Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Barren Lands

Bjorg The Traitor

Kro Var, home to many forsaken tribes, backward, broken and barbaric. Their ancestors the refugees of a war long past that crashed here. Regardless of species or former philosophy they all turned on each other like monsters. Why am I here? I'm here because there might be warriors within these battered brutes. There had been several attempts to civilize these people by the Jedi, it failed. Now they run around fighting each other for what ever few resources are left, this planet is one dry empty dusty void. This planet only had one valuable resource, the people. New warriors for the Sith Ascendancy, and not to forget the great Shapers of Kro Var, which could add new stock to the long line of sith. Yet there had been reports of some thing else, sightings of big, crude and ugly looking ships flying around the planet, fighting with the locals, looting, pillaging, pirates, but this planet has nothing to loot from, say for perhaps slaves I suppose.

I walked across the rugged land, pillars of stone dot the empty land, a gentle wind blows against me, the smell of sand and dust fill the air, giving a thickness to it. It is empty, quiet, still. Walking for hours, having confronted not a single tribe, perhaps I was on the wrong side of the planet, or looking in the wrong place, yet they could simply be avoiding me. Yet it was a risky affair this, walking around a dead planet in some hope to meet often violent and barbaric people.



Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
@Bjorg The Traitor

Temples still burned into the night. Nails were ripped from the walls, stones torn from the floors and already there was blood flowing over jewel and gold encrusted loot. There was more than enough to keep the rabble of the Skykingdom at bay until a new target had been acquired, but Hawthorn had already set his mind on something much more. This galaxy was tearing itself asunder and the wound left behind would serve as the avenue of conquest for the Skykingdom and, as it would seem, the galaxy had come to him.

A ship had landed in the deadlands of this outsider planet and Hawthorn planned on being the first to see them. A shuttle, the shape of the ancient seafaring vessels, shot across the desert of Kro Var; locked onto the signal of the newcomers ship. A figure, large and bearded, was already marching away from the landed shuttle and into the desert. Immediately, Hawthorn's shuttle sped to the surface; coming to a grinding halt just feet above the barren ground.

Hawthorn, a seven-foot, green skinned man with a beard as long as his arm, jumped from the side of the shuttle with shield and axe on his back and a blaster strapped to his side. He moved with confidence as his two guardsmen followed suit. There was no fear, there was no place for it when one dealt with weaker cultures. Hawthorn stopped ten meters from the outsider and starred on with burning, amber eyes. There was only silence from him for a moment as the dust from the shuttle thrusters settled.

"Why do you come here?" was all that Hawthorn put forward, blunt and commanding.

Bjorg The Traitor

There, in an instance I was greeted by a Tof. His shuttle had landed rather quickly and he had taken the effort to greet a sole lone wanderer, me a Valkyri of no importance, and this Tof which was of some sort of importance stood in front of him, why? I had little time to question the actions of this Tof, I could be robbed or killed in an instance, most likely both. Yet the Tof people respected strength and power, so I would show no sighs of fear, lying to my self and hiding them far below that I was indeed not afraid. I call out in response, glaring a the Tof with my eyes, I notice that there is a almost familiar look of to the Tof, take the the green skin and he reminds me of my own people, even the way they dress and arm them self remind me of my people, well they would not consider me one of 'them' anymore, but I saw a culture mirror almost. Keeping back my thoughts I finally respond. "I am but a traveler, exploring these lands." I try to have a sense of pride and sound humble.


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