Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Baron Doklor

Baron Doklor

Name: Baron Doklor

Faction: Sith.

Species: Corellian.

Rank: Sith apprentice.

Height: 5'8

Age: Seventeen.

Weight: 132

Eyes: Blue.

Hair: Brown.

Skin: Caucasian.

Force sensitive: Yes.


Strengths and weaknesses:

+The force: Baron has the abillity to control a slight force-push and the other basics.

+Skill in melee: He has always possessed a natural gift in the arts of melee combat.

+Speed: The young sith is rather swift and can outrun most opponents.

-Weak: Due to his age, he is very weak.

-Fear: He may act like a hardened sith but in reality, he is a coward.

Belongings: Lightsaber with a wooden curved handle and a black robe.

Backstory: Baron was born in a rich neighborhood in Coruscant. From the age of ten, he has known about his natural abillity with the force. Of course, he attempted to hide this from his father, who quickly discovered it. His father was outraged, shouting at Baron, calling him things like "Mutant" or "Filth". He finally managed to weild the force push at the age of thirteen. He was tired of his father's abuse, while his father was outside on the balcony, he quickly sent his father over the railing, killing him instantly. He then left his home, where he slept in a homelss shelter. He continued to live here until he was seventeen. He left the shelter, searching Coruscant's large streets. One night, he happend to discover a corpse that belonged to a sith. He searched the sith, removing his lightsaber and retreating. He always had a strange urge to join the sith, which he did. He now continues to search for a proper master, that can teach him the ways of the force.

Appearence: A rather tall young man with lightsaber clipped to belt. Clean black robes, and very, very, very short hair.

Ship: None.

Kills: None yet.

Bounties: He is not a hunter.

(P.S. I am in the need of a Sith master)

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