Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Baruuk of Clan Ishi



FACTION: Unknown

RANK: Assassin

SPECIES: Padj'udushi

AGE: 40 (due to his species' long lives and slowed aging compared to humans, he only looks in his early 20s)

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'11

WEIGHT: 160 lbs

EYES: Hazel, glow very bright yellow

HAIR: Black, buzzed on sides, long on top

SKIN: Fair



  • (+) Combat Training: Hailing from a warrior race, Baruuk was trained in combat tactics and styles of his native people. After arriving in the modern time, he was also trained by a Jedi master for a time before striking out on his own.
  • (+) Bio-Engineered: As a member of the Padj'udushi species, Baruuk was literally designed to be powerful in the force, using it to accomplish things most only dream of, including modern day force users.
  • (+) Deadly Efficient: Baruuk keeps a no-nonsense attitude about him, preferring to finish the job quickly instead of toying with his victims.
  • (-) Lone Wolf: Baruuk often doesn't associate with others, preferring to work alone. This makes him difficult to work with.
  • (-) Short Temper: Due to his need to finish a job as efficiently as possible, any obstacle can enrage him and cause Baruuk to lash out in anger.
Very few actually know Baruuk's true looks, as he is almost always wearing his armor and mask. He has a strong build and generally remains silent.







  • 2 lightsabers (green and purple)
  • Rebreather
  • Amulet of Seclusion (made through Alchemy, makes person virtually unnoticeable and thus practically invisible)

FORCE POWERS: (Include but are not limited to)

Core -
  • Force Jump
  • Force Speed
  • Force Push
  • Force Pull
  • Force Sight
  • Force Concealment
  • Telekinesis
Universal -
  • Breath Control
  • Force Body
  • Stasis Field
  • Force Flash
  • Force Illusion
  • Force Barrier


Ah, the terraformed planet of Padj'kan. A beautiful forest world with various mountains and hillsides. It was home to the genetically altered sentient species, the Padj'udushi. It was a beautiful world, fertile soil, lush forests, vast oceans. The Padj'udushi, a warrior race, had been in a state of relative peace and prosperity for several hundred standard years. There small plot of space in the Unknown regions remained untouched by all but the Kwa and the Padj'udushi.

The people of Padj'kan had begun moving their way into space, exploring the other planets in their system, and trying to discover ways to get to other star systems near them. The leading clan of the research being conducted was the second strongest clan on the planet, ready to become the leaders, but waiting for their moment. The Ishi clan, scientists and great warriors. And at the top of it all, the best fighter and scientist on the planet -- even though the lead clan didn't want to admit it -- was Baruuk.

The man was relatively young to be so talented in both combat and sciences. At only a couple standard decades, Baruuk was younger than every other clan leader around. But nobody could argue that he was the best. In his spare time away from the his duties as a leader, Baruuk stayed in his personal lab, working to develop a technology capable of traveling to other star systems. He was close, with only a few calculations left and a few more machines to put in. Then, finally, he would have created what nobody else thought possible in their lifetime.

After only 5 years of research continuing from where his predecessors had left off, Baruuk was putting the finishing touches on his near-light speed sleeper ship. Once he launched, he knew he would never see his people again, at least, not the ones that he knew. But to him, it was worth everything.

Baruuk prepped for launch, strapping in tight as the ship began to take off. His people had gone to other planets before, and had thus perfected a way of exiting the atmosphere, but it was best to be safe. As the ship finally began flying through the air, he saw his home planet, lush and vibrant with life, as it disappeared behind the clouds one last time.

He knew those he knew and loved would be gone by the time he got back. What Baruuk hadn't anticipated though was that the advanced ship had developed a bug, and the unknown regions he was about to launch into were full of time warps and gravity wells. He input the coordinates of the nearest star, setting the ship to auto-launch when it was ready. He walked to the sleeping pods and climbed in one. Though he had come alone, he had left schematics and plans in easy to find places all around his lab so his research wouldn't be useless to his people. As Baruuk's consciousness faded, he felt the jolt of the ship entering its climb to the speed of light. Then, everything was black.

Something else he hadn't known was that the day he left was the day one of the lower clans, specialized in biology, had chosen to release a deadly bio-weapon on the people of their planet, nearly wiping out the species. Baruuk had dodged a bullet.

Baruuk's ship, the Kokai, launched through space at nearly the speed of light. As it flew through space, Baruuk remained knocked out, unaware of the turbulence that relatively quickly struck the ship once he left the confines of the solar system. His vessel was thrown back and forth through gravity wells and singularities, Baruuk sound asleep in the pod.

When at last his ship escaped all of the dangers of the unknown regions, it was nearly impossible to tell how long it had been. After an un-measurable amount of time drifting through space at near-light-speed, the fail-safes kicked in, slowing the ship to a near stop and resuscitating Baruuk. He crawled out of his sleeper pod, still dazed from his long slumber. As he made his way to the control panel of the ship and his vision began to clear, he became aware of the navicomputer showing coordinates way off course from his intended destination. "Curious," he said in a quiet, confused voice. He kept looking through the various readings and warnings, gradually becoming more distressed. Had he miscalculated the time dilation of his travel by that much?

He started punching in numbers and searching through the computer to find where he was when a ship dropped out of hyperspace before him. The man was awestruck, his glowing eyes widening as the foreign ship approached him with expert precision. It latched onto the free-floating ship with a small thud. After several minutes of silence, somebody entered the airlock and knocked on the door.

A man's muffled voice came through the door, and as it spoke, Baruuk turned on the video feed. "Hey, if there's anybody in there, I'd like to help you out. Something told me I'd find somebody in trouble if I stopped here, so here I am. If you're awake, then I'd rather not tear up your pretty ship." The language was similar to Baruuk's own, possibly another dialect, but the accent of it was drastically different. Baruuk got up and stumbled over to the door, still a little woozy from waking up, and opened it. He was greeted by the face of a man that seemed the same species as him. Only thing was, his eyes didn't glow any color at all, and his face didn't have any of the distinctive marks held by those of different clans.

Baruuk spoke in a cautious voice. "Who are you?" The man merely smiled in response. "I am a Jedi, my young friend." He then took on a curious look of his own as he recognized the blank confusion on Baruuk's face. "Have you never heard of the Jedi Order, even with all the strife in our time?"

Baruuk remained silent, not really knowing what the man meant. "Well, either way, something about you seems special. Seeing as you've never heard of the Jedi Order, I'm assuming you haven't heard about the Force either. The Force is a power that flows through the entire galaxy, giving life to all that breathes and order to all that exists. The Jedi live to serve the will of the Force, and to protect peace, though we aren't really succeeding right now." The man trails off with a slight chuckle, looking around the cockpit of the ship. His eyes immediately fall on the sleeper pod in one of the corners, then back to Baruuk.

"Is that a stasis pod? Those haven't been used in space travel for thousands of years. What are you doing with one?" Baruuk looked to the pod, then back at the Jedi, confused. "I... This ship is the first of it's kind. It can travel near the speed of light. How would anybody be able to survive the travel times any other way?"

The Jedi's eyes widened then. "You're a human. How would you not be familiar with hyperspace travel?" The Jedi waited for the young man to show a sign of humor at least, but when none came, he sighed heavily. "Son, hyperspace travel allows you to get from one star system to another in a fraction of the time it takes for light to travel. We've had it for thousands of years now. Where have you--" Before he could finish his sentence, his eyes darted back to the stasis pod. "There is no telling how long you've been in that thing, but I hope you know, everyone you know and love is gone." As he says the final part, the man rested a hand on Baruuk's shoulder, looking him in the eye.

Baruuk merely shrugged. "It was to be expected. I left my home alone, and I knew I wouldn't see any of them again. I had accepted it in the name of science. I expected the time dilation, but I am hundreds if not thousands of light years off course. What happened?" The Jedi rubbed his chin for a minute before speaking again. "Your ship seems to have messed up in some way, and based on the direction you're coming from, I'd say you came from the unknown regions. It's a miracle you even made it into known space. Although, I'm sure it had something to do with your strength in the Force that guided you here, and that guided me to you."

After a bit more discussion, Baruuk finally conceded and followed the Jedi onto his own ship. It was his only chance at survival, after all. On their trip to the core worlds to bring Baruuk before the Jedi Council, the Jedi taught him everything he needed to know of recent events, the Force, and the Jedi order. When at last they arrived before the Council, they had a brief discussion and determined it best to train the Padj'udushi man in the ways of Jedi. And thus, Baruuk began his journey to become a Jedi Knight, being trained to purge the selfish tendencies he sometimes had while using the Force. Most would consider a man his age much too old to start training as a Jedi, but the Council made special exception for him, as releasing his power untrained could result in catastrophe around the galaxy. Baruuk was a Padawan.

Trained and Betrayed:
Baruuk was talented. It was to be expected from a species literally designed to be powerful in the force, and raised around combat, but even on his home planet, Baruuk had stuck out, rising far above his species. Among the Jedi, however, the man was a prodigy. He learned the force powers taught in very short amounts of time, as if he had previously known the powers and was just reminding himself of how to use them. He was unstoppable with the Order's training blades, choosing dual wielding to overpower his training partners as opposed to the standard single blade. He mastered most of the forms, excluding only Soresu, the most defensive, and Makashi, the form designed for civilized dueling and most resembling fencing. He learned the basics of these two, but never bothered to master them, preferring the more aggressive and raw power of the other forms.

As Baruuk continued his training, he began focusing on the more secretive parts of the Order, learning force powers that could help him hide his presence, persuade others to his own thinking, and even control the actions of others. His master kept a close eye on the man, knowing he was mischievous and secretive. Baruuk's master had no chance of stopping him should he not wish it, though, and the other Jedi knew it. Only the council members had a chance to control the alien, and none was capable alone. They used secret means to try and control the Padawan, but Baruuk was not affected, and only played along to cease their constant bugging.

One night, however, the Council made a decision: Baruuk was too dangerous and volatile. They came to his room as he slept, the best assassins in the Order. Little did they know, however, but Baruuk was better. As they were about to administer a poison that would kill Baruuk quickly, a great pressure came over their throats, choking them. Baruuk stood and watched the Jedi Shadows die before dashing out of his room and taking a Jedi ship. He disabled the built-in tracker every ship was designed with and programmed in coordinates he had already researched, knowing it was inevitable that they would see him as a threat to their order.

When finally his stolen ship dropped out of hyperspace, Baruuk looked down to the surface of the planet below: Nar Shadaa, a place of crime, smuggling, and murderers. The perfect place to disappear for a while. When he landed in the lower levels of the city, Baruuk grabbed his lightsabers, strapped them to his belt, threw on a heavy cloak, and left the ship, bringing some rations and leaving everything else behind. Let the scavengers finish the cleanup. They would be more thorough, and it would help them earn dinner for a while, if they didn't kill each other first.

Though he hadn't spent much time under the Jedi, it was time for another new start. He was capable of being the greatest assassin in the galaxy. All he had to do was find the right group.

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