Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Bark at the Moon (OS Invasion of Telti)

Location: C5
Objective: Make way to D6
Allies: Republic, Jedi, The Force
Enemies: Sith

Telti: what a perfect place to come for droids, and incidentally, scrap metal. Nefertari had been here for a few days at least, and had fabricated the pieces to a second lightsaber. This hilt was almost pure turadium, and the power cells formed a slanted scallop design on the handgrip.

Shortly before coming to this moon, Nef had returned to her old home on Chandrila. There was a unique presence of the Force there, and that is where the Jedi had imbued both her white Ilum crystal and her sister's synth crystal with the Force. For some reason, the red synth still had a light dark side feel to it. It had of course, belonged to the redeemed Sith Darth Senet for some time. This dark side presence was probably permanent.

As the pieces came together, Nef spoke to herself
"I sense...oh no..Sith!"
The noblewoman grabbed her newly completed weapon and rushed into the air-tight corridor.
Rushing toward block C6, an alarm sounded. Nefertari's senses had obviously been correct. A powerful Sith presence was in block D6, where younger Republic citizens were often found.
"Oh sithsicles, this is not good in the least."
Nef began to move towards block D6. Those kids would be safe if she had anything to say about it.
Location: D3
Objective: Secure area
Allies: One Sith
Opponents: Republic, Jedi. [member="Haytham Kaze"]

While the soldiers continued to fire and do battle with Republic forces Darth Raven was all the more casual and simply walked behind the lines of her forces. She was all too eager to make it to the library, wanting to find something of actual entertainment to her to keep her busy during this invasion. She knew her forces would be fine, and if they died no huge loss. She would just have to pick up where they failed and cut down the forces of the Republic on her own. Even as blaster bolts whizzed overhead she barley even seemed to notice, only intent on where she was going.

It was then that she felt a small but noticeable burst in the Force nearby. She stopped and looked, seeing a Jedi that had draw his blade. Peering at him she could see him better now, wielding an odd colored saber. She hummed before sensing his power level. A padawan? Please. She only scoffed at him and continued to walk along, knowing it would get him angry. She smirked and didn't even look back, waiting to taunt the boy into coming for her.
Location: A1, Moving to A2
Objective: Win
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"] (The Handsome Boy In Black)

Her comlink erupted with chatter as people began to report in with sightings of the Sith. Her soldiers under her command all stared at her in unison, waiting for her her crucial response. CJ knew what they wanted to hear but her heart told her what they should hear. War was not pleasant and despite what those holo-movies portrayed, it was not glorious either. She sighed siding with the truth of what was to become.

"Padawan Jevnaker acknowledges command," her voice remaining neutral.

The time had finally arrived for them to engage the enemy on their own home turf. The orders that were forthcoming from her lips would be giving sorrow to future widows today. Their deaths would always be on her. She hated, no, misunderstood why the Sith felt the need to cause so much chaos and death in the galaxy. Surely deep down in those dark hearts they had some understanding of loss. Then she laughed. Of course they didn't! Sith only understood one thing, the weak are born to serve the strong. How sad it was to believe such lies.

"Okay gents. We are moving out. Keep your eyes open and your ears on alert."

Her red eyes watched as they removed themselves from the safety of their protective cover, forming up in organized fashion just as their drill instructors taught them. She didn't know each and everyone of them but if they were willing to lay down their lives for defending this moon, then she would be more than honoured to die with them.

"Standing Order," CJ announced grabbing their attention. "If and when we engage the enemy you are not to pursue if they break and run. I repeat! Do not pursue the enemy if they break and run!"

As she led the boys out to face the unknown, she whispered, "May the Force watch over you."

Location: A1, Moving to A2
Forces: 100 Republic soldiers (standard)
Opponents: The Sith

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Location: D3
Objective: Get the Attention of the Sith.
Allies: The Galactic Republic
Enemies: [member="Darth Raven"]

Haytham wasn't going to be so easily goaded.

With his extra hand, although awkwardly, he pointed the blaster in her direction and just held down upon the trigger. Thankfully, she was walking in between her own soldiers lines as he sprinted across the gargantuan hall towards her. out of ten shots that he shot, he figured that only three would harm her if she continued on her current path of ignoring him. And so, Haytham continued forwards, soon dropping the rifle and continued running behind her.

But, Haytham wouldn't be denied. He was ready for a trap, and he knew that it was possible for him to be running straight into a mouthful of the Force. So he moved himself faster. The Force carried him to even greater lengths, the Force speed closed the distance, and he was only moments away from cleaving her in two if she didn't finally acknowledge him...
Location: D3
Objective: Secure area; deal with Jedi padawan
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic, Jedi [member="Haytham Kaze"]

The Force was often a helpful guide for Darth Raven. Even more so as she could sense him drawing his blaster and firing at her. She ducked but didn't look towards him. She just stayed crouched enough to where he'd never have a clear shot. A few of her men, maybe, but not her. It was only then when both had broken their lines that she looked at him, smirking. As he hurried with the force behind him she decided to let him give chase, using the speed herself to increase her step as she now made her way towards the library. Despite the change in situation it would still be a place for some excitement. As they approached she used the Force to open the large doors before running inside. She turned and smirked as she forced them closed before the Jedi could follow in. By the time he would re-open the she would be gone.

If the Jedi tried to sense her, however, Darth Raven had a trick up her sleeve. A Vong Seed was implanted in her long ago. It kept her force signature dead if she wished. And given how instead of outright killing this Jedi she instead wanted to "play" with him, she would keep herself well hidden from his senses. That added to how dark and expansive and eerie the library was she felt she would turn it into a little house of horrors for him.

Her voice even echoed from somewhere "Come in. Come in. Come in, and know me better, little boy..."
Location: A1, Moving to A2
Objective: Follow the Jedi
Allies: [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]
Enemies: Inevitably [member="Sage Bane"]

I sat in the back, a company arrayed around behind the Jedi Padawan that was here. She was giving quick instructions to her forces, telling them things like 'Don't be a hero' and 'think before you act'. All I could think was great, a whole group of greenhorns gonna get slaughtered out here on this barren rock. My company were doing a last weapons check, locking and loading, handing out grenades, and making sure everything was gonna work out in the fight. "A pity the Jedi don't were EV gear or we coulda just vented the atmosphere and thinned them out real quick," I said aloud to no one in particular. Some Sith and some Jedi wore armor that could withstand decompression, but most troopers did. At least the troopers I had with me did. I had made sure they were kitted out nice and fancy, with all the goodies I could muster for this operation. It came with the benefit of having lots of money.

"Well you know what to do, heads down, eyes up, lets knock 'em dead at the door. Oorah!" I said over the unit comm channel, hearing a loud 'Oorah' in response. I hefted my blaster and checked my six grenades, yep, two forcebreakers, two incendiary, two fragmentation, should be a blast. Ammuntion was a go, and all my gear checked out. Time to break some faces in. I walked over to the Padawan, her name was Ciara. She finished yelling quick orders and called for an advanced. "Echo company move with em, cover flanks and rear, command squad up front with me," I said through my helmet, jogging to catch up with the Padawan. "On your six, princess." I said to her as soldiers moved out and took positions. Inside the facility hallways would become butchers markets and large open factory floors would turn into killing fields in seconds.

Location: A1, Moving to A2
Forces: 100 Republic Soldiers (Blasters, Attachment 1:3, Helmets, Armor)
Objective: Kill, Maim, Burn the Sith...

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner

Location: D3
Objective: To stop playing Tag, and begin playing Hide and Seek.
Allies: Jedi
Enemies: [member="Darth Raven"]

So she made him chase her.

That was.... Cool, he thought. Out of all of the Sith that he could've run into, he decided to go after the first one that he encountered. Well, he figured that he may as well chase this one, so that when the Jedi and the Republic actually arrived, they could be the ones dealing with the One Sith's true powerhouses, instead of one that would force you to chase them throughout the facility.

This wasn't a game.

She applied the Force to her own speed, and she entered the library and slammed the heavy doors behind her. And he waited for a few moments, and felt her presence disappear in the Force. When it did, he shoved the doors open with a force push, and if that didn't work, he fired multiple bolts into the centre of the door, and then forced himself inside.

The sounds of blaster fire faded behind him. Haytham knew that he had to win in this situation, or at least waited until he could get some form of reinforcements here. The Republic troopers outside were outnumbered, at least two to one, but since they had the defensive position the Sith Troopers would probably be taxed heavily when they eventually overran the Republic lines, if they did.

When he was in the faintly lighted library, his eyes snapped from left to right, searching for a trace of the Sith, but when he found nothing. He looked over the cases that held the datapads, and he mentally shrugged his shoulders.

He grasped the rifle tightly, and then began to hold down the trigger again, rotating slowly in 180 degrees. The bolts tearing through the cases, shattering glass, datapads, and causing electrical sockets to spark all throughout the room. If it didn't find the Sith, it would most definitely cause a ruckus.

Haytham didn't enjoy the loss of knowledge, it actually pained him a little to be destroying it, but he didn't plan on dying that day.


Location: D3, Outside the Library.
Objective: Defend the Facility.
Opponents: One Sith Troops.

Commander Dell had seen the young Jedi chasing off after some woman moments ago. And just as he heard the morale being raised over the comm in his helmet, the Jedi was gone, and there was slight sounds of fear in reports, and calls for reinforcements. In D3, they were holding strong, and although he wanted to send help for the Jedi, he knew that he needed every single body in this corridor, holding the Sith off, and preventing whoever he was chasing from getting reinforcements as well...

At least from this direction.

"...We need rotary cannons in the archways to peel them down! Where are they?" Dells voice boomed over the channel.
Location: F7
Objective: Defend the Corridor
Allies: [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Tobias Wraith"]
Enemies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Athena Heron"]

A blistering inferno rained down from on high, a war fleet to which the galaxy could posit no equal. On the moon, assembled to meet a tidal wave of destructive force stood a bare handful of forlorn souls. A few lone worn and jagged bits of rock, jutting up from the raging sea like the heads of men gasping for air. Ryan Korr numbered among them. He wore the overlapping lamellar-like plats of a sable and rustic red armor, made from flexible and energy-absorbant materials. Far from the hard plasteel shells worn by stormtroopers.

The leathers creaked as he strode forward, one hand moving to unclip a lightsaber from his belt. A single flick thumbed the activation panel and the sky-blue blade crackled to life with a sound that had sent chills throughout countless souls throughout scores of millennia. His grey, adamantine stare swept across the assembled soldiers. Three hundred all told. Two companies of the Republic's finest. Pitifully few. Pathetically armed.

Where the enemy they faced had armor impervious to blasters and lightsabers, weapons that could shear through nigh any armor, and leashed monsters that fueled the stuff of nightmares, these happy few had but the standard equipment offered by Blas Tech Industries. Their Guardian-class Battle Armor and Republic Combat Armor was light and most importantly... affordable. Losers could not be choosers. And the Republic had done little in this dragging war besides.

The three hundred soldiers were divided into two companies of one hundred and fifty each, which in turn were split into platoons, then companies. Many of the soldiers were equipped with close-quarters weapons, such as the BTI-CR Ripper or the standard BTI-CC13 carbine. The main breaching weapon was the BTI-HPBR Harbinger, a rifle capable of blowing through doors and armor alike, an essential ingredient in any sort of urban environment. Lastly, the heavy weapons had exchanged more volatile rockets for the composite beam of the Hyperion rifles, while the weapons squads retained suppressing fire with Reaver repeaters and tripod mounted ACS-203 Autocannons, the latter of which were loaded with ACS-601 and 602 rounds. Vong and Sith troopers might be impressively armored, but they burned just like any other man.

Three ACS-203 emplacements had been erected swiftly and placed at the chokepoint where the corridor of F-8 merged with that of F-7. The compartmentalized nature of the moon base rendered defense a slim possibility, though the various docking points meant a continual retreat toward the center would be necessary. The necessary eventuality of giving ground already caused Ryan to grit his teeth, but the concept floated well enough. In a storm, the mightiest oaks may break, but the thinnest reed can survive. All a matter of flexibility.

Aside from the standard infantry, they had a squad of YVH-2s, who could inspire their own sort of psychological terror if the enemy brought Vong, which Ryan expected they would. Even so, it seemed a paltry little against a crushing mass of foes.

Korr's lips settled into a thin, grim line. He knew little enough of tactics and left that matter up to the battalion commander, Lt. Colonel Jos'vek. Besides, the Jedi weren't meant to command in battle. Though somehow the task always ended up int heir laps. That's not what the Order had intended for its younglings. They had never been raised with such large scale warfare in mind. It was as if no one learned from the cycles of history and it was enough to let an edge of despair creep through Ryan's heart.

The Jedi Master turned his back on the battalion to face down the corridor toward the enemy, who would no doubt soon arrive. Lightsaber in one hand, a thread of hope in the other. The scarred marble of his face twisted as he recognized the despair for what it was, the influence of the Dark Side. Korr closed his eyes and took in a deep breath through the nose, repeating the action until his thoughts calmed. He held no illusions of the odds. If he did here, so be it. The Will of the Force. His own mortality was something he'd accepted long ago. It was the mortality of others that kept him worried. He needed more than a clear mind. He needed clear sight.

Tapping into the power he often turned to in times of need, the one he had honed throughout the years, Ryan opened his eyes again and saw the world for what it was. Stripped down and shimmering in shades of translucent blur and glaring red. Sight granted by the Force. His eyes seemed to glow a white-blue, though it could have just been the reflection of his blade.

Settling into a patient Soresu stance, Korr waited.

Location: F7
Forces: 288 NPCs, Standard Republic Soldiers, 12 YVH-2 droids, commanded by Ryan Korr.
Opponents: The One Sith
Location: D3
Objective: Secure area; deal with Jedi Padawan
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic Forces, Jedi [member="Haytham Kaze"]

His blasts only echoed throughout the library, Darth Raven's voice echoing out "Now that's just rude. Don't you know how bad it is to go and ruin perfectly good books." she chuckled and added "Bad for the mind."

There was another sound that would come and go. It was quick but each time it was in a different direction. Sometimes from the left. Other times the right. And other times it was above. It would be hard to make out at first but the more it happened the more it would be clear to the padawan. It was the sound of wings flapping. But soon enough a dark figure would emerge near him, dressed in a dark cloak and standing in the middle where the very small light source could be seen. A small shine fro outside had broken through a window and illuminated a spot in the center where she stood awaiting him. Her hood was up over her head, covering it completely, and she didn't move.

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Location: D3 Library.
Objective: Fight the Sith Knight.
Allies: Jedi.
Enemies: [member="Darth Raven"]

Haytham blinked.

Soon enough, he heard her speaking again, projecting throughout the entire room, in every direction. He stopped shooting. The blaster was beginning to overheat, and so he decided to let it cooldown. Instead, he started to back away towards the library's entrance, he was only a few steps away from it anyway, and so he moved directly into the archway of the entrance and waited there.

If she was going to be attacking him, she would have to do so from the front, and so he waited.

But... Instead of an attack with a lightsabre, he heard wings flapping, and then the woman stopped meters away from him. He raised the blaster to her again, and fired off three shots. He was a Jedi, she was a Sith, this was war, not a place for redemption.

She is either there, or it's an illusion. I will fall for no petty tricks.
Location: D6, McYodas
Objective: Destroy McYodas
Allies: Not the children
Enemies: The children; their Jedi Master

| [member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Maleah Talith"] | [member="Kira Talith"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Hylocereus"] |

Darth Ayra surveyed the scene ahead of her. Seven children stood before the Sith Lord, each wielding a Lightsaber, the remnants of a half eaten McYoda meal and the type of determination one could associate with mischief. Her gaze turned to Lara Na'Varro. Who the hell was Anakin? Nobody should talk from the prequels. Bad cinema made for bad writing. Bad Lara. Rolling the Lightsaber in her hand, Ayra considered the fact that she was about to murder children. Seven of them. Such depravity. Then again, the way they were looking at her, it was either her or them.

Whatever helped her sleep at night, right?

Ayra went to open her mouth. The type of dialogue that normally came on the eve of a duel between Sith and Jedi flashed through her mind. The type of awe inspiring words that would wipe the snarky smile from the Thronebreaker himself. That was unlikely. Then it occurred to the Sith that none of these children wouldn't listen or understand and this writer would probably have to suffer through a comedic, yet humiliating response that would probably entail a food fight, rather than a Lightsaber fight. They could forget that.

Lifting her free hand to the exits, the Force gathered in her hand and lowered each grate until McYodas became sealed, that would become the tomb for the rat pack that dared to stand against a Sith Lord, rather than turning tail and running away. Something about a predator to prey came to mind, but again, she was reminded that these kids wouldn't understand the metaphor about jungles, Sith have monsters and a whole load of mumbo jumbo.

Instead, Darth Ayra choose the wombo combo; and that was when the funny side met the dark.

Turning, the Sith Lord dissected a nearby patron that was unfortunate enough to come close to her. As one half of the unfortunate Rodian's body dropped to the ground, the other was Force Gripped and flung in the direction of Lara Na'varro. Her crimes? Bad dialogue, demeanor and attitude. That would shut them up. Next, the Sith Lord dissipated her hold on the flying body part, allowing momentum and gravity to do the rest of the work for her and tugged onto the dark side to enter a Force Speed.

Before Micah Talith knew it, Darth Ayra was upon him. Yellow, predatory eyes gleamed from beneath the hood and into the eyes of the boy (or girl, this writer couldn't tell) that would leave him nightmares, probably for the rest of his childhood (if he lived) and in a slashing motion, she aimed to dissect Micah as she had tore the Rodian in half. Could Micah block her? Unlikely. Maybe his/hers allies could, if they timed it right.
Location: D3
Objective: Deal with padawan [member="Haytham Kaze"]
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic, Jedi

When the Jedi had shot at the cloaked figure it was indeed just a ploy. A stacked chair with a stone bust had fallen over, revealed to be under the cape to give the illusion of a person standing there. The dark chukle of Darth Raven could be heard echoing again. Soon to follow were more sounds of the flapping, all around him.

"Tell me, Jedi. Are you afraid?" she asked with her voice still echoing from somewhere.
Location: Section C-6

Objective: Investigate disturbance and follow [member="Nefertari Sovint"] to Section D-6.

Allies: Galactic Republic

Enemies: One Sith, [member=Darth Ayra]

Ali was walking with an escort of 6 YVH-2 droids when the alarm sounded and a Jedi ran passed her, rushing toward the corridor to D-6. She was actually heading toward the administrative sector to turn in the weapons on legs, but decided the Jedi was a suitable distraction for the time being. "Hey, wait!" Ali shouted, waving a hand and running after the woman. The droids followed suit, hooded and cloaked as they were. Ali herself was garbed in her mother's beskar'gam, a full suit of durasteel with a single beskar chestpiece. Her Verpine Assault Carbine hung from her shoulder; she held it close as she trotted after the Jedi, who was breaking into a full sprint. Ali began to quicken her pace and continued forward, running at full pace now. She unclipped her helmet and jammed it over her head as she ran, cocking her rifle and chambering a round.
The doors at the end of the corridor ahead began to close, and Ali pushed herself forward with greater strength. The droids on either side of her spurred themselves onward, passing her by on their Laminanium-coated legs. Two of the droids planted themselves on either side of the entrance, slowing the doors from closing. Ali pressed onward as her opening shrank inch by inch until suddenly she was through and the doors were slamming shut behind her. Ali scanned the scene before her to find a large chamber just like the one she'd left. The only difference being this one smelled like something that was either bad meat or good cheese.
Ahead, near the center of the dome, Ali spotted a small group of children with lightsabers facing off a Sith Lord of some kind. They seemed to be trading words, though whether they were put downs or just weak attempts at banter, Ali could care less. She brought her carbine up and sent the droids to fan out around her, taking cover behind support pillars and ferrocrete benches that were thankfully sprinkled all over the place.
Ali poked her helmeted head up from behind one such bench, planting her rifle firmly atop it and aiming down at the Sith. She was about to speak when the woman struck, bringing her vibrant lightsaber blade over at one of the young boys. Ali fired reflexively, putting a pair of rounds down across the dome that would cross the woman's path, but not the children's. ::Droids, hold fire.:: Ali ordered, firing another pair of rounds before the Sith woman came too close for her to risk fire.

[member=Micah Talith] | [member=Aela Talith] | [member=Mara D'Lessio Merrill]
[member=Hylocereus] | [member=Laura Na'Varro] | [member=[/FONT]Kaili Talith]

[member=[/FONT]Maleah Talith] | [member=Kira Talith]
Location: D6 - McYoda
Objective: Dance with me, make me sway
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"], [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"], [member="Hylocereus"], [member="Kira Talith"] (NPC’d), [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Laura Na'Varro"], I can probably keep going.
Enemies: The Lonesome [member="Darth Ayra"]
Note: Bringing Kaili out of NPCification for the sake of her first invasion. What joy!

It was in that moment the nuna nugget made itself reminded as the young girl peeked from behind her sister only to lay her eyes on the rodian torso. She gasped, she was stunned. What was that? Why would they just do something like that? More importantly, why would a grown woman take on seven padawans with lightsabers all set to live-action rather than stun?

Kaili was young, some would argue she was too young for a setting such as this and they’d be right. She was terrified but her father and mother had taught her to be in control of emotion and keep on soldiering. The fright was bottled up for later as the Kira Talith™ determination kicked in.

Kaili hunched down. Their opponent was using a lightsaber, and lightsabers were in reality a very exclusive piece of electronic equipment. Such things usually had the one weakness.

Her eyes set on the door to the kitchen.

She had a plan.

A sneak for the door commenced.

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Location: D3, Library.
Objective: Talk it seems.
Allies: Jedi.
Enemies: [member="Darth Raven"]

Now Haytham decided that he was going to let the blaster cooldown. It was growing hot against his chest, and so he let it rest towards the side of his body. He knew it'd be a few minutes before he'd be able to continue spraying as he had previously. And when he did, he'd have to make sure to actually slay the Sith Knight.

He doubted it though, since she was so... cowardly.


She asked him if he was afraid. He wasn't.

He had been afraid when his Master had brought him to a planet on the Outer Rim, and the Horde had been terrorizing it's population, and millions were being slain. It had been the first time he had actually been afraid. He had felt thousands of people dying all at the same time, it was something he had never felt before. But, Haytham had become fine tuned to experience that. Something, he was prepared for. When the Galactic Republic had attacked Prakith, Haytham had been scared.

There, the Yuuzhan Vong had overrun their frontlines against the Palace. Amphistaffs and Yuuzhan Vong descended upon them. Then, Haytham had been scared. Now, this was like a walk in the park.

"You, are the one who is afraid, Sith." He brandished his lightsabre again, this time igniting the beam to the front of him. "Enough of the tricks. Face me as yourself."
Location: D6 - McYoda
Objective: Correct terrible fourth wall breakage
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"], [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"], [member="Hylocereus"], [member="Kira Talith"] (NPC’d), [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Kaili Talith"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Ayra"]

Firstly, her name was Laura, not Lara. Secondly, she didn't say anything about Anakin, that was Mara Merrill. God damn it, thought her writer as he smashed down a mac and cheese complemented with a glass of chocolate milk, if you're going to break the fething fourth wall (which I don't recommend), at least read the thread first.

Back to business.

The Sith Lord blocked the exits and then decapitated a Rodian. Yes, that was enough to unsettle Laura, but she was firmly held by adrenaline. When half of the Rodian was flung at her, she sprang into action.

"Gross," she said, flinging herself to the floor and out of the way of the flying blood and guts. "That's really gross," she continued, springing up immediately as it passed. When she was on her feet, the Sith was already on Micah with a vengeance. Laura knew that she could not intercept the blade in time, so she had to opt for something else. And it just so happened that the Sith lady had maneuvered herself into an inadvantageous position. Laura had started out farther forward than everyone else, so when Ayra had gone for Micah ... she had given up her back to the young Na'Varro. So trusting the others to go defensive, Laura went on the offensive.

Whirling to her right, she leaped behind the Sith with her speed as imbued by the Force as it could be. A meagre effort at best, but it made a quick young girl slightly quicker. Her lightsaber held in two hands like her father had taught her, she reversed polarity and attacked the Sith's exposed back with a Shii-Cho chop a split second after the Sith launched her own attack, coming down diagonally from over her left shoulder. Her strike came directly from the leap, so as the blade raked downwards, her knees bent to absorb the impact. She had taken great care to not overextend herself in her attack, so as the blade came down her body remained postured for defence.

That would present Darth Ayra with a dilemma. And given the timing of the strike, combined with her position in relation to the young Na'Varro's and the angle of the strike, it would likely do very, very bad things to her. Like hurt her or kill her. It was an amazing opportunity that Ayra had gifted her through a thought process that Laura couldn't fathom. She'd happily take it.
Location: D6 - McYoda's
Objective: Defend Little Brother!
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Maleah Talith"] [member="Kira Talith"] (NPC'd PC) [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Hylocereus"] [member="Laura Na'Varro"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Ayra"]

Micah and Aela had not gotten along for some time. She didn't know when it had first happened, when that split had occurred, but she knew it had been her fault. She had never meshed well with her little brother. His talents lay in the annoying, the obnoxious. He had more than once stolen her diary and her reactions had always been...unpleasant.

The two of them had drifted apart, and unlike Kaili and Maleah, Aela hardly talked to him these days. It seemed that the two of them were strangers in the same home.

Yet despite this, despite this space that had grown between them. Despite the distance and everything else, Micah was still her little brother. He was her sibling and with all her heart she loved him. It was her job, her duty as an old sister to protect him, to keep him safe, to make sure that he survived.

So when the Sith lord bounded forward, her eyes intent and her face snarling, her lightsaber slashing out towards her little brother, Aela moved faster than she ever had before.

The hand upon his shoulders wrenched him back, nails digging through clothes and biting into skin as Aela grasped him and simply threw him back. Her other hand shot up, lightsaber igniting in a bright pink flash, moving up and clashing with the vibrant red of the Sith Lord. Half a second later the hand that had been used to throw Micah rounded back up scrunching into a fist, the force curling and seizing around the Sith.

It was a trick her mother had taught her, one that would buy the others the time they needed to strike.
Location: Just outside D6
Objective: Get past this grate, engage the Sith
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"], [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"], [member="Hylocereus"], [member="Kira Talith"] (NPC’d), [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Laura Na'Varro"], [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Ayra"]

"Hey, wait!" somebody yelled behind Nefertari.
No. Nef had no time for this, those kids were being faced by some crazy Sith and she needed to go stop a mass murder.

Even though the other woman's droids slowed it a bit, the exit closed.
Perfect...just perfect The Chandrilan Noble thought sarcasticly
Nef took her sword-inspired lightsaber from her belt and the pink blade ignited with a whoosh-hiss.

The grate in front of her began to glow bright orange with heat as it was cut away.
As it fell to the floor with a loud clatter, Nefertari entered the place called McYoda's. The scent of cheap eats permeated the room.
What did Nefertari find? a Sith Lord having a go at the children of the order.

No no no, this would never do
"Take your hands off the young ones, you damn dirty Sith!"
Location: E1, monitoring station Radar 04
Objective: Hold the line
Allies: [member=Ciara Jevnaker] [member=Draco Vereen]
Enemies: [member=Sage Bane]

Des Kovak once again let his eyes glide across the viewscreen that occupied an entire wall of the monitoring station. It had been so quiet just a moment ago. Now, the schematic that displayed the complex showed more and more red blips. "Sithspit," he cursed underbreath. "Excuse me?" the Mirialan standing next to him responded. Ibram Ren Haas, the olive skinned observations supervisor, turned his violet eyes on him questioningly. Des ignored him. With Haas, ten more members of the base's personnel, all of them technicians, filled the monitoring stations of the room.

"Um, sir?" one of the technicians, a Human, called. "Their forced have landed in a new sector. Directly south of us." Des suppressed another curse, staring at the new blip representing [member=Sage Bane] on the monitoring screen. Ibram Haas clamped Des by the shoulder. "We need to evacuate," he pleaded. "We can't," Des said for the third time in ten minutes. He had been assigned to security to this place when the deep space sensors had picked up movement in the direction of Telti. Lots of movement. Plans for personnel evacuation had been started. But the Sith had surprised him and arrived much faster than the observations had predicted. Now, these people were stranded here. "The transports are cut off from landing. Even if they did, they'd just be shot down and we'd be telling them exactly where we are," Des explained.

He saw another of the technicians nervously toy with a small sporting blaster pistol. Haas had a blaster pistol as well, as did a couple of others. Rudimentary things that would probably put them in more trouble than help them. Des strode over to the Weequay and placed a hand on his blaster. After a moment of locking eyes with the man, he loosed his grip on the weapon and Des yanked it away, placing it on the desk, within the Weequay's reach. "Don't be stupid," he said. "You could've shot someone." He looked back up at the monitoring screen again and saw that the blip south of them had started moving north. Or at least, it seemed like that. His eyes darted across the screen in a frantic search for some friendly blips. "There. Get me an open channel with them," Des said to the Weequay, who was a communications tech. He pointed to a group of blue blips moving east, some distance north of them, represting [member=Draco Vereen] and [member=Ciara Jevnaker].

"This is Des Kovak calling any friendly forces," he spoke into the comms unit once he got the clear signal to the sector he had indicated to the technician. "We're at monitoring station Radar oh-four, south of your position. There are Sith closing in on us and I can't hold 'em off by myself. I've got civilians here and I could really use some help. They're almost here. Hurry!"

Location: E1, monitoring Radar station 04
Forces: 10 technicians, 1 monitoring supervisor, some armed with small personal weapons
Opponents: Sith closing in
Location: D6, McYodas, in between a rock and a hard place
Objective: Kill the children
Allies: None, they're all asleep right now
Enemies: The ratpack, soldier, Jedi Master and Jedi Knight

| [member="Laura Na'Varro"] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"] | [member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Maleah Talith"] | [member="Kira Talith"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Hylocereus"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Micah Talith"] |

The other guys a grammar nazi. Jeez.

Force-sensitives always had the ability to sense danger or disturbances, if you had the potential to hone that talent. Jedi and Sith had always honed that potential, building on their feeling to the Force and the senses that came with it. Perhaps one day, if they survived, the children be able to hone that Force-sensitivity, much like the Sith Lord, Jedi Master and Jedi Knight in their vicinity. How fortunate that they had two people that had already gone through years of training on their side, ready to help him face Darth Ayra.

Ayra heard the pull of Ali Hadrix's rifle. She fired as Micah was pulled back by his sister. Her eyes followed Laura as she moved beneath the upper body of the Rodian- a split second aversion- before training her eyes back on her target. They turned as Aela pulled her brother back, lifting the other hand to cast the Force Stun.

First, the Sith Lord came out of the Force Speed, the technique severed by the Force Stun. Next, the momentum carried by her speed forced her to continue heading forward. In her fall, the Sith lifted her right foot up, to let her momentum carry her in a different direction. As a consequence, Laura's Lightsaber didn't full connect on the Sith's back, but rather a burn along her shoulder carried by the tip of plasma emitting from the top of the cylinder hilt in Laura's hand.

Fortunately, Aela Talith wasn't a trained Jedi. Not yet. Ayra was a person of strong will and focus. So the Force Stun broke, as the Sith Lord pushed her arm out to break her fall. She bent her arm- a fresh shot of pain traveled up her arm from where she was burned- and performed a forward flip into the table ahead, which carried her forward into the wall. The bench impacting the wall forwards her up over the table and a loud thud carried across McYoda's when the Sith Lord's side connected with it. Rebound off the wall, Ayra landed on the table.

Chest heaving from heavy breathing, the Sith pivoted and turned to face the crowd. The smell of singed skin entered Ayra's senses. Her eyes lowered briefly to where it was coming from. The shooter from across the hall had connected on her hip. It hurt like a queen. Her eyes lifted back up to her opponents. No time to check her injuries. Maybe she would do that later. Only time would tell how they would affect her for the remainder of the conflict.

Some would say unadulterated rage- the type that came out of situations that most would consider unnecessary- would be a hindrance most of the time. But given the fact that she had just been tag teamed by seven kids, a shooter and had a fully trained Jedi Knight (she could tell by her sense through the Force) that type of rage, especially for a Sith, was a welcomed thing when it came to what she would do next.

A blood curdling scream, which helped to relieve the pain, escaped from the Sith Lord just as her right hand lifted up, dragged the ceiling on McYoda's down to the floor, where the Talith children and their friends were currently stood. Fortunately it wasn't the metal that kept the vacuum of space and the inside of the Telti complex from being exposed, but rather the duracrete that had been used to help insulate heat in the establishment for comfort. Being only a layer away from exposure to space meant it was cold. But with the help of heaters and other technology, McYoda's was a reasonable comfort.

Nothing comfortable about being crushed by a ceiling, though.

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