Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Baliss-Cortess Mining Firm

Corporation Name: Baliss-Cortess Mining Firm

Headquarters: Alderaan

Locations: Alderaan

Operations: Phrik mining and refinement

Rationale: While House Cortess and Baliss have not always been the closest of friends, the two aren’t entirely enemies. So when young lord Damion in House Cortess wanted to buy a mine from his uncle, he turned to his friend Jonathan for the extra capital. Of course Jonathan provided it, and his name went on the deed same as Damian's. But Damian decided he had had enough, and stormed House Baliss grounds. While the combined forces of House Baliss and the Royal Guard drove Damian's forces back, House Baliss was given the phrik mine as well as rights to a joint company between Baliss and Cortess.

Tier: Tier 1

Description: Baliss-Cortess is a small mining firm on Alderaan that controls a few mines rich in Phrikite ore. While they are new to the galactic scene, House Cortess has had connections to the outside world for this sort of thing for a while. Now, with the support of House Baliss, they plan to move outwards, expanding into other areas, and, with time, attempting to monopolize the Phrik trade on Alderaan before moving to other planets.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source: N/A
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Hi [member="Jonathan Baliss"]! I will be reviewing this submission.

Jonathan Baliss said:
Locations: None
  • If the company has only the one location (Alderaan), just list that here as well. :)
Also just as a reminder, development threads are still required when mining restricted materials.
[member="Jamie Pyne"]


And I understand that dev threads will always be needed. The idea was to provide somewhere groups could easily go to do a dev thread if they don't want to do it alone.

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