Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back and eager to jump into the RP

Sebastian Thel

Hey guys! It's been a long time coming, but I've really been missing RP recently and want to get involved in Chaos again.

I'm now half-way through my novel and while I've been thoroughly enjoying it, I need a change of pace. I've decided to bring back Sebastian, as I've had a lot more practice writing him off the site and I have much better idea of how I want to write him.

I'm down to continue any threads that I never got to finish with him, if you're okay with me making some slight changes to his character. I'm making him a new character sheet and when it's done, I'll be ready to start RPing.

Anybody who was in a thread with Sebastian and would like to continue it, let me know. However, I would also love to start some new RPs, so hit me up if you don't have one with him already.

I'm happy to be back and I look forward to writing with you again!

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