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New Star League Remnants

The New Star League Remnants are a highly militarized exile group who travel the galaxy bringing aid to those in need.

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Marshal, Journeyman Protector
867 ABY - Echani refugees are stranded on the planet of Alula following a serious accident with their hyperspace jump. Several minor houses are founded by military leaders. Major houses are hugely reduced but retain their dominant positions.

870 ABY - Alula system is colonized by the New Star League, with most of the major houses moving their capitals off Alula and to the minor worlds.

880 ABY - Contact is restored with the wider galaxy. By this time the New Star League has been established on Alula with the major and minor houses under the imperial house. Alula is a fortress capital, while the minor planets produce agriculture and industry. Technological competition between the houses and corporations increases with access to galactic markets.

890 ABY - A succession crisis develops when the imperial heir and elderly regent are both killed in an accident. New Star League rulership passes to a council of major houses, with the minor houses sharing a single rotating seat. The Council of Seven rules Alula from here on.

900 ABY - Present Day.
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