Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back to Sullust...for a little while.

Returning from Illum, Sullust hadn't been Nia's first choice to come back to. She'd stolen from the Temple, fencing the items to finance her trip off-world. There hadn't been much choice because, first, it had been a long trip from one place to the other. Second, it was perilously close to One Sith space.

So she took what she had to because she had to go. Nia had been coming apart inside since Dulvoyinn, racked with nightmares and a feeling of guilt. True, she felt guilty, leaning back against a building in a marketplace. But it was for taking something that could be replaced.

Even something as rare as lightsaber crystals could be acquired. Lives couldn't be replaced with such casual ease. She'd went to Illum on a kind of vision quest, looking for answers and a sense of peace. Answers had come but not those she'd been expecting to hear. Nor had she wanted to hear them, but hear them she had.

She'd entered the crystal caves not certain if she wanted to be a Jedi. She'd returned now, not certain if she still was one anymore. When Triam had returned her to Sullust, the pilot had business on the world despite Nia's protests, Nia had asked to be dropped off as far from the Temple as possible.

So she found herself in the market near the smaller, tertiary spaceport, not a great deal of credits in her pockets and wondering what to do next. Beings passed her by, paying the small human female no mind. Without her robes, there really wasn't anything to set her apart. She'd traded those in a shop for her current attire, a boy's dark grey coat replacing the distinctive brown robes.

Nia had hidden her lightsaber hilt under the jacket, too. That had been another thing she hadn't wanted, to retain the weapon. But here she was with it still, back where she started, more or less. Sighing as she crossed her arms, she tilted her head back with eyes closed.

What was she going to do and where was she going to....

[member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Jannik Morlandt"]
[member="Nia Siroc"] [member="Jannik Morlandt"]

"Right, gonna get her fueled up." Chloe told Jannik, engines coming down to a soft whine as she shut off their power. They were here at the Alliance capital to restock and refuel. Maybe even get a bit of news on what was going on round the place. They'd likely stay a few days, stretch out the legs and catch up.

Honestly, she was looking forward to grabbing some frozen burritos. Those were some of her favorite things when coming dirtside or onto an ATC trade station.

"You got the list right?" she asked, referencing the checklist that would detail the foodstuffs, parts, and what-have-you the Aurora needed.

"If you need me, just comm," there flashed that whimsical grin, bright blue eyes of the Corellian shinning with warmth.

"Try not to get lost."

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