I rolled back up into a siting position, and grinned.
"Man it's a good thing I'm always on my guard. If i hand't enveloped myself in the force, I never would have been able to shift Vi'kas' blade into an area that wouldn't do much harm. 8mm in at about the height of my elbow. It was between my intestines, and my muscles, and out of the way of any major arteries.
I quickly pulled out my med kit, and cauterized the wound, and put on a basic med patch on either side, then stood up, after injecting some simple pain meds into the wound area, mixed with adrenaline. It was time to get moving.
It was hard, but I caught up with Vi'kas and his companion. I was deffinetly in some pain, but as a jedi we were made to endure, besides I had learned basic force heal techniques and had done some slight healing on the wounded area. I was in the low branches o the canopy. I had something to return, and something to get back. Vi'kas had already taken one of my master's mementos from me, he will not take another one. I moved fast. I took the vibro sword i had been carrying, and threw it into the ground infront of the moving group of 2. While they were busy with the sword from the front I came in as fast as i could manage, and swiped Master O'nur's saber from Vi'kas belt, and then leapt back into the trees. I landed with a sting of pain. back on the branches. I took out a small device and pushed a button activating a homing beacon on me, triggering my ship's auto pilot to come to my location, It wasn't very far so it wouldn't take but a minute to get here.
"Well Vi'kas I'm sure your wondering how I'm still alive. It's not all that complicated. I wasn't just going to walk away from you totally unguarded, now was I? So I enveloped myself in a sort of force shield. I will admit I'm not very good, so if you had been aiming anywhere other than my torso I probably wouldn't be in front of you now. I opted to protect my internal organs, since I can't fully project the shield. When your blade hit, again since I'm not all that strong in that ability, I was able to shift your blades trajectory by a little bit, to avoid any serious damage. I was hurt but not in any serious danger, but I really needed this lightsaber back, you see, so I had to come and say good bye."
As I finished I could hear my jedi fighter pulling close behind me. I took a small step back onto the top of the small craft.
"Enjoy my little return present. I figured you'd want it back since you failed to kill me. I added a little something extra, as a thank you."
I pressed the detonator in my hand and the micro explosive I had stuck to the blade of the sword I had thrown back began to beep.
"I'd say you have about 5 seconds"
I said as I stepped into my cockpit, and let the over head window came down and sealed me in. I gave a happy wave good by.