Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Backwater

Kyra gave each one a long long before turning, her mistrust clear as day. Quick movements retrieved rope, of which she just as quickly cut into pieces with her saber and brought over to Trexan. Where they had both been trying to hide their status of force users from each other, now neither cared to hide. He was force restraining someone, she was slashing through rope.

Where there should have been questions there was a quiet acceptance. It wasn't as if they both hadn't suspected. And now they had a common enemy to focus on.

"Bring his arms together," she ordered, tensely approaching the first one.
At some point he would go though the last hour and put all the events in order. He would almost certainly be struck with embarrassment at how easily she had manipulated him. Right now Trextan was focused on the trandoshan. It irked him that they had tried to ambush the sled. He didn't tell well to being shot at.

Technically they had shot at Kyra whilst he circled around, but still.

"Look," he said to the trandoshan as he was bound. "I'm not very good at getting information out of people's heads. So if you don't want your brain turned to mush maybe just agree to tell me exactly where this camp is?"
Kyra grunted, tying the bounds as tightly as her strength allowed.

"Getting information from their heads?" She echoed softly, understanding for the first time what someone mighta meant when they said something like that. She knew that skill now. Sorta. Something like it. She brushed a pebble from her palm as the lizard person hissed a response. She understood none of it. But she did start to wonder if she could do something about that.

If she could go into JJ's head, why couldn't she go into this beast?

She circled around him, considering it for a moment. Her features contorted in disgust, the girl quickly concluding she wanted nothing to do with the inner workings of their twisted minds.

Without even pausing to ask what the creature said, she took the blunt end of a rock and smashed it into the gut. "That helping?" She grimaced, glancing back at Tristan?
"Think you'd better let me know the rest before she really loses her temper," Trextan said. Yet as the trandoshan bowed over he looked sharply towards Kyra.

He gave a quick shake of his head, eyes wide in surprise.

[Fine. I will direct you.] the trandoshan hissed in his tongue. Trextan roughly shoved the reptile into the back of the sled. He drew the blaster from his hip, thumbed it into stun mode. There were two blue flashes as he ensure the other two would stay down.

"Stay in the back and watch him," Trextan said the Kyra as he sat up front to take the controls. He was growing more concerned about the zeltron girl.
"Give me your gun," Kyra ordered, sitting on the side of the sled, her back half to Tristan with their sides lined up. She held out her hand, her gaze sharp and unwavering on the lizard people as the two settled in. The sled started off, her gut churning in an emotion she couldn't indentify.

Trepidation? Exhilaration? Disbelief?

Something like that.

"How do you know they won't set us up for a trap?" She asked sharply.
The blaster made a soft schlock as it was drawn from its holster. He clicked the catch into the stun position and handed it over.

Why am I working with here? He asked himself. The circumstances leading to him riding along with the Zeltron were all a little hazy.

"It might be an ambush, keep your head down if I tell you to like last time," he said curtly. Any of the pheromones left in his system had been chased away by adrenaline. This was a problem he was certain he could deal with himself.
"Not necessary," she quipped back, finding the button back and forth between stun and kill. "I can handle myself." She gave the lizard person a meaningful glare.

"Aint that right." It hissed at her, recognizing the girl that had wreaked havoc on his ship.

"Bastard," she growled back, kicking at it. Frustration sat in her gut, the girl wishing she could have a quick solution for dealing with the whole lot that could guarantee they'd all remain a non issue. The easiest solution was killing them all, but Yuroic's confession floating inside her mind as she stared the creature down.
"Oi!" Trextan called. He turned around far enough that he could wag a finger at Kyra.

"Leave him alone now unless he tries anything. He's bound. You can't just go lashing out at him."

There wasn't much anger on his face, but he shot the girl a determined glare.

"And you...why did someone go through all that effort to have a few low rent slavers skip jail?"

It didn't make sense to him. There were plenty more trandoshan slavers. Why would anyone go through the cost and risk of sending mandalorians to break them free. Now they were just hiding on a backwater.
He received a stubborn pout at his words, the girl refraining from anymore untoward kicking.

"Now you're asking the real questions!" She exclaimed, turning from him to glare at the conscious lizard person again. "I don't know. And people aren't caring like they should! They all keep saying it's not important." She grumbled, subtly nudging at the lizard's leg. "And they're not just slavers. They're murders and terrorists too. ... Why do you care?" She glanced over her shoulder, the boy not exempt from her sour mood.
"Oh, you're just going to turn that anger on me instead of getting some control over it then?" he asked, voice dripping with sarcasm. He didn't like the idea of working with a rogue force user who couldn't guard her emotions. It could be dangerous. He knew first hand how toxic the dark side was, how easy it was to welcome its embrace of power.

"I care because they were attacking a defenceless town and it doesn't make sense," he replied. He squared his shoulders and dared her to contradict him. "They were worth a lot to someone and now they're hiding."

"Why didn't someone want you in jail? Or someone owe your boss a big favour?" Trextan asked. The trandoshan seemed in no mood to answer.

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