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Approved Lore Barrier Knights

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  • Tradition Name: Barrier Knights
  • Tradition Type: The order doesn't have a centralized location that is purely their own, but rather meets wherever they may be needed.
  • Tradition Focus: This order focuses on the spiritual well-being of its members and the physical application of the Force as a combat deterrent.
  • Influence: Interplanetary (scattered populations on multiple worlds)
  • Orientation: Light
  • Influence Area: Barrier Knights are scattered throughout the galaxy, but wherever there is combat they will make an effort to intervene.
  • Symbol: See the image above. In addition, they typically wear plate armor crafted of extremely strong materials in order to preserve themselves while in the middle of a battlefield.
  • Description: The Barrier Knights are an order of lightside Force users who generally come from a background steeped in Jedi tradition. Their aim is to bring peace to the galaxy by negotiation an end to hostilities between government powers or by directly intervening on the battlefield to errect barriers of the Force and stop both sides from fighting one another.
  • Membership: Membership is obtained through finding another Knight and indicating a desire to sacrifice ones self for the purpose of ending war in the galaxy.
  • Motives: The motive of the Knights is simple: stop all wars and stop people from killing each other. They recognize that death is a natural part of the life cycle, but refuse to believe that the galaxy must always be mired in war. As such, they seek to end all wars through intervention or negotiation, whichever they can see to.
  • Rules and Teachings: As described in the motives above, the Knights seek to bring peace to the galaxy through intervention and sacrifice of the self. If they can stop wars through negotiation or entering a battlefield to errect barriers between opponents then they will do so. This can be at the macro level, intervention on major battlefields, or at the micro level, intervention in petty fights between as few as two individuals. Their rules are fairly simple: do not give in to anger and hate because then you wont be able to complete your task and will be expelled from the order, and seek always to intervene on behalf of peace in all conflicts.
  • Reputation: At present it is not a well known organization, but with more intervention it will likely become such. Due to the precarious nature of their position, it is highly likely that fellow lightsiders, as well as darksiders, will dislike them.
  • Openness: They are very open to revealing themselves to others and working with like minded individuals. Their goal is to end war and they cannot do that by being shy.
  • Characteristic Equipment: Members of the Barrier Knights typically wear armor reminiscent of an ancient time, adapted from the knowledge of their founder, Barrien Siegfried. This armor is full plate and is generally made of Mandalorian iron for its defensive properties. They typically also wear a cape attached to this armor that is blue in color, signifying their desire for peace and calm. Some still carry lightsabers, though they are not required to do so.
  • Notable Force Skills: Force Barrier, Tutaminis, Force Healing, Force Stasis, etc.
  • Notable Force Limitations: Any darkside or lethal Force abilities are strictly prohibited. Doing harm to others go les against the core tenants of the Knights.

Barrien Siegfried




"A Barrier Knight intervenes in a battle on a primitive world."

For too long have the supposed forces of good faced off against the supposed forces of evil. Thousands of years of war have left scarred planets, destroyed planets, and countless dead. And to what end? That another government may rise and wage a new war for territory or peace or some other ideal. Nobody stops to consider the cost and very few seek to end the violence with anything other than more violence. Not even the Jedi. Too many of them see the darkside as an enemy to be conquered and so become an equally destructive Force under the guise of doing good. But what good do they obtain? Their very allies kill innocents with little remorse or consequence.

A student of Grandmaster Corvus Raaf, and one who struggled with a violent past, Barrien Siegfried, Baron of House Siegfried of Oaken Dawn, saw the truth through her eyes, having spent countless hours conversing with her about peace. Despite her disappearance, he has made every effort to try and bring peaceful resolution to situations of violence, even when faced against enemies such as the Bryn'adul. These efforts have shown that it will be no easy task to bring peace to the galaxy, and no Jedi or Sith will ever be able to accomplish it so long as their self-aggrandizing natures control their actions.

For this reason, Barrien and several others have rejected the name Jedi, and adopted the name Barrier Knights to serve as a batrier between war and peace with the intention of suffocating war and promoting peace. They travel in loose knit groups, meeting often at Jedi temples or other lightside order locations to train or coordinate. Where there is a battlefield they can often be found seeking to end the battle and helping the injured on all sides of conflict.

"The Force is life and we should make effort to see that life is preserved even if it means the loss of our own." -Barrien Siegfried​
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