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Balmoora Buinesses

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
The fall of the new republic based on Caida had hit Harley hard in both his position as a senator and to his business. Ever since the move from Teth to the core he had found it difficult to keep the company running smoothly, but after they had taken Balmorra and put it's factories to work things got better. That and along with the trade routes served to only increase the wealth HCLI pulled in, but now that had all changed.

With the NR now moving to Fondor, and the imperials on Coruscant growing in power the company had been set back. Even with the commercial outpost on world to keep himself situated close to the core, larger more experienced companies threatened to once again take over the local markets. There was just real competing with the major brands of the inner rim, not for someone like him situated all the way out as Nar Hasska.

No, if HCLI wanted to stay afloat in this region they needed allies, people to partner with and grow, preferably with a relatively new company, one that could benefit from his works and vice versa. A company doing something new, innovative, different enough from the rest to gander notice.... he had an idea. It was a long shot, only able to go off a name, [member="Myra"], the owner of Alpha Corp if documents where to be believed.

With a simple hand wave his sectary sent a message, on requesting a possible business meeting with the women at the old senator building.


To say she was surprised to get a business invite by HCLI would not necessarily be true. On one side she had been expecting a flurry of business propositions from corporations since the success of the S.E.N.S.E. but a potential contract from HCLI was too good to be true. Myra was quick to confirm with her own secretary that she would indeed take the meeting and would be leaving immediately on a corporate ship. And just like that she would be on her way.

Only a little while after she would be walking up the steps to the old senator building, accompanied by two men in suits who would obviously be some level of body guard. These guards forever keeping an eye on any crowd that may be around. Here she would wait patiently to be contacted further, hopefully in person.

[member="Harley Fenstermacher"]

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Harley was a patient man and expected the reply from Aplha corp to come much later, seemed luck was on his side when the secretary came in but a few hours later with the report that [member="Myra"] herself was on her way. It didn't leave a lot of time to get a proposal written up, but if he had to guess the reason for the women quick reply may be due to like minded goals. Even if HCLI didn't have a firm grip in the core when compared to other companies it ruled the outer rim, mainly in the areas around Nar Shadda, a many people would find benefit in a partner due to that alone.

​As Harley prepared the meeting room an attendant would greet Myra's arrival, directing her through almost empty senator building, most workers not longer needed as the place served no purpose anymore. "Right this way, Mister Fenstermacher is awaiting you, just let the staff know if you require anything", replied the women before opening the doors to a typical conference area. An oval table sat in the middle, Harley at the far end, which also hosued the main window of the room, overlooking the brown lands of Balmorra. "Ms Myra, CEO of Alpha Corp, welcome to factory planet, I hope your trip was enjoyable".


"My trip was.. tolerable. I really need to invest more into comfort for these company ships." she'd muse as a smirk spreads over her lips, an obvious contrast to the two stern guards flanking her. She'd offer the man her hand to shake, continuing to smile "It is a pleasure to meet you regardless of the fact that this is a business call." After the shake she'd fold her hands behind her back again and raise her eyebrows, looking around the area "I assume we'll be speaking further in somewhere more.. private?"

[member="Harley Fenstermacher"]

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Comfort hu? I you want I can offer you a nice space yacht for transit, at a discount hahahah", it was nice to know she had a sense of humor, Harley chucling for a few more seconds before turning back to his visitor. "It is quite nice to make your acquaintance as well, if need be I can always call you back for a social visit if that is what you desire", the lack of a functioning republic did leave him with a lot more time these days. After shaking hands he walked back around the table, motioning for the other CEO to follow, "certainly, come, it's not large but we will have no eavesdropping back here". A wave of the hand against the wall followed by a door opening, force activated, made hiding it easier, "ladies first".



Myra would give the man an amused smile at his joke before nodding "Maybe a yacht would do me good. I'll certainly have to consider it." Her hands would be folded behind her back, her fingers absentmindedly fidgeting with the ring on her right hand center finger. "A social visit would be pleasant, if I can ever make time for one."

As he heads off she would follow, motioning for her two guards to return to the ship, which they do. She saw no reason to bring them along as the man seemed to not have any intent to harm her. Her eyebrows would raise at the door sliding open "A user of the force? Or is this simply technology I can't see. It's so difficult to tell these days," she muses, giving him another pleasant grin.

[member="Harley Fenstermacher"]


Myra would give the man an amused smile at his joke before nodding "Maybe a yacht would do me good. I'll certainly have to consider it." Her hands would be folded behind her back, her fingers absentmindedly fidgeting with the ring on her right hand center finger. "A social visit would be pleasant, if I can ever make time for one."

As he heads off she would follow, motioning for her two guards to return to the ship, which they do. She saw no reason to bring them along as the man seemed to not have any intent to harm her. Her eyebrows would raise at the door sliding open "A user of the force? Or is this simply technology I can't see. It's so difficult to tell these days," she muses, giving him another pleasant grin.

[member="Harley Fenstermacher"]

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"My products are open market to all and mass produced, I'll always have some around ready to be scoped up if you so desire", he replied in a casual manner while leading now duo into the private meeting area. "Who knows, perhaps the social visit we plan could be on one of said yachts let you take in the amenities while having a relaxing time", kill two birds with one stone, come to think of it he should prohbably get around to making another civil model ship, the NH-SCV-1 was a profitable model.

Leading in he waited until Myra was through the door before closing it once more with a simple force push, turning back to the women with a smirk, "force user, makes it more private as no one can get through without my knowing", even if someone was skilled in hiding their signature he would be able to sense them if they attempted to open the door. "You are right though, such a system could easily be done via holo scanners and other divices to verify my details but that is talk for another day, let us get down to pleasant businesses why don't we, drinks"?



"Drinks? Do you intend to dull my wit?" she muses, grinning at him before shrugging "I'll take wine, if you have any." She'd then proceed to find some sort of chair, or couch to sit on, crossing her legs as she does so.

"I have to say that none of the ships produced by Alpha Corp. have been too particularly note worthy... What's the secret? Comfort? Design? Simplicity? All three mixed with a good price tag?" It was probably the last, but at this point she was just trying to make conversation. These deals were never too particularly interesting without some chatter.

[member="Harley Fenstermacher"]

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"I doubt a bit of drink will bull your senses, call it a hunch", he joked, pressing a button on the side of the wall, a small wiring sound echoing before a tray with some wine was produced, along with two glasses. taking the bottle he poured both to half full, handing one to the now reclined women, "her you are, some nice Corellian, easier to get around this part of the inner rim, and quite nice".

With refreshments done he two settled down onto the same couch, laying slightly against the arm rest. "The secret, I'd say all of the above, variety is what keep HCLI going, we focus on making a good range of items, to the point that we have something for everyone, if not, costume orders are available". His explanations stopping for a second while taking a sip of the red liquid, "it does mean that we focus more on design then developing new tech for our craft". "Hence why we do a lot of lend leasing with other companies, we focus on making the final product and are able to make a good range while other companies make the small components". One example would be their ship engines, all of them being produced by Zyane Industries, which of recent was a subsidiary of HCLI, but until now had stood on it's own legs.



She would smile gracefully as she'd take the cup, swishing it around the glass before taking a sip. Her eyebrows would shoot up in surprise and approval before taking another sip, seeming satisfied with this turn of events. She would listen carefully, seeming both intrigued and attentive, often nodding along with what he has to say. "That certainly makes sense... But I feel like Alpha Corp. should prioritize on creating its own technology instead of borrowing other's innovations. Nothing wrong with that, but this course simply meets my goals for the company. A healthy R&D Department will most likely be our back bone aside from money made off of the S.E.N.S.E."

She knew her company was still mostly known for the video games and digital worlds it crafted. But already her people were designing armors and ships on the edge of modern technology, and she was proud of that.

[member="Harley Fenstermacher"]

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
He gave a few nods towards Myra as she explained her companies current position and outlook as of current. "For you that would make sense for the time being, your company is coming out new, targets quite a different market, I would not worry about your popularity at the moment". "Also your own company would be ideal to be one that would be a lend leaser, the S.E.N.S.E while mainly for the entertainment market would be something other companies would be interested in for other applications".

There was more to it then that, like location and past business dealings, she had inherited a fully functioning company, one that had a decent name and user base, he had taken his fathers old shipping firm and completely reworked it. "Actually, choosing yourself to continue R&D development of your own innovations is what I kind of want your company to focus on if we are going to be in business together", he replied in a teasing manner, taking another sip from the wine glass nestled between his fingers.



"Well, I'm glad my outlook fits with yours. Makes cooperation quite easy." She'd take another sip of wine before giving a sigh and raising her eyebrows "So, what is it exactly that you want Mr. Fentstermacher? Let's put the niceties aside and talk business." It was in her experience that the niceties that came before business often drew on for far too long. She has infuriating memories of a corporation of resort centers who insisted she stay at one for a week before they would do business. Her time was valuable after all, so she saw no reason to beat around the bush any longer.

"Your company has a plethora of products to offer, my company will soon as well. I assume your offer has something to do with the S.E.N.S.E? I should warn you I have already have had several offers of companies and individuals seeking to use it for more than entertainment." She wasn't necessarily unpleasant, but the warm smile has been replaced by one a little more tactical and guarded, maybe even a tad suspicious.

[member="Harley Fenstermacher"]

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Yes it does and yes let us get down to business, plenty of time to talk and have fun later, wouldn't want to make your bodyguards worry with how long you are spending in here". Keeping the coy smile he set down the glass of wind, turning his full attention towards the women, listening to the words she spoke. Hes was eager to hear her reaction to the proposal in mind, high hopes that his idea was different from the other companies that had put forward offers.

"My need for the S.E.N.S.E is indeed the main focuse of this meeting, but I believe the purpose of my needs are not what you think". "You device is able to render people inside a simulation that is real, very very real, almost too real, for me that type of technology would be ideal for my own R&D". "As it stand HCLI has a high quality margin, all our products are tested before being put on the market, as one would suspect that takes time and money, not something we can afford with our outerim position".

"What if though, we have a virtual world, one like our own, a place were we could test components and certain aspects of a product we are making, a place were we can run simulations, have people test drive our craft, it would make development easier, faster and cheaper". In turn they would save money, keep their latest developments under tighter wraps and bring out new inovations faster then other companies. "I know the S.E.N.S.E as it is does not allow for such high level use, but the technology is there, ready to be built on, that is what I need from your Alpha Corp". "Of course the benifit for you would be a reliable and steady customer in need of your services, along with their already established trade lanes which you may use at your own will".



This, was actually a surprise. She half expected this man to explain he was training his own private military force and was in need of simulations, or wanted some sort of resort simulation for his upper staff to relax in when they weren't working but could still be in the building if needed. Yet little surprise is shown in her expression other than a slightly pleased smile. "Well, we have several options-" she'd begin, taking another sip of her wine. "I can lend you several skilled individuals who are skilled in working with S.E.N.S.E. worlds and who can design objects, ships, gear, or anything really as well as design the world and testing space for these objects. This world they would design would be hosted by us, in its own private server with its own generator and the highest security measures. All of this at a discount as long as we share these trade lanes you speak of."

She would explain all this rather mater-o-factly, almost reciting it from a booklet. "Our second option is that we sell you any of the gear you may need and let you hire your own specialists. Again, with the discount due to the trading lanes." She'd think for a second before nodding to herself as confirming some thought before looking at him quizzically "Unless you have a third option?"

[member="Harley Fenstermacher"]

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
He was unsure of the women's reaction to his idea, if she was surprised or not, though gut feeling told him the idea was not something she expected. As an Echani, even if Myra had shown little emotion he could still pick up on certain parts. It was nice to know his idea was something new, would hopefully make things easier in the coming dealing he put forward. With her interested peaked Harley laid back, listening to her suggestions about what she could do to accommodate such an idea, both options sounding quite appealing to him.

"I like both concepts, you certainly think quickly", he replied taking another sip from the wine glass, though now finding it empty, so far impressed by how detailed the options were. "Personally I would prefer you company to make this detailed world as you have far more experience in this area and can thus get it done quicker and cheaper then me attaining the tech and having to work from the ground up". "Also having you work on the tech means you have a chance to further expand your business more between the two of us and keep things rolling, far more beneficial then a one time purchases". "All I'd ask for that is first pick when new installments come out, just to keep ahead of others, if you understand what I mean", a small wink coming from him while filling up his glass again.

"Currently I don't have much of a third option, though if you'd be willing, if lets say I come up with some ideas for the S.E.N.S.E or certain productions that could improve the performance of the simulations I'd like to have you upgrade them for me, but keep it closed door".



"It is good to side on the experts on these things-" She'd confirm, smiling at the compliment before her face goes back to her previous resolved expression "I can't quite give you first picks, as that would be unfair to anyone else who wants to be equally as privileged. At Alpha Corp. we do a tier system, Tiers one through ten. We can put you at tier one, to get updates and patches the fastest, but it will cost you monthly, and it isn't cheap." She sounds almost apologetic, although the authenticity of that can be called into question. "But I will send some of my most skilled programmers over with some equipment to set up the mainframe wherever you'd like, you can just direct them there. And then you can simply direct them to design it how you'd like. Does that sound acceptable?"

She seemed eager to make this deal, especially with the potential of another tier 1 subscription. They were rare, and brought in a lot of cash flow in for Alpha Corp. So she always felt somewhat accomplished at sealing a deal with a tier 1 subscriber.

[member="Harley Fenstermacher"]

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Harley's expression softened for a bit, going to a more thinking look, a hand rising to his chin as Myra continued to elaborate on the coming deal. "I see, not taking favors, sad but I understand, can't take sides just yet, wouldn't want to make some big wigs unhappy". Still no bother, her tier system would work find, perhaps a cost benefits assessment would be needed before he would make a final call. "Hold off on the tiers for just a bit until we have things up and running, then one we have started profiting from this new tech then we can subscribe, don't want to use all our saved money just paying to keep us top tier".

"I appreciate the offer for your skilled designers, I find these conditions acceptable for the time being, I must say this has been quite the fruitful visit already, and we have only been talking for a few minutes, funny that". This was probably the quickest and most relaxed businesses meeting he had ever been in, definitely not something to forget soon. "So, would there be anything you would like to discuss? I know you are busy but some small talk is still on the table".



Myra would give the man one of her signature kind grins before giving a brief nod "There is actually something, have you heard of the Trade Federation?" She'd start off, raising her eyebrows questioningly before continuing on before he really has the opportunity to respond "They were, at least for a while, one of the most powerful bodies in the galaxy. I'm seeking to bring something similar back, a Galactic Corporate Confederation." She would take another sip of wine, letting this sink in. Her glass, now empty, is then placed on the nearest table before. "I'm still working out the finer details but the basics are that every corporation who joins gets discounts on every other corporation's products, defend each other in times of crisis, and we will have a central hub for conferences, social galas, and business events where we can show off our newest wares. Ultimately I'd like to form a council of the richest CEOs in the galaxy to help form policy and lead the Confederation, but that's a little too far away to plan for. You are, after all, the first I'm bringing this up with."

[member="Harley Fenstermacher"]

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
A cocked eyebrow came from Harley at those words, the answer would have seemed obvious, but he decided to let the women speak her mind, sensing there was more to it. His arm folded, face expressing a inquisitive gaze, this idea was certainly something to take. "A corporate coalition of sorts where each member company supports each other to increase investment opportunity, profits and allows fall back in case of hard times". Certainly a lot of advantages to have, more for him if competing with core world enterprise would become a norm, having a powerful set of allies didn't sound all to bad. "Though I have to ask, are you telling me this because my company mainly produces military craft? after all your promise for protection in this new 'federation' won't work if you don't have your own, supplier for arms". If so sneaky, he liked that, thinking ahead and approaching the right people to get the ball rolling, and right after they had settled a good deal between each other, this girl was good.


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