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Approved Tech Baktoid Electronic Warfare Cybernetic Enhancements.

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Alli Wren

Intent: To allow the user to have the aid of a computer without lugging around a data pad or other things.
Manufacturer: Baktoid Industries
Model: XR-02
Affiliation: Baktoid Industries
Modularity: It is a series of cybernetic upgrades to enhance one's self.
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Circuits, Mythra, Duralium
Range: 92 Meters outside 46 meters inside
HUD: Speech activated.
Description:This series of cybernetics is the way of the future enabling people to have all the benefits of various electronic systems normally carried on your person, implanted on your very person. The fist part of this cybernetic implant is the Baktoid Industries equivalent of a Psicom 1260 interface. It allows one to directly interface with droids and computers using the chips wireless user interface. It then steps it up by using a cybernetic enhancement using the Baktoid equivalent of Psicom 126 interface modules to interface with your ocular nerve, enabling you to see a HUD , and interface with com. It also combines this with subcutaneous communications hardware that allows you to interface with your voice, and the devices. It is a fairly complicated surgery which involves a health risk, and some question it's ethics. With Baktoid Industries recent purchase of Psicom, though anything is possible as already Baktoid has begun making it easier to use its existing droid and other machinery to supplement these upgrades. When combined to a personal communications array from a ship or satellite or some other machinery nearby and an special antenna device on your person you can extend its range. It is the future for elite soldiers, and while it is expensive some might feel its worth the cost. The Wireless Module uses a search function to detect objects to interact with that are within its range and compatable.

Psicom 1260 interface
psicom 126 interface module


Disney's Princess
I think your getting the hang of this.
  • I'm gonna need a wireless maximum range of the personal unit.
  • Does the wireless module use Line-of-Sight to interface or a Search Function.
  • HUD interaction. Holographic touch keypad, speech activated? No mind-reading of a Human Brain.
  • Hacking or acquiring a bigger antenna boosts the range? Seems legit. Okay. But, Hyperspace messages are sent like E-mail packets across space. So Network hacking outside of your current light-speed connection cannot be done in Real-Time. IE: Your maximum networked hacking range in Real Time is your current planet. The moment you touch FTL your working in packets.

Alli Wren

Jay Scott Clark said:
I think your getting the hang of this.
  • I'm gonna need a wireless maximum range of the personal unit.
  • Does the wireless module use Line-of-Sight to interface or a Search Function.
  • HUD interaction. Holographic touch keypad, speech activated? No mind-reading of a Human Brain.
  • Hacking or acquiring a bigger antenna boosts the range? Seems legit. Okay. But, Hyperspace messages are sent like E-mail packets across space. So Network hacking outside of your current light-speed connection cannot be done in Real-Time. IE: Your maximum networked hacking range in Real Time is your current planet. The moment you touch FTL your working in packets.
Lets see 92 meters outside 42 meters inside, a search function, HUD is speech activated and of course, I would expect nothing else about the range, as that totally makes sense though really all wireless / traffic from computer to computer is via packets, it just would take far to long to do it practically in FTL.


Disney's Princess
Yeah. Sorry, my lingo is dated. Lol. But I think you got the drift of the Hyperspace thing anyway. :D

Give me something in the Materials section and I'll approve it. Oh, and lose the triple-double spaces between the sources. Double space works just fine.
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