
Name: Basan-class Anti-Aircraft Battery
Intent: Creation of a ground-based anti-aircraft battery for the Inari Shogunate to utilize to protect its facilities.
Development Thread: N/A, will be completed if necessary
Manufacturer: Izanami Ironworks
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Inari Shogunate
Modularity: No
Production: Anti-Aircraft Battery
- External Duraplast Plating
- Ferroceramic and Quadanium Alloy Internal Hull
- Duravlex Internal Construction
- Hadrium Cannon Barrels
Size: Artillery Piece
Length: 9.6 meters
Weight: 1.2 metric tons
Ammunition Type:
- Universal Adapter to any Starship, Vehicle, or Facility Power Generator
- Proton Shells
- Power Generator: Unlimited
- Short Range: 20 m - 600 m
- Medium Range: 601 m - 3,000 m
- Long Range: 3,001 m - 16,000 m
- Single-Shot
Fast Reload: 20 rpm - Standard Reload: 10 rpm
Crew Requirements:
- Minimal
1 Gunner - 1 Loader
- 1 Commander
- 1 Gunner
- 3 Loaders
Special Features:
- Assisted Loader System: Although the weapon does not have a completely automatic loading system, assistance is provided built-in computer systems to the loaders of the weapon. This assistance comprises of readying new shells to be quickly loaded as well as repulsor generator systems to lessen the weight of the shells when being loaded.
- Built-in Targeting Computer: Enhances sensor, compensating for dark, hazy, smoky or other visually impairing conditions and provides display data specific to the weapon's current operating mode and current targets within the vicinity. The sensors include infrared, StarVision low-light enhancement, and thermal. The weapon system, in addition, calculates the angle necessary for each spot and can be calibrated with tactical maps in order to precisely and accurately fire specific locations: therefore, terrain or obstructing obstacles are of no issue. The Itsumade-class Proton Cannon is even able to fire between starship formations with deadly accuracy and precision.
- 10 meter Blast Radius: Each of the cannons fire three simultaneous beams, or Tri-Beam Burst, at the same time, and the blast radius of these Tri-Beams is 10 meters. The power output of this Tri-Beam Burst Blast was comparable to the output of a Star Destroyer's turbolaser hardpoint.
+ High Damage Output
+ High rate of fire
+ Accurate and precise
- Cost
- Long set up time and calibration when installing
- Crew requirement, and susceptibility to human error
- Lack of independent shielding systems
- Emplacement, so cannot be moved unless dissembled and set up again.
Quality: 3
Production Cost: 45,000 credits
- Material Cost: 12,000 credits
- Manufacturing Cost: 27,000 credits
- Labor Cost: 3,000 credits
- Assembly Cost: 3,000 credits
Created and manufactured solely by Izanami Ironworks, the Itsumade-class Proton Cannon is an interesting artillery piece that was based on the J-1 Semi-Autonomous Proton Cannon of the droid armies of the Confederacy and Independent States. Furthermore, designers of the Izanami Ironworks discovered similar technologies in the Skocha-class Main Battle Tank, further prompting them to create a better and larger-scale version of both. Utilizing an assisted loading system coupled with advanced targeting computer systems akin to the droid brains that were used in the J-1 Proton Cannon, the Itsumade-class Proton Cannon stands as a higher-class artillery piece in the galactic battlefront.
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