I'm really happy I met you."

He took another bite, once again thankful for the reprieve from the burning and a little joy at the sweetness. Red bean was good. "Do you miss being able to flap your wings and fly?" It sounded crazy, but he smiled again. "I don't know what I'd miss. I'm me. I don't feel the Force as he does, and there's no way for me to know. I'm not upset at all, and I probably never will be. I think some of the things they can do is useful, but there's no reason to feel less than, right?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

The concern on Zaiya's face remained until she saw Aris Noble Aris Noble wipe his eyes away, and then he smiled. It was a broad smile that seemed to enhance the color of his jade-green eyes and made her feel all sorts of warm and happy.

Yeah, Aris has a really nice smile. I hope he continues to show it.

As she bit into her bun, Zaiya gave a comical, confused expression when Aris asked if she missed being able to flap her wings and fly. But I've never had wings -- oh! Once he elaborated, it made sense.

"One can't miss what one didn't know about or experience at all in the first place," the Lovalla teen murmured, nodding in understanding now. "Ohh... okay."

She took another bite and chewed thoughtfully before asking, "So besides becoming a Battlemaster then, what else do you want to do? Is there anything else you want to learn or experience? Or are you limited because you are in the Jedi Order and have to do things with your... mentor? No, wait, Master."



"I'm not limited in what I can learn. A lot of Jedi in the Order go off to college for various degrees if they want to. Some are even actual doctors." There weren't any real limits beyond common sense, far as he knew. Things he shouldn't learn because they were dangerous. He finished off the sweeter dumpling with a faint smile. It was good, really good. All this food was good, and he was already excited to keep looking around and see if there was another meal to try. There was just.. So many scents here. So many delicious foods.

"I don't know much else I want to learn specifically, though. I'm learning cooking. How to build my own hoverboard. I'm not stressing too much about everything else I learn."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
It seemed that Aris Noble Aris Noble was starting to feel better, the heat from the spice fading. Relief shimmered over Zaiya's patterns in a mesmerizing ripple of color.

"Is the sweet bun tasty?" Zaiya asked, her eyes twinkling. She was certain it was, but she was just glad Aris wasn't uncomfortable anymore.

As their conversation flowed, Zaiya's joy was evident in every movement. The Lovalla teen began a slow, happy shoulder shimmy, her expressive nature shining through. Her markings brightened in joyful blues with iridescent golden highlights, reflecting her inner delight.

When Aris mentioned he was learning how to cook, a mischievous glimmer sparked in Zaiya's iridescent blue eyes. She waggled her eyebrows playfully.

"Oh, that's good that you're learning how to cook,"
she said with a knowing nod. Bright turquoise ombres edged with gold rippled across her markings, a sign of her growing mirth.

"You know, for when you lose our hoverboard race, and you have to make me my favorite meal," she teased, throwing down the gauntlet once again. Her challenge hung in the air, a spark of competition lighting up their playful banter.



Aris snorted. He couldn't help himself. The bun was great of course, but he still couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not going to loose. I'm pretty good at balancing." Was he the better pilot of a hoverboard, though? That was up in the air if he was being honest. At the same time? He was determined to win. And now that she was trying to suggest that he was, in fact, going to loose? He grinned wide. The inner competitive Noble he got from Valery Noble Valery Noble certainly came out.

"Hot chocolate is my favorite. You might have to ask my mom for tips though, she makes it best. For when you loose, of course."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Now it was Zaiya’s turn to snort in disbelief, amused turquoise and cyan colors painting a vibrant swash over the intricate markings of her patterns. The glowing bioluminescence returned again, giving her skin a pearly sheen that brighten her flushed cheeks and heightened the prismatic tones of her eyes.

“You are so-o going to lose. I’ve had plenty of practice with hover boards! It isn’t al-ll about balancing Aris,” she gave him a mischievous competitive look, grinning a wide Nexu smile.

“But thank you for letting me know where to get a good hot chocolate recipe — cause that’s what I’ll want you to make for me along with something yummy to go along with that? How’s your baking game? Can you bake a fruit tart as well as you talk game?”

Zaiya finished her bun, licking two of her fingers in punctuated gestures to emphasize just how confident she was at winning this bet.

Okay, Aris Noble Aris Noble might win the height game, but Zaiya most definitely will leave him in her dust!


"Of course not." Clearly. Duh. Absolutely. He'd be doing a lot more research later on just what else went into winning a race on a hoverboard, but he wasn't going to say as much now. Project confidence. Royalty didn't lower their head to a challenge. There was a clear pause as that thought passed through his head. A pause that had him almost frown. That wasn't one of his thoughts, was it? That wasn't a lesson he'd ever been taught. .. Was it?

He pushed that away, bringing back the smile from before as he watched Zaiya finish her bun and.. Continue to taunt. He ended up grinning again.

"Dad's one of the best bakers around, so I'm sure he'll be able to help me." Aka, Aris really hoped he would, since that would mean he wouldn't mess up. Hopefully. He knew the limits of his own baking skills. Cooking skills. .. Any food skills, really.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Zaiya's dark brow would arch up, and there was an inquisitive tilt in her opal blue gaze that mulled if Aris Noble Aris Noble was trying to pull her leg or not. Either way, mirth radiated over her skin in vibrant, luminescent tones, and the girl giggled.

"You're very competitive, too, huh?" she added, commenting on his stance and how straight his back was, his chin lifted in a noble and regal air. The smile that graced his face softened the image, but it was adorably funny. Zaiya was equally competitive, only that this time, she was able to joke around with playful banter that she couldn't share with her classmates before. They were all so studious in their advance coursework, some several years older than her. It always felt a little off trying to make friends when the age difference and interests went in so many different directions.

"Well, what are some competitions that you've won then?"



"Martial arts, science fairs, races." And more. A lot more. He was top of his class, in everything he could be at least. It was easier, in a way, when he couldn't do everything the others could do with the Force. Gave him much more time to focus on the things he could. "I am.. Competitive, yes. When it's something I can do at least." He nodded once. There was no reason for him to say anything else, since it'd be a lie.

"I don't try to be, when I don't have to be, but I will absolutely give it my all whenever I'm challenged."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
”Well good! I’m glad you were able to win so many before…maybe one day a hoverboard race will be included with it,” oh Zaiya was still going at it; the impish delight twinkling in her eyes as her skin flashed with more turquoise tones.

“A long, long, time from now.” Okay, so the Lovalla could be a bit of a silly teen brat, but it was heckling all in good fun. Bun finished, Zaiya drank the rest of her buba tea.

“Oh that was so good. Did you want to get more food or try to make it for the opening ceremonies? We can make a new bet to see who gets the most amounts of colorpowder on the other!” She waggled her brows in mischievous suggestion at Aris Noble Aris Noble .

“You know… to try out how good your luck is?”


"A new bet?"

Aris stood up then, gathering up the trash left behind from their meal to clean and throw away. Or at least seemed like that. Instead he leaned forward towards Zaiya, giving just a little bit of a grin. "I'd feel bad when you loose twice and it's a bet that seems unfair. Why don't you decide what we're betting on." Then he cleaned up the trash to throw it away. He'd been challenged. Which meant, he wasn't going to hold back at all.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Oh, this was going to be good!

Zaiya was not one to back down. With a challenging grin and a ripple of dark orange with a blue glow, the teen also rose, leaning forward to brace her palms on the table and bring her head closer to Aris Noble Aris Noble .

“Oh, no nono!” She brought her right hand up, wagging her finger left up right in front of his face before she gave the tip of his nose a gentle boop just before he left to throw the trash.

Just know, loser gets to do a dare of the winners choosing. Can’t back out or try to weasel out of it!”

Oh gauntlet dropped! The devilry in the impish iridescent glow of Zaiya’s eyes said the Lovalla teen had scores of potential dares to choose from!

She brought her pinky up for Aris to pinky swear it on, one dark arching brow and that side grin daring him to take it.



"On my honor." He had no intention of loosing, but he wasn't going to weasel his way out if he did. Which was a strong if. An impossibility if. The challenge was clearly athletic, so that meant he had an edge, right? Had to. He was certainly faster than Zaiya if he went full speed. .. But was that fair? He blinked at the thought, glancing over Zaiya's grinning face. He was faster for certain, but that's just because of who he was, right?

".. Should I hold back?"

He mumbled his internal thoughts. Holding back was an insult, but at the same time, they were supposed to be on a level playing field right? He frowned in deeper thought. Which was the best choice?

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

"Alright, then we have a deal," Zaiya grinned, grabbing Aris Noble Aris Noble 's pinky for a quick pinky swear. He was now set. Ohhhh, this was going to be SO. MUCH. FUN!

"Teehee!" She grinned, pulling back to straighten and give a series of happy, excited claps. It was then that she heard him murmur if he should hold back. Confused, she blinked at Aris, unsure what he meant, "What do you mean should you hold back?! Of course not! This is a competition, Aris! You gotta go all out! It is the only fair way to know who will win!"

The table was all cleaned up, and Zaiya rounded the corner of the table and moved over towards him. Without further ado, she grabbed his hand as if it were the most natural thing in the 'verse and began to drag him along. It was time to go for the opening ceremonies!

"Hahaha! Ohhhh you are going to love this!" Zaiya told him, radiating a medley of colorful tones and hues, a walking glowing canvas of happy, giddy excitement.

"I think there are over a dozen colors!"



Aris blinked in surprise. He.. Shouldn't hold back? He ended up grinning more now as he nodded. If she was going to tell him not to, then, he wasn't going to. He followed right after her, unphased just as she was about her taking his hand. This was just, normal, for him now. He watched her mostly as they ran, watching her colors, how they shifted and rippled. It was amazing, how much she seemed to be just.. Happy. On display.

It was so much more fascinating than he initially thought.

"That is quite a lot, isn't it? I hope you're ready to be covered in them!"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Aris Noble Aris Noble 's joy and excitement would not only resonate between the teens but feed into Zaiya's own; the longer they held hands and the more their emotions swelled and bounced off each other, the brighter and more vibrant the colors would reflect off the Lovalla teen's skin. It is not only eye-catching but mesmerizing as if the stunning bioluminescence of deep underwater creatures would shine out to call to one another. Coaxing to draw near and close and join in the fun.

With a snort and a devilish grin, and Zaiya flashed a wiggle of her nose over her shoulder at Aris's direction, "That's the point silly! To be absolutely covered in them! Each color means a different thing one hopes for the coming year. Haha, but it will be fun to smack you with as much as I can first regardless." she teased, the pair weaving through the crowd until they got towards the center where the festivities were at the loudest. There was music in the air, hundreds of colorful flags waving up on the rafters, so many people laughing and talking. Some already had several different small baggies of colored powder, and others had what appeared to be spray cans that did the same, ready to eject a cloud stream of vibrant powder.

There was a few different stands, each with massive barrels of powered colors ready to be handed out.

"Okay!!! " Zaiya came to a stop and turned towards Aris. They were surrounded by so many people, but it would be fine. Overhead, the sound of drums would start to clang out. It was the signal that the opening ceremony would start soon.

Grabbing both of his hands, Zaiya bounced on her feet, a massive grin on her face.

"You ready?"



Wait so the goal was to be hit? But what was the point of the bet? He was certainly overthinking it now, given the expression that was on his face. At least until the drums started to beat. He looked around towards the whole gathering. So many people, so many excited for what was to come next. It was absolutely enthralling. His own grin formed as he looked back to Zaiya, squeezing her hands in turn as she seemed so giddy.

"I am. Lets have fun, yeah?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

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