Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Bark at the Moon (OS Invasion of Telti)

[member="Darth Veles"]
Location: A8
Objective: Scorn Kindly Sith
Allies: The Light.
Enemies: The Dark.

Without much exaggeration, Phylis was surprised. It was one thing for a Sith to have good manners, that was merely Lawful Evil, it was quite another for one to so easily embrace the Light.
After all, the Sith were not a regime of kindly mentors and healers, they were a conquering force trying to overrun the galaxy. Whilst many Jedi slipped away from the true path of the Light, the thought of a Light Sith was so bizarre as to be laughable.

Thus, she didn’t expect when the Sith Lord seemed almost entirely unaffected by having the Dark Side stripped from him and launched his attack.
Slash and stab, cut and disarm, she parried instinctively, but everything had gone so quickly that she could do little to counter. As his blade came for the hilt of her weapon she awkwardly parried, but in doing so her lightsabre was pulled from her grasp and skittered across the metal floor.

Now disarmed, she faced the Sith. He was shorn of the Dark Side, by virtue of the polarity of the Force less experienced with the Light. She had only seconds before he would attack again, and she had to use that time to formulate a plan. She was tired, but she had one final trick up her sleeve.

She pushed him.

But more than that, she unleashed the most concentrated use of telekinetic energy used so far in the duel to pick the Mon Cal up and drive him like a battering ram back into the far wall and keep him there.

If there were three things which Phylis Alince was a Master at it was Soresu, Force Light, and Telekinesis. She had displayed two so far. This time, harking back to her training with [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], she intended to pick up and squash her opponent against the far wall. With his connection to the Dark Side broken and his Light affinity naturally less, he would likely find it hard to resist.

If this didn’t work, Phylis would have to work on an exit strategy!
[SIZE=9pt]Location: A8[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Objective: Enjoy Phylis’ firm grip[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Allies: No. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Enemies: [member="Phylis Alince"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]And with a hiss, the emerald blade of the Jedi vanished, the lonely hilt rolled over the metal floor and vanished from Veles’ sight, signing an end of this unusual dance. The Jedi Master was now disarmed – not beaten though. Much strength still resided within the seemingly vulnerable woman and what appeared to be a definite victory of the amphibious Sith quickly turned around. Perhaps it also had to do with Avreet’s personality and his mantra; he did not go for a killing move, just as promised. Without any weapon except for the Force, the Sith Lord hoped for the Jedi’s surrender, he wished she could see this battle was pointless as each second spent by fighting mean one second more of needlessly endangering their lives. Veles wanted the Jedi Master to get out, away, to safety before more radical members of his order entered the fight, their lack of mercy being the only thing he could count on. It is necessary to say Avreet did not see himself as particularly merciful; he just saw no reason to slay the unarmed Jedi in cold blood. That wasn’t the Sith way, especially since she’d done nothing to deserve death as far as he knew. Killing this opponent meant a massive loss of honour, going back on his word, ripping apart his own and his beloved former Master’s teachings, proving his own weakness. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Lady Alince, you are beaten.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Thus, Veles’ unwillingness to fight a defeated opponent cost him dearly when the telekinetic blast of energy came at the unprepared Mon Calamari, the sheer force of the attack leaving him no chance to muster up enough energy to partially negate this nasty and utterly cowardly act. Unlike the last time he hit the wall, the Sith moved his free limb and legs back as if intending to launch himself off the metal the moment he impacted, as if to fight against this stream of invisible energy that did not let go! With a heavy thud, the Sith hit the targeted area, his expression finally showing first signs of frustration. His connection to the Light Side wavered as a result, something he quickly realized as the look on his face became calm again, all anger dissolved into nothingness. There was no point in wasting his energy at calling upon the superior strength of the Dark Side when there was little to no Dark Side present. All his hope lied in the option of distracting the Jedi Master enough to break her focus – provided he could move his hands enough.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]With a sigh, the Sith closed his eyes, almost relaxed. He felt no fear and worry concerning his fate – his opponent was honourable enough to go through their deal of not killing each other. Or so Avreet believed. As such, he found the task of staying calm to be very easy despite his predicament. He did not consider the woman to be his enemy in the true sense of the word; he found himself to be more relaxed here and now than around the majority of Sith. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Unfair, Phylis!” he said with a chuckle once his eyes opened again, looking straight at the woman.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]His free hand opened in a palm and released a flash of unnaturally bright light, seemingly similar to the woman’s except for the fact it had no effect on the Force – it was meant purely as a blinding distraction, an attempt to free himself from the Jedi’s telekinetic grasp, have her grip loosen enough for him to break free. To further add to the distracting effect, the Sith Lord had finally decided to utilize his mastery over bending sounds – the flash was accompanied by a loud bang that resonated within the walls of their little arena. [/SIZE]
Location: E8 -> D8
Objective: Why that little.... Successfully capture Ali.
Allies: One Sith | @Darth Parash
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"] and the Republic

Her knee hit the ground with a thud and she winced in pain. She could feel so much angst radiating off of the woman. Who knew she enjoyed doing this so much? Her hand moved to apply pressure to the wound. It sucked that she didn’t know any healing abilities, because this would definitely be a good time to heal herself. Her eyes moved back to Ali, darting from the older woman to the weapon she held.

She felt it’s cold metal on her shoulder. She gritted her teeth, and her hand curled into a fist. The woman walked onward, her whole being a cruel taunt. She should’ve seen the shot coming, but she didn’t actually think Ali had it in her to shoot. However, Tara had underestimated Ali several times before. She definitely wouldn’t give the woman the pleasure of hearing her scream—especially now of all times. She wasn’t a disgrace.

She waited until the older woman had her back turned. Her eyes flashed a deep amber, and sparks began to dance alongside her fingertips. It wasn’t enough for the older woman to ask her to put away her lightsaber, she had to play dirty too. Sitara wasn’t going to submit herself to Ali’s childish antics. She had to remind her exactly who was the alpha here.

And though she lacked experience, she definitely didn’t lack anger. That was the emotion that charged her lightning after all. The electricity jumped from her fingers and hurled towards Ali, charging towards her like a provoked snake. It would grab onto her, moving through her body in rapid circles.

Make this your tribute.

She rested herself on the ground for a few moments, simply sending small torrents of electricity across the room. She stumbled to get up, leaning her shoulder on the wall for support. She drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her other finger was coated with her own blood.

Oh, feth you.
Location: E5 Hanger
Objective: Eliminate Targets
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic ( [member="Steve"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] )
Location: E5 Hanger
Forces: Ten Sith Assassins
Opponents: Republic
With a frown the Zabrak would glance between the pair. They were resilient. Too resilient. They were strong. A smirk suddenly replaced the frown as he continued to look between the two. With a sudden bow of his head, his voice would once more cut the silence. "Well, I believe it is time I left you to your devices. I've kept you busy long enough for the rest of the Sith to complete their goals, no?" Without warning, the ten remaining assassins formed up around the Zabrak, still deflecting the shots from the many other troopers being assaulted by the remaining ships.
Fire surrounded their forms, made by the Sith Lord, and with it the shielded ships came down. All went to rush into their ships, ready to leave unless stopped.
Location: Section D-8
Objective: Escape
Allies: [member=Sitara Qin]
Enemies: Sitara Qin

The 360° view offered by Ali's buy'ce allowed her to track Sitara even as she walked away. Unfortunately, Ali had left it inactive after she'd agreed to become the young woman's captive. Thus, as Ali made her way across the sector, the only warning she received was the quiet crackle of electricity sparking to life at Tara's fingertips. Ali had only begun to turn her head as groping tendrils of pain wrapped themselves around her body. Ali felt pain erupt within her as her body was thrown to the ground with the force of the attack. Bluish laces of energy penetrated her, lancing up and down her spine as if Sitara had wrapped her hand around Ali's cord, ripping her apart from behind.

Ali's bare face struck the ferrocrete ground, a sickening crack resounding as she was rendered immediately unconscious. She came to moments later as her helmet rolled along the floor passed her head, skipping on a piece of rubble and coming to rest against an overturned hovercart. Her vision blurred instantly, gaining and losing focus as she teetered on the brink of consciousness, losing the battle just as the scent of her lover's blood hit her nostrils. Blood of her own wet Ali's forehead as she bled out onto the stone ground, adding her own pints to the thousands.
Whether she would will it or not, Ali truly had returned to her rightful place as Sitara's slave.
Location: D8 -> limping to C8
Objective: Yeah, go dominate that xealonera (It's in Sith, feel free to look it up) .
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"] and the Republic

It was about time someone put her in her place.

That’s what she didn’t like about people. You give them enough freedom and they screw you over. She probably shouldn’t have trusted her with any sort of weapon—be it freaking candles or a gun. She limped against the wall, gritting her teeth. There was just so much blood and the wound still fricking hurt. Who would’ve known guns could make you feel this much pain? It was probably why non force users liked them. They were painful.

She moved towards Ali’s body.

And yes, she was making things up as she went along. She still had no plan. How was she supposed to transport the both of them to section B8? Ali was seemingly unconscious, or rather, she looked like she was about to be. Tara gave her a soft kick—a nudge with her limp foot—and looked around. Crap. This wasn’t a good sight. It was a good thing there was really nobody here.

Though, she could always use some help.

Dammit. The word spread through her mind. Perhaps she could just telepathically carry Ali the whole way? Ah, but that would put so much strain on her. She drew in a deep breath and rested herself against the wall for a small moment. She’d need to get this wound checked out the second they got out of here. Her hand moved in Ali’s direction, before an invisible set of fingers coiled around her body and swept her to the far end of the room.

Sure, that was one way to use your abilities.

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